#the feathers falling around them all like he's shedding... like he's being reborn...?
beldaroot · 9 months
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dagda voicing the absurdity of how a hat can distinguish between good and bad and then coco specifically ripping the brim of coustas' hat to show how easily you can switch between a brimhat and a pointy hat... there are layers to this!
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Dragon Dancer III: Godfall
Major Spoilers: Spoils Luminous and The Finale of Book 3 and current story line
Trigger Warnings: Cruel Imagery
His face was inches from mine. But it wasn’t in a mask. It was a face I knew. Tachibana’s face.
“H...how...?” I managed to grunt before he let me go.  I collapsed.
“Soul Skill: Doppleganger. It was far easier to get what I needed done if I could play both sides. Of course, in order for you to survive, I had to sacrifice the Tachibana identity... but at that point it had fulfilled its purpose.”
I looked to where the King’s body had been but there was nothing there. Frozen transfixed, I struggled to breathe, moaning with the effort.
“I’m afraid we’re out of time.” He retrieved the parasite's container. “The ritual begins now.”
He returned to me and grabbed me by my hair. I heard the box open. Something cold and wet touched my skin. I couldn’t even struggle as it crawled around my body. But then it stopped.
The King dropped me. Shattering pain exploded inside. I cried, helpless.
The King put the baby down just out of my reach. The parasite was attached to its temple. My eyes burned and tears fell when the corrosive spider silk began to grow from its little nose, tiny chin, round feet and fingertips and connected to the silks already covering the red well.
“No... No...” I tried to get up reaching out to him.
The King marched over and put his boot on the hilt of the blade in my back and pushed down hard. The tip pierced the ground, pinning me. “You’re not going anywhere, if you teleport you die quicker. The Sword of Damocles is for you.”
The silk formed something like a crochet blanket around the child. “You can’t save him now. His soul is already lost.”
The baby sat completely still among the silk. There was no light in his eyes any more.
Somewhere outside my vision, the King continued his lecture. “The White King never had any intention of helping humanity achieve eternal life. She only wanted to extend her own own existence by using humans as a host for her own rebirth. Behold your son, the Light King."
He was not my son. My son was dead. The cocoon had nearly enclosed him like a lacy casket.
"As a newly reborn dragon, the White King’s blood has the strongest effect and the weakest toxicity.”
His voice grew louder as he returned. “I was going to use you as a host and let the child grow up with me as a dragon... but... This is not a permanent setback.”
“I must say despite that you were very valuable to me. I couldn’t have fought Chisei on my own.” He gave me a mocking sneer with Tachibana's face, unwrapping a thick needle and medical tubing. “Thanks.”
My lungs spasmed painfully against the blade in my chest. I coughed a red mist to the ground.
“Herzog... I... hate you... I hate... you!”
He inserted the needle into the child’s neck, attached the tubing and inserted the other end into his wrist. Bright red blood flowed from the baby through the tubing into him. I struggled to break free of the sword. I looked to the unconscious Chisei. I filled my lungs with air, sobbing. "I'm going to kill you!"
Herzog’s eyes began to grow golden. His skin started to shed those white filaments until he was cocooned. His laughter could be heard within. Then moaning, choking, and a low guttural snarl.
I forced my elbows under me, but I was fastened to the ground and losing strength.
I could only watch as a claw tore open the silk. What emerged was no man, but something similar to a death Servitor, pure gleaming white. Two membrane wings split the cocoon down the middle.
It fell over, legless with wings and arms only, but it still had a human face. It was only a little longer than a man was tall but the size belied  power Herzog now had. It aimed its eyes to the sky and beat its pinions to soar up out of sight, out of reach.
I sank back to the ground, gazing at the pale, cold body of my son. I'd failed Chime and this little one. But I no longer had the strength to cry.
"Daddy... I tried."
A familiar voice shouted my name, a pair of sneakers kicked up dust next to my face.
Mingfei yanked the sword out of me and tossed it aside. "Carli..."
I couldn't help but smile. This was so familiar, just like in the cave when he held me as I turned servitor. He was holding me now, crying, as I died again. I would have laughed but at this point, but each breath was a conscious choice.
Mingfei was screaming. "Save her! Save her, damn it! I don't care what you do! W...wait who ...who are you?"
As my vision dimmed, I thought I could see my father, prismatic scales sparkling in his own light. He was standing over me.
I blinked, remembered the dragon words he taught me. "Eternal... Cycle, Unity in All Things.... Self-suffi...."
The final gasp of adrenaline in my chest was fruitless. I went limp and it felt like falling into darkness.
I never would have stopped falling were it not for a sudden call. "Carli."
"Chisei?" He was in the darkness with me. He had golden eyes. I remembered Johann.
I couldn't leave someone.
But which someone? Johann? Or Mingfei? My mind was muddled and I couldn't decide, but I just didn't want to leave this dark place without Chisei.
I felt myself being drawn back up. Breathe. I needed to breathe! I grabbed Chisei's coat. "Come back with me!"
Those cold killer eyes regarded me briefly.
And he smiled.
I came back into my body, gasping for air, but something was different. I couldn't see anything but white. The world was strangely loud. I could see and sense the invisible forces that composed it. Fire, Earth... Wind... Water.
Mingfei's commanding call made me stretch the length of my body, my clawed hand of glassy scales reached in front of my eyes. 
Chisei! I gasped with joy. He came back with me! He'd turned away from death and knew my name! 
"Johann! Johann!" My heart beat loud in my ears, eager to reunite with my loves.
I stretched my wings and they burst from my cocoon, tearing it completely apart. Bright white and gold feathers draped from my back like the train of a wedding dress, as crystalline as diamonds. Next to me, a dark-scaled person stood with black membrane wings and a human face. "Mingfei?"
An intimidating aura radiated from him. His reptilian eyes made me shudder.
He held out his clawed hand to me. "Can you fly?"
His wings stirred the air and he rose from the ground. I followed, shedding the last shreds of the cocoon. After two experimental beats I could let go of him. Together we tasted the freedom of dragon flight. The ground shrank away, the endless sky spread above.
Mingfei's smile made me blush. He seemed suddenly mature and mischievous.
Another form zoomed past me leaving us behind, silver-scaled, like a flying bullet. In one wing stroke I caught up to him. 
Chisei looked different. He was even more reptilian before, eyes covered with a faceted scale that made him look like he had insect eyes. He was larger, stronger, faster, but I had the feeling he was not nearly as strong as I was.
I felt that power surge through my muscles and beat my wings once again and accelerated past him. Mingfei matched my speed then surpassed it. I laughed.
I wasn’t angry or filled with hatred any more. I was enthralled with my own power. I spread my wings to stop myself. There was one I was missing. He was coming. Always so slow.
Turtle. I mocked him in my mind.
As I looked in the distance, I became aware of a roaring sound coming towards me. I blinked. They were like birds, but moved more like fish, fins stiff, stuck straight out their sides.
Fighter jets.
This was a human's world and I was a dragon. I was the enemy.
I forgot.
I called Mingfei and Chisei in my mind. We turned away from the aircraft and split up. I blinked into the darkness of the void  and returned behind the jets without bothering to visualize first. Slipping in and out of this reality was so much easier for me now.
I wouldn’t permit the other dragons to harm the humans inside. Just disable their aircraft. Mingfei attacked from below and ripped out their engines. Chisei severed the wings. They obeyed my orders immediately and without question.
The real target was up ahead.
Herzog was not difficult to find. He was recklessly toying with the Earth’s elements, aiming destructive tsunamis, typhoons and earthquakes at the helpless human population. He was like me. Control of these powerful forces was only a thought away. 
He was playing with the lives of humans just like a child who didn’t understand his actions, dancing and laughing in the sky, creating disaster as though jumping in puddles on a rainy day.
I screamed a command at him to stop. The command reverberated for miles around. Far below, every living thing trembled.
From within the clouds, I could feel his attention directed at me in indignation at my authoritative voice, the one who dared challenge his newfound reign.
 The feathers turned from white to red and whipped out like bright tendrils, like I was flying with wings of fire. I aimed at him, bright like a comet in the sky.
Mingfei roared at my side. Far below us the corpses of the Devil Clan and the Hydra Elite forces, who had been entombed in silk, burst out and took to the air as Death Servitors under his command. 
The war would continue! Dragon against dragon!
Herzog turned and began to climb into the air above the clouds. But I was gaining on him, his tail growing closer to my teeth. He let out a furious howl of frustration. He turned and dove, seeking an escape, only to fly right towards Chisei’s gaping maw. He dodged at the last second, snatching his wing from between the silver dragon’s jaws. 
Another surge of strength stretched the flames of my wings even farther, turning them white hot.  Pursued and hounded by an ascended Chisei, Herzog couldn’t dodge me and we collided. I embraced him and sank my teeth into his neck. He twisted out of my grip, howling as my fiery wing tip lashed him across the eye.
Desperate gripping his bleeding eye, he dove down at high speed. I didn’t follow him, letting Mingfei and Chisei pursue. As soon as he broke below the cloud cover however, he was met with yet another force of nature: A blast of heat so fierce it punched a hole through the clouds.
Chu Zihang. His scales were molten hot, shimmering like lava, and like a volcano he was in a constant state of blast and eruption.
Herzog’s wings folded limp, thin tendrils of smoke rising from his singed scales. After moving away some distance, he pivoted on one wingtip and aimed his eyes towards me, nearly invisible, arrayed in the glare of my wings of pure light.
Mingfei’s wings stroked against mine, completely unharmed, still holding on to the metal he’d torn from the jetfighters. I batted him away. He laughed.
He addressed Herzog. “Humans are really stupid aren’t they? Dr. Herzog. You have successfully evolved into a dragon after years and years of time, toil and countless human lives and yet we have achieved it in an instant.”
The newly hatched White King didn’t respond. This new so-called Dragon God had nothing to say.
“You made me sad. And when I’m sad, I want to kill. It doesn't matter to me if I kill a fellow dragon.”
“Who are you... what are you? What are you?!” Herzog hissed, trembling in fear and pain.
Mingfei's wings stroked the air. “I’m Zero... didn’t I tell you? As for who I am, you should be able to guess.”
“It’s you! It’s you! It’s you! You... you are him!” He pointed his clawed finger screaming with disbelief.
I’d never seen a dragon so cringing and pathetic. Was this really the White King? I turned to ‘Mingfei’, happy to finally have had a mystery unlocked in the end. No wonder I preferred him over all. It was only logical. His voice in my head was like a booming church bell.
“You are such a great existence...” I whispered to him.
“And yet you still reject my touch.” He replied.
I grinned at him.
Herzog was beside himself in shock and disbelief. “I was so close to the world’s ultimate power!”
Lu finally grew irritated. “What you call power is a pathetic imitation. At any rate... at least you’ve dressed well for your funeral.”
Herzog stopped yelling a moment to stare in shock.
Mingfei's voice dripped with derision. “Isn’t it your funeral tonight? You didn’t think you were going to leave here alive did you?” Mingfei looked into the sky. “This moonlit night is very suitable for burying a king. The rise and fall of a God in one night. Unprecedented.”
Herzog beat his wings, writhing and seething with anger. “I can’t believe it! So many years! So many years to get here and in the end, who do I meet but YOU! You are DEAD! You! LONG AGO! DEAD!”
Mingfei snorted. “You rebel against reality, but there is only one here who can truly change what’s real and what’s not. You exist only by her permission,” Mingfei chuckled.
“What are you saying...? I don’t know what you’re talking about!”
Mingfei folded his arms across his chest. “You made a mistake. You offended someone who you shouldn’t have, Herzog.”
The newly hatched White King turned to me. He opened his mouth at me and directed a powerful soul skill. Royal Fire. 
Mingfei looked at me with a confident smile. The flames only reached half way before Mingfei spoke. “Canceled.”
The flames, as powerful as a nuclear bomb, dissipated.
Herzog was taken aback. He tried another. “Wind Lord’s Stare!” A powerful tempest swirled in front of me. “Cancel...” said Mingfei. It died before arriving.
Scorch! Canceled!
Glacier! Canceled!
Majesty! Canceled!
I tilted my head at him. “Are you showing off?”
Mingfei shrugged. “I know that if I used my Soul Skills they wouldn’t be effective against him either. We cancel each other out. You can end him with a word and yet you don’t do it.”
I turned away from him momentarily.
He took the two pieces of metal fragments he carried in his claws and in a moment they melted. He molded them into the form of a large sword. 
The swords called The Seven Deadly Sins were forged after the death of the White King to kill the four dragon lords. They would not be effective against the White King.
But this one that Lu Mingfei created was specific for this opponent. He let out a roar and charged forward, Chisei and Zihang flying after him. The legion of death Servitors joined the fray.
To the people on the ground, it sounded like a horrific storm of strong wind and thunder. Dragons were always mistaken for forces of nature and this was no exception. Every time Mingfei clashed with the White king, they spit fire and lightning and roiled the clouds.
Powerful surges energy made for an unnatural display of an aurora in the sky and the sound generated was enough to shake the foundations of the buildings still standing, knocking out what power still remained in the city. 
Herzog spewed jagged forks lightning from his mouth, stunning the Servitor legion, but stopped to grip the blade of Mingfei before it could split his skull. He wrapped his serpent's body around him and raked his claws across his chest. 
Chisei collided with the White King Herzog’s back, digging in his claws. Herzog whirled on him, slashing him across the face.
Chu Zihang slammed his elbow into his jaw at full speed, heat blasting like a furnace. They tumbled, screaming towards Tokyo Bay. Mingfei said a word and a frigid wind began turning the sea waves into jagged peaks of ice. 
Chu Zihang let go, preferring not to land on it, but Chisei zoomed by, tackled Herzog and held on, smacking hard enough onto the cold surface to crack it.
Their hot blood sizzled on the frozen ocean as they separated, facing one another. They were all wounded and bleeding. Herzog held his hand to his throat, forcing it to heal shut. When he looked at the wounds sustained by Chisei, Zihang and Mingfei however, he began to laugh.
“So you’re not invulnerable either! You only have the shape of kings and emperors but you are FAKE! If you were complete, I would be dead!”
“True... none of us are complete.” Mingfei said. “But I have the heart of a dragon, while you... You only have the heart of a man no matter how much blood you drink.” Mingfei sneered.
“You are a great creature and I am also an equally great creature.  Why are we fighting each other?” He slithered across the ice toward him.
Suddenly I looked up at a bright form that was like a star as it began to move up from the horizon. I gasped in realization and sent a silent command to Zihang and Chisei to keep quiet. The fight was over. Herzog had lost.
“We can share this world. There is still the Wind King that needs defeating not to mention the rest of humanity and the Hybrids.”
“Share the throne with you?” Mingfei asked.
“Humans and Dragons are ants to us...” He said. “You are the only thing in this world with any value.” Herzog kept his eyes on Mingfei, looking for any signs of weakness.
“You are nothing but a maggot! How dare you ask me to share a throne with you!” Mingfei charged forward. The blade he had created impaled Herzog as if he had no bones.
Herzog screamed and hooked his claws into Mingfei’s chest but Mingfei beat his wings and took Herzog with him into the sky. The dragon king bit him over and over. Lu took the punishment, soaring ever higher. 
“Doctor, you don’t know dragons at all. There are no true alliances without coercion. Dragons fight endlessly! I will die before I align with you!” He sank his fangs into Herzog’s neck and continued to drag him into the sky like a leopard making off with its prey. Herzog screeched. The atmosphere became cold and thin as they rose beyond an altitude where flight was possible.
Lu Mingfei’s pupils began to dim. 
Sensing his ebbing strength, my heart sank and beat my wings, making a little mournful circle below.
Gasping for air, Herzog wrestled the sword from Mingfei’s weakening grip and chopped his wings off with it. He heaved his tail to free himself. Mingfei fell.
I soared to him and caught him in my arms. Calling my two other soldiers, we soared away form Herzog a good distance. Mingfei smiled at me. 
“Hold me up so I can see... Meixiu...”
I halted my flight and turned him back to face where we came. Herzog was staring at us in midair, hovering. He had a confused, puzzled look on his face.
Something bright like a meteor plunged from the sky and struck him directly. Followed by five more. There were, not one, but six swords of Damocles that were released from the space kinetic weapon, the bright star I saw moving across the sky.
I wasn’t sure how, but Mingfei had manipulated things so that the sword didn’t fall on Chisei and me. While we were unconscious in our cocoons, the satellite carrying the swords had begun to complete another revolution around the earth. Mingfei had waited until the right time to put Herzog in the line of fire.
The metal rods melted in the heat of re-entry and disintegrated into a hot rain that inflamed the atmosphere and turned it red. The swarm of space debris engulfed Herzog in pure fire and tore his body apart.
The molten hailstorm hit the ice sea, prompting great geysers to erupt into the air. The bright bits of metal continued to glow as they sank and put boiling water under the ice. The frozen water cracked and burst with the pressure of the steam. Herzog’s ravaged corpse hit the half frozen, half boiling water and shattered.
After several seconds, nothing further happened. Bright debris continued to streak across the sky as I looked down at the bloody young man in my arms. He raised one hand to my face.
“Ouroboros... always on the sidelines...” he chuckled.
I stayed silent. A power like mine was not to be wielded lightly. Not even by a goddess. I turned my eyes to the horizon far beyond Japan.
Mingfei’s smile dimmed. “Really? That guy?”
“Were it not for interference, he wouldn’t have died.” I closed my eyes, gasping with the effort. “By turning back this small injustice… Herzog will be completely erased.”
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lyonofsaintmark · 4 years
Hey, so, being extra I decided to do a two part playlist for SAMAEL. First one is metal flavor, second one is southern gothic. Liner notes and links below the cut. :V
(Art credit for the covers to Cam!)
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HEAVEN SENT / (side a)
BISHOP PIERRE CAUCHON: The church opens her arms to you, but if you do not sign, the Church will turn her back to you, and you will stand alone. JOAN OF ARC: Alone? Yes, alone....with God! --The Passion of Joan of Arc
Leo Hawke, the human bound to the divine.
ULTRAnumb (Blue Stahli)
Violated, so degraded The show has just begun Dominated by all you hated This will make you ultranumb
Drag Me to Hell (Lord of the Lost)
The more I reach out for Heaven The more you drag me to Hell
Better the Devil (Tim Skold)
Tear my soul apart Drown me in your sea of darkness I’ll be your lucky star If you promise that you’ll never let me go Better the Devil you know
Losing My Religion (Lacuna Coil)
Oh, life It’s bigger than you And you are not me The lengths that I would go to The distance in your eyes
Devil in My Life (Grace Jones)
Devil in my life, treading on thin ice With your words so wise, always in disguise Devil in my life, I’ve seen it in your lies Slowly mesmerized, as I fall you rise
Operation: Mindcrime (Queensryche)
It just takes a minute And you’ll feel no pain Gotta make something of your life, boy Gimme one more vein You’ve come to see the doctor ‘cause he’ll show you the cure I’m gonna take away your questions, yeah I’m gonna make you sure
Wings of Feather and Wax (Killer be Killed)
I never stopped to notice The fire in your hand A burning so consuming But now I understand And now I’ve fallen like Icarus to land Too late to kill the flames I fanned
Ambassador (Evergrey)
I am light to cast away shadow Spirit, Holy Ghost, and even Jesus God walking Earth Ambassador
Just Like You (Celldweller)
It’s the dark of night and I’m at the end of my line Alone in my head and waiting for something divine To answer me Drowning in silence, the internal violence I pray to make it through
Flight on an Angel’s Wing (Deadsoul Tribe)
Come with me, my friend Come with me and clear your mind So tired of the lies they laid upon you Open your eyes and you’ll see I’m going to take a flight on an angel’s wing Far and away She’ll carry me home
Small Town Boy (Paradise Lost)
Mother will never understand why you had to leave But the answers you seek will never be found at home No, the love that you want will never be found at home Run away, turn away
A Demon’s Fate (Within Temptation)
Angels have faith I don’t want to be a part of his sin I don’t want to get lost in his world I won’t play this game
Gates of Hell (Timeless Miracle)
Far beyond the gates of Hell Tricked the Devil, broke his spell Traveling ‘round the River Styx to freedom
A Grave Mistake (Ice Nine Kills)
But I heard that you reap what you sow So here’s to believing in ghosts And when you see my face you’ll know You can’t save yourself or save your soul When you meet the man whose life you stole On weathered wings and broken bones A fight for the fallen, flies the Crow
Lost and Damned (Kamelot)
Don’t ask why Don’t be sad Sometimes we all must alter paths we’ve planned Only try to understand I want to save you from the lost and damned
House of Eternal Hunt (Avatar)
It’s my time My darkness, my might divine It has been foretold this land Will live and die by my hand Child to the moon and the storm Silent shadow growing I’m reborn
Darkling (Sirenia)
You’ve got to chase your demons on the run Put out their fires, their dark desires The exorcism has begun Slaying all, leaving none
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/ HELL BENT (side b)
If there is a hell, it’s what Christians have made of this world, in Christ’s name. -- Ammon Hennacy, The Book of Ammon
Lyon Hawke, the angel who fell to earth.
Angels Look Like Hell (Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band)
The Devil don’t live down in Hell The Devil’s right here, doing very well And it’s hard to tell It’s hard to tell When devils look like angels And angels look like hell
Old Devils (William Elliot Whitmore)
From behind these bars the view don’t change Desperation, death and despair From what I hear of the outside world It ain’t so different out there And they tell me there’s a war without no end The old devils are at it again
In the Branches (The Builders and the Butchers)
They left angels singing in the branch of a burning tree Said it was all a game His daddy went and twisted in the bed that he made And you’ll end up the same He went down, down, down Down where the fire is born
Birds with Broken Wings (Ben Caplan)
I climbed up a mountain just to kill my son An angel tried to stop me with a ram Well, he said “Your mind’s infected” But I said “You lack perspective!” You gotta walk the bottom if you wanna see the top
Sins of My Father (Tom Waits)
Does the light of God blind you Or lead the way home for you I’m gonna take the sins of my father I’m gonna take the sins of my brother I’m gonna take the sins of my mother Down to the pond
Laplace’s Angel (Will Wood and the Tapeworms)
You could break an angel’s fall And ignore the devil’s call Still forsaken shoulders fall silent now It’s no more than cultural You and me, inseparable It’s a small Hell, after all
Boy, Decide! (Murder by Death)
There’s a son He is born with a silver spoon in his mouth Go on, boy, admit There’s gotta be something you love Enough to protect
Caves (Brown Bird)
The corners of the heart are caves That echo with the bloodcurling cries of babes We’ve sheltered in a shadow of a doubt Where faith is abated by design
Dream of Sleep (The Peculiar Pretzelmen)
When I dream I dream of sleep And when I sleep I never dream I’m bending and I’m breaking Under weight of the secrets that I keep
Funeral March (Strawfoot)
Good riddance to you You’re in the clear You watched me dying Never shed no tear I used to be a man ‘til lines were drawn Oh, I’m marching on
Old Pine Box (Those Crooked Bastards)
Brother, I have never not been lost The apples on the tree have turned to rot And all around I feel the Lord’s eyes watching If you think I’m gonna whimper Well, I’m not Throw me in an old pine box And nail that lid on top
Some of Adam’s Blues (Quaker City Nighthawks)
My name was written In the foundation Despite our faithlessness You bring salvation And now I know it’s true
God’s Gonna Cut You Down (Johnny Cash)
You may throw your rock Hide your hand Workin’ in the dark against your fellow man But as sure as God made black and white What is done in the dark will be brought to the light
Strawfoot (Sixteen Horsepower)
I am not alone And looks can be deceiving When you get down to it You’re talking when you should be leaving Why is it you don’t want what he’s giving? It ain’t no sin, son, to be forgiven
Dynamite (Devil Makes Three)
I know that it’s coming I ain’t worried now ‘Cause we got enough here to go around And every single person gonna get them some
Hell’s Coming With Me (Poor Man’s Poison)
I am the righteous hand of God And I am the Devil that you forgot And I told you one day you will see I’ll be back, I guarantee And that Hell’s coming with me
I’m Always Walking as Somebody Else (American Murder Song)
Traveler I am Knock-two-three-four God is in your country The Devil’s at your door
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lyllyan-weiss · 5 years
LONG Character Survey: Lyllyan Weiss
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FULL NAME: Lyllyan Aster Weiss
NICKNAME: Lyl, Lily, Lil' Lily.
AGE: 21
BIRTHDAY: 11th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon (November 10th)
ETHNIC GROUP: Auri|Xaela (In Eorzea)/ Human (Out of World)
NATIONALITY: Eorzean (In Eorzea)/American (Out of World)
LANGUAGES: Eorzean, Draconic, basically anything due to the echo.
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: She is Bi. Swings both ways. She loves all.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Depending on the different routes on the story, she will be either single or taken.
CLASS: Jack-of-all-trades
•Knows everything and knows how to play everything.
• Favors caster classes above everything else.
CURRENT HOMETOWN / AREA: Shirogane is where her apartment is, but she sees Ishgard as her home that she spends her time in, and then the Crystarium had became home to her as well.
PROFESSION: Scion, Adventurer, Full time hero in both her world and Eorzea. In her world she is a waitress and an artist/animator.
HAIR: Right now it is Brown with Light brown Highlights
EYES: Purple (Right), Green (Left)
NOSE: Small and Sharp
LIPS: Small and full
COMPLEXION: Pale but fair.
SCARS: In Eorzea, her scars are battle scars that is more aligned on her back. They do not show up when she is in her world.
TATOOS: The Scion Tatoo on the part where the neck and back meet.
WEIGHT: 130lb (Eorzea)/ 150lb (Her World)
BUILD: Short, Thin and fit.
FEATURES: None really.
ALLERGIES: Rolanberries in Eorzea, Strawberries in her world.
USUAL HAIRSTYLE: Long hair with a half braid in the back in Eorzea. In her world she has short hair that stops in the middle of her neck.
USUAL FACE LOOK: Warm color Eye shadow applied lightly to the eyes and a very nude color for lipstick in Eorzea. In her world, she hardly puts make up on, but usually has dark circles due to being tired all the time.
USUAL CLOTHING: Depending on her mood, she'll go very modest, or wearing a bikini with thigh boots. In her world, she is always modest with usually a t-shirt and sweats.
FEARS: Bugs (Mainly Arachnids, spiders are the worst.) Antilions that hide in the sands. Losing her love ones. Becoming Sin Eater. Being alone. Falling.
ASPIRATIONS: Explore all of the worlds she could go to, but also to make animations that can change the world.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Stubborn, happy go lucky, Compassionate, tries to take care of everyone, protective, loving, friendly, trusting.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Stubborn enough to push past her limits, usually getting her hurt. She so selfless that she tends to forget about taking care of herself. She can be too trusting of others that she often gets hurt in the end. She usually bottles her problems with the worry of being a burden to others. Very emotional driven (Just ask Ser Zephirin).
ZODIAC: Scorpio.
TEMPERAMENT: Artistic and Motherly
SOUL TYPE(S): The Priest, The Artisan, The Server.
VICE HABIT(S): From the definition that I read, her faults are that she feels like anything bad that happens to her or her friends are her fault, and that she sometimes Envy others. But her hobbies that she enjoys are reading, triple triad, drawing, and writing.
FAITH: The Twelve. Even in her world she believes in the Twelve.
GHOSTS?: Definitely
AFTERLIFE?: I hope there is one.
REINCARNATION?: Well so far that we know, reincarnation is a thing, right?
ALIENS?: I doubt the world was made for one type of civilization, plus multiple worlds. Yes.
POLITICAL ALIGNMENT: Uh...Alphinaud does politics for me.
ECONOMIC PREFERENCE: Just trying to survive, man. Stable, I guess.
EDUCATION LEVEL: Lyllyan herself has had up to some college in her own world. In Eorzea, she has an understanding of Aether and well has learned all the classes, so being able to pick up something new, she can learn fairly quick.
FATHER: Captain Carebear (Mykel Weiss)
MOTHER: She doesn't have the ability to go to Eorzea so her name is Lynn Weiss.
Siblings: Lucas Weiss(Rafien Dalarain(Deactivated)), Nathaniel Weiss(Random Guy (deactivated)), Olivia Weiss (Never been to Eorzea).
EXTENDED FAMILY: Grandmother(Nana)(Deceased), Granfather(Poppy), Fortemps Family (Rest in Peace Haucherfaunt).
NAME MEANING(S): Lyllyan is based off of the Lily flower. Aster is based off of the Aster flower, and then Weiss is a name given to those with white hair or pale complexion.
HISTORICAL CONNECTION: Um...Ascian? Amourotine?
BOOK: If its Manga, It's Rurouni Kenshin. Books would be the 'Septimus Heap' series by Angie Sage.
MOVIE/PLAY: Movie would be 'Wizard of Oz'. Favorite Play would be 'Hamilton'.
•'Seasonal Feathers' by Len and Rin Kagamine
•'Drakkar' by Distrion and Electro-Light
•'Light it Up' by Robin Hustin and TobiMorrow (feat. Jex)
•'Stitches' by Shawn Mendes
•'Perfect' by Ed Sheeran
DEITY: Thaliak
HOLIDAY: Valentione
MONTH: November/ 6th Astral Moon
SEASON: Spring
PLACE: Rak'Tika Greatwoods
SOUND: Ocean waves.
SCENT(S): Cherry Blossom, sweet.
TASTE(S): Favorite food is Bacon so....also likes sweet things.
FEEL(S): Fuzzy blankets, warm cloth, soft.
ANIMALS: She loves all animals! If she had to narrow it down, it would be Cats, Pandas, and Chocobos. Does Pokemon count?
NUMBER: 8 but screw Construct 8
COLORS: Purple, light green, light blue.
TALENTS: Drawing.
BAD AT: Math. She used to bring her homework to Eorzea to have Alphinaud and Urianger help her.
TURN ONS: Oooo. Funny, kind, calm, generous, but also romantic.
TURN OFFS: Selfish, rude ass hoe, and killing my friends.
HOBBIES: Singing, Drawing, Reading, Exploring, Triple Triad.
TROPES: Mother Hen.
AESTHETIC TAGS: Chocolate and Caramel. Honey. Lavender and Leaves. I think that's how this works???
MAIN FC(S): Scions of the Dawn. It consist of Dad and myself.
ALT FC(S): None.
OLDER FC(S): We did have an FC on Gilgamesh called Lionheart with the Tag FF8. It was one that we had started the game when we got out of beta, but moved to different server/data center.
YOUNGER FC(S): *Confused Au Ra noises*
VOICE CLAIM(S): ??????
GENDERBENT FC(S): *Even more confused Au Ra noises*
•So, I'm already making a comic that I want to make as an animation for the story of FFXIV with my character and her friends. This character was specifically built for FFXIV, but it has a twist. Kinda like a Sword Art Online ordeal, but instead of Millions of people playing are stuck in the world, it's just like 100, but they aren't stuck, in fact they are just chosen to go between their world and Eorzea. If they die, they don't actually die, but respawn, even in their own world, but they feel how they die and the only way for them to die in any shape or form is by natural cause like old age or sickness. This would be a 2D animation in the anime style and be a multi episode series with multiple seasons. I even though about branching out to go certain routes so that Lyllyan can end up with all my favorite characters. I would call it Final Fantasy XIV: A World Reborn.
•With it being a Final Fantasy story, it would have Final Fantasy Music.
•Lyllyan Weiss was made to represent me and she still does, but also inspires me to be more like my courageous heroic self. Because of this, I have been able to do things like crossing a bridge that's in bad shape to get to the other side without the fear of falling, just to get back to my mom who went to the other side on a trip we had.
•She is literally me.
•Just like me, she is stubborn and hard working, but there are times she pushes herself way too much. She hesitates to ask for help, not because she doesn't trust the people around her, but more of trying to not burden them. Others wish she would open up to them and also rest when she can. Raha has to literally force her to rest, and she nearly gets herself killed against the first battle with Rahjit because she kept getting back up to fight even when the others beg her to stop.
•Almost everything. Major thing is that she doesn't look like me, but also I know when to quit.
• I feel like if Lyllyan and I were to meet in person, we'd get along just fine. We would play video games all day long if we could.
- Leveilleur Twins: Alphinaud and Alisaie are very close to Lyllyan. Alphinaud used to pull Lyllyan out of class to have her hurry up and go through the story, now its chill and play ace attorney. Alphinaud, depending on what route is taken, is definitely in love with Lyllyan and is constantly teased about it by everyone. Alisaie is like a sister to Lyllyan. They have had many nights where the pulled 24 hours playing Sims. Alisaie is who Lyllyan tries to protect the most between the two. She's also the reason why Lyllyan is now Bi. Lyllyan absolutely adores her and if the route is taken, they end up being the cutest couple.
-Leon D'hart: An Alt character that I made that depending on the story and route, he is also Lyllyan's Lover. He is a character made by Square Enix to be the Warrior of Light replacement if Lyllyan did not succeed in preventing herself becoming a light warden. His story with her is a bunch of trial and tribulations, but in the end they do end up married.
-G'raha Tia/Crystal Exarch: The main story Lyllyan's Lover. Great friend to start out and tears were shed when he sealed himself into the tower. He really kept Lyllyan guessing when he was Exarch. When Emet-Selch kidnapped him, Lyllyan was hellbent on getting him back. Now she visits him at the first everyday bring stuff from Eorzea for him, and even occasionally stuff from her world. He is her world as she is to him.
-The Scions: Thancred and Lyllyan are like Big brother, Little sister. He protects her, and scolds her as such. They may act like they hate each other, but the moment either gets hurt, the other is at their sides. Though rumor has it that Thancred had feelings for Lyllyan. Y'shtola is close to Lyllyan, but is usually not around often. Shtola usually is often around to keep an eye on Lyllyan's aether since her amount is quite high compared to the others and her fellow Warriors of Light. Urianger is someone who used to hardly talk to Lyllyan, but started opening up more after the years. He had watched her grow from 15 moons to now 21 as the others, but they seem to be more special to him. Lyllyan swore to protect him if anything ever happened especially after he asked her her thoughts on his new attire. Tataru is a precious angel and if anyone was to hurt her, Lyllyan would kill everyone and then herself. Ryne, even though she is not a scion, she is a scion. Ryne worries about Lyllyan, but is often in awe of her. Lyllyan and Thancred adopted her, and she's ended up calling Lyllyan mom on many occasions.
-Ser Aymeric: Depending on the route, he would be Lyllyan's Lover and he tries to protect her when he can, be it politics or in war. He has a dream to journey with her, and though he can't do so with Lylyan Weiss the Au Ra, there is nothing saying he can't make a character and become a Warrior of Light himself and travel with Sakura Yue(Lyllyan's Alt).
-Zenos Yae Galvus: So this guy commits Seppuku and then shows up at Lyllyan's job as her new Bartender. They end up becoming friends through the job, and the fact that Zenos is bored out of his mind that he can't go kill people,but finding out later that he is back makes Square Enix themselves worried about this guy.
-Estinien: Lyllyan had adopted him as her Edgy Son. He hates it. He reminds her that he is older than him, and she retorts about beating him as a Lalafel. He usually starts brooding after that on a high building that usually takes Alphinaud and Ser Aymeric to get him down.
•I'm only stopping this cause there are so many more characters!!!
•Music and Playing Final Fantasy. Mainly XIV, but others do count too, but also reading all the other fanfiction and comics about final fantasy XIV.
About...4 hours? Maybe more? My hands definitely hurt from all the typing! XD
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Tagging @ladyramora @ranier-layarte @scholarlostintime @fabledtactician
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