#the 'i'm very socially awkward' scene is so fucking bad though im not defending it
aq2003 · 4 months
a criticism that i absolutely despise about thirteen is the "she's socially awkward, less confident, and more nervous about coming off as weird and this is out of character" take. because this ties into one of her defining character traits as an incarnation. yes all the doctors previous have been strange and offputting to some degree and have mainly not cared about coming off that way (save for ten, who mostly does want to come off as a friendly affable dude and asks if he's being rude sometimes but doesn't have moments where he's apologetic about his oddness in itself). but for thirteen her whole deal is that after twelve's dying wish was basically "ALWAYS BE NICE TO PEOPLE NO MATTER HOW MUCH ETERNAL RAGE AND SADNESS YOU KEEP IN YOUR SOUL" she tries to hide/repress any negative, less "presentable" sides of her from her close friends even when they can tell she's trying to hide it and are attempting to offer emotional support. she tries to be conscious of how she comes off after like, centuries of not really giving a fuck about this. and she clearly struggles with it and this is why she feels so fish-out-of-water in multiple different ways. it's not out of nowhere nor is it ooc (especially bc it was something you saw a little bit of with ten)
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