#that's juls and val 😭
bluehairperson · 1 year
Apprenticember! Day 3 and 4
Day 3: Give a short summary of their relationship to the other main characters!
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Day 4: What about the courtiers? What do they think of them?
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chermanji · 2 years
any tips for coming up with a pseudonym?? currently at a loss rn…
ah those are so hard 😭 but keeping them relatively short, so it’s easy for moots/followers to remember and also easy to tag!
People usually pick things that are far from their actual name. I always pick things that I think sound good. I picked Val in my other account bc it was short for valentine and was easily remembered and cute. I’ve seen people choose things like cherry, kaz, jul, luna, remi, etc.
It’s mostly about what you think sounds good and what you think will fit your style/blog. And remember that you can always change your pseudonym if you don’t like it or grow out of it! I’m sorry if this doesn’t help much, but I also struggled a lot with finding my own pseudonym! So don’t worry to much about it and have fun with it :3
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