#the insurrectionists are in the House and we have no legislative body and our government can't work
the Floridian caller who has called into C-Span who is apologizing for Matt Gaetz is the sweetest old lady and I love her. And she’s also right in everything she is saying. 
Also I really appreciate that she’s able to say “I voted for Gaetz in 2016 and I now recognize that was a mistake and he’s horrible and the GOP has turned into a party of odious people etc. etc.” 
It takes some serious guts and moral courage to call into C-Sapn, which everyone is watching right now, and say that publicly. Good on Beth from Florida. 
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cksmart-world · 1 year
The completely unnecessary news analysis
by Christopher Smart
January 31, 2023
A curious odor is coming from the investigation into the mysterious leak of the U. S. Supreme Court decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health that overturned Roe v. Wade. The leak is said to be the biggest breach of integrity in Supreme Court history. But a just-completed probe by the Supreme Court's Marshal (not the U.S. Marshals Service) came up with nothing, nada, zilch. Justice Samuel Alito, who authored the Dobbs decision, said the leak could have led to his assassination. Where's John Grisham when you need him. Fact 1 – The court's marshal is the chief security officer and facilities administrator for the Supreme Court building — not an investigatory body, like the FBI. Fact 2 – The court's marshal did not ask the justices to sign affidavits swearing they didn't leak it. Fact 3 – Michael Chertoff, the former secretary of Homeland Security, who wrote a letter endorsing the investigation's findings had previous undisclosed financial ties to the court. Fact 4 – The marshal did not question former clerks. Fact 5 – It did not gather telephone or text data. “A nuclear bomb went  off at the Supreme Court,” said Dahlia Lithwick, senior editor at Slate. “Now it's so sad, too bad.” When is an investigation not an investigation — when no one really wants to know who done it.
Finally, someone has come up with a real sense solution to saving the Great Salt Lake: Cut down all the friggin' trees — they're using up all the friggin' water. Isn't it always the case, the solution was staring us right in the face all along. Trees aren't much good anyway, all they do is make shade, absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. Then every fall we have to rake, rake, rake instead of watching football. Cutting them down is a solution that's so simple even Utah legislators grasped it and — surprise — they just love it. Of course there are those people who think too much Bear River water goes to growing alfalfa instead of going into the lake. Sure, some of the alfalfa is sold to China, but only 30 percent. And it only takes about 450,000 gallons of water to grow a ton of alfalfa. We're talking tradition here, it's part of our pioneer heritage. We can't just throw that away simply because the lake will disappear leaving a lakebed of toxic dust. Besides, sending all that water into the lake would mean less alfalfa for China. Let's just cut down trees and let all that tree-water refill the shrinking lake. Anyway, the Wasatch Front has way too many trees. And here's a bonus, if we cut down the trees, they won't blow over in the next big windstorm. It's a win/win solution if there ever was one.
Things are about to get a lot better. Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan, who now chairs the House Judiciary Committee, is about to clear all the pinkos, deep state Democrats and Black Panthers out of the federal government. Props for Jim. We know the Democrats have weaponized the Department of Justice. Why else would the FBI raid Donald Trump's seaside castle? We know why, because they're mean, hideous thugs who want to make Trump look silly — as though that were even possible. This is not retribution for the DOJ investigating Republicans who were close to Jan. 6 insurrectionists. It only looks like retribution. Jimmy Jordan and his Republican statesmen in the House are going to de-weaponize the weaponized DOJ. See, here's the thing, the DOJ, FBI, etc. only investigate Republicans. They never investigate Democrats. And what about that Fauci dude and Hunter Biden. They haven't been investigated. It's just not right. And it only gets worse — in its report the House select committee for Jan. 6 described Jordan as  a “significant player” in Trump's failed coup. And we know that's intended to sick the FBI on Jimmy. Isn't it obvious that someone has to investigate the investigators. It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it. Lucky for us, Jimmy Jordan just loves dirty jobs.
Post script — That's it for another frigid week here at Smart Bomb where we keep track  of pollutants from Mag Corp wafting over Salt Lake Valley so you don't have to. US Magnesium, located on the western shore of the Great Salt Lake, is responsible for 25 percent of chemicals released into the air that form PM2.5 — very nasty pollution. This, of course, is among the reasons why we have The Greatest Air On Earth. Why doesn't the Utah Travel Council advertise that with big electronic billboards in every major airport in the country, like it does with our ski resorts and national parks. Yes Wilson, that was a rhetorical question. But take heart, the air in New Delhi, India, is worse than ours — on some days. From our “News U Can Use” -file: A woman in Coventry, Conn., opened a breakfast cafe named “Woke Breakfast & Coffee,” not realizing she had just jumped head first into the culture wars. Facebook lit up with nasty comments and accusations she was making a political statement with breakfast. (How dastardly.) But the backlash had a backlash, and according to The Washington Post, folks lined up for a woke breakfast. And finally this: HORMEL has come out with a beer called Chili Cheese Brew that “captures the essence of HORMEL Chili Cheese Dip.” Bottoms up.
Alright Wilson, we gotta do something for the poor Supreme Court. They can't find the leak and its the worst thing that ever happened to Samuel Alito. He could've been assassinated or worse. Really? Well, on second thought maybe you and the guys in the band can take us out with something for the cat burglar who leaked the leak:
There's a man who leads a life of danger To everyone he meets he stays a stranger With every move he makes Another chance he takes Odds are he won't live to see tomorrow Secret Agent Man Secret Agent Man They've given you a number and taken away your name Beware of pretty faces that you find A pretty face can hide an evil mind Oh, be careful what you say Or you'll give yourself away Odds are you won't live to see tomorrow Secret Agent Man Secret Agent Man They've given you a number and taken away your name Swinging on the Riviera one day And then laying in a Bombay alley next day Oh, don't you let the wrong words slip While kissing persuasive lips Odds are you won't live to see tomorrow Secret Agent Man Secret Agent Man They've given you a number and taken away your name
(Secret Agent Man — Johnny Rivers)
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patriotsnet · 3 years
Who Are The Republicans On The Senate Judiciary Committee
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/who-are-the-republicans-on-the-senate-judiciary-committee/
Who Are The Republicans On The Senate Judiciary Committee
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Senate Judiciary Committee Advances Legislation To Provide Justice For Child Abuse Victims Aid In Suicide Prevention And Safeguard Children From Predators
Senate Judiciary Committee Approves Amy Coney Barrett Nomination For Full Vote
The Senate Judiciary Committee, today, advanced three pieces of legislation to help protect victims by allowing a two-year window for childhood sexual abuse survivors to pursue civil lawsuits, aiding in the prevention of youth and intellectually disabled suicides, and safeguarding children from predatory acts of adults in positions of authority, according to chairwoman Senator Lisa Baker . ;
As Trump Names His Next Supreme Court Nominee Focus Shifts Towards Senate
Trump plans to formally introduce his nominee at a 5 p.m. White House ceremony. Conservative activists hailed Trump’s selection, which surfaced on Friday night, while liberals voiced dismay.
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House Republicans Attack Blinken Over Handling Of Afghanistan Withdrawal
Secretary of State Tony Blinken is being lambasted by Republicans at the House Foreign Affairs Committee for the handling of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan and subsequent evacuation.
Michael McCaul, the ranking Republican on the committee, said: This, in my judgment, is not only disgraceful. It also dishonors the men and women who served our nation so bravely. Mr Secretary, the American people dont like to lose, especially not to the terrorists, but that is exactly what has happened. This has emboldened the Taliban and our adversaries.
To make matters worse, we abandoned Americans behind enemy lines, we left behind the interpreters who you, Mr Secretary, and the President, both promised to protect. I could summarize this in one word: Betrayal, McCaul added.
The America I know keeps its promises. The most important promise in our military is no man left behind, no one left behind. But you broke this promise.
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Illinois Sen Dick Durbin Taking Gavel Of The Powerful Senate Judiciary Committee
Illinois senior U.S. senator, Dick Durbin, will officially take the gavel as chairman of the powerful Senate Judiciary Committee as a result of a power-sharing agreement reached Wednesday between Democratic and Republican leaders in the evenly split chamber.
Democrats technically have majority control of the Senate due to Vice President Kamala Harris ability to cast tiebreaking votes. But organizing of the chamber had been delayed due to the insistence by the Senates GOP leader, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, that the 60-vote filibuster rule be preserved in exchange for installing Democrats as committee chairs.
McConnell later dropped that demand when two Democrats said they supported keeping the filibuster.
Proud to announce that I will be taking over as Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee for the 117th Congress, Durbin said in a statement on Twitter. This moment in history demands much of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Im honored to lead my colleagues as we face these challenges.
Durbin, who is the No. 2 ranking Democrat in the chambers leadership, has served on the judiciary committee since 1997 and has seen the panels reach expanded to include issues such as civil and human rights. To accept the chairmans gavel, Durbin gave up a role on a top Senate appropriations subcommittee.
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Trump Says He Wants To Box Biden On 9/11
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The top two Senate Republican leaders were split Monday over the need for Congress to investigate secret Trump-era Justice Department subpoenas to two Democratic members of the House Intelligence Committee, both frequent critics of the former President.
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Uscp Warns Of ‘concerning Online Chatter’ Around ‘justice For J6’ Rally
The chief of US Capitol Police, Tom Manger, released a statement on the agencys security preparations for the September 18 Justice for J6 rally, which is being held in support of the insurrectionists who attacked the Capitol in January.
According to the statement, the USCP is aware of concerning online chatter in connection to the rally.
We are here to protect everyones First Amendment right to peacefully protest, Manger said. I urge anyone who is thinking about causing trouble to stay home. We will enforce the law and not tolerate violence.
U.S. Capitol Police
At a Guardian Live online discussion, Hillary Clinton was asked by the Guardians Jonathan Freedland whether she would have advised Joe Biden not to have gone ahead with the Afghan withdrawal if she had been in the administration.
In her reply, Clinton staunchly defended Biden, putting all the blame on Donald Trump, and the deal he made with the Taliban in Doha in February 2020.
I dont think he had that choice, she said. I think that it was way too far gone, and I respect the decision to leave. In effect, President Bidens hands were tied because the Taliban had made it very clear, there would be a ceasefire with respect to the American presence in Afghanistan, not only the military but also the civilian presence which was considerable.
Beginning Of The Committee
The Senate Judiciary Committee was created in the early 1800s in response to growing complexities in American government. The Senate established the body’s original standing committees, including the Senate Judiciary Committee, in a resolution adopted on December 10, 1816. The United States House of Representatives Committee on Judiciary had been established three years prior. The first chairman of the committee was Senator Dudley Chase of Vermont, who was appointed and served during the second session of the 14th Congress.
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Nominations For Attorney General
The following nominations were made for attorney general in the Obama and Trump administrations.
Confirmation process for nominees for attorney general Nominee Confirmed on March 10, 2021 70-30 Confirmed on February 14, 2019 54-45 Confirmed on February 8, 2017 52-47 Confirmed on April 23, 2015 56-43 Confirmed on February 2, 2009 75-21
The committee chairman in the 117th Congress is Dick Durbin .
Simone Biles And Other Olympians To Testify Before Senate Judiciary Committee
Republican senator says Judiciary Committee will investigate allegations of voting irregularities
Lauren Gambino
Olympian Simone Biles will testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday in an oversight hearing into the FBIs dereliction of duty in its failure to properly investigate the sexual abuse allegations against former USA Gymnastics national team doctor Larry Nassar.
Biles will be joined on the panel by McKayla Maroney, Maggie Nichols, and Aly Raisman. FBI director Christopher Wray and Department of Justice Inspector GeneralMichael Horowitzwill also testify.
Senate Judiciary Committee
BREAKING: Olympic and world champion gymnasts Simone Biles, McKayla Maroney, Maggie Nichols, and Aly Raisman to testify at Wednesday’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the FBI’s dereliction of duty in the Nassar case.DOJ IG Horowitz and FBI Dir. Wray to also testify.
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Senate Committee On The Judiciary
The Senate Committee on the Judiciary provides oversight of the Department of Justice and the agencies under the Department’s jurisdiction, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Department of Homeland Security. It also plays an important role in the consideration of nominations and pending legislation. Any legislation related to civil liberty, constitutional amendments, immigration and naturalization, and a variety of other topics is referred to the Committee.
Prelogar Sails Through Nomination Hearing With Only Mild Republican Critiques
Elizabeth Prelogar, President Joe Bidens nominee to be solicitor general, sat through a swift nomination hearing on Tuesday afternoon. Appearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, she was met with strong praise from Democrats, limited pushback from Republicans, and few questions overall.
From Bidens inauguration on Jan. 20 until her nomination to the position of solicitor general on Aug. 11, Prelogar served as acting solicitor general. Due to a quirk in the Federal Vacancies Reform Act, she had to step down from her acting role while the Senate considers her nomination to hold the position on a permanent basis. The solicitor general represents the federal governments interests before the Supreme Court and is sometimes known as the 10th justice because of the influence that the job carries.
Two Republicans homed in on the solicitor generals office for reversing the governments legal position in a number of cases since the change in administrations. Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, quoted from a Bloomberg Law article that the Biden administration is on track to reverse the governments position in more cases before the Supreme Court than the Justice Department did during the first full high court term of Donald Trumps presidency. Grassley questioned Prelogar on whether continuing in a similar vein would pose challenges to the offices credibility.
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Confirmation Hearings For Supreme Court Nominees
See also: Supreme Court vacancy, 2017: An overview
The Senate Judiciary Committee held hearings on Neil Gorsuch‘s nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court from March 20-23, 2017. Gorsuch was President Donald Trump’s first nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court. Gorsuch was nominated on January 31, 2017, to succeed Justice Antonin Scalia, who died on February 13, 2016.
A confirmation hearing for Jeff Sessions, Donald Trump‘s nominee for United States Attorney General was held on January 10, 2017.
Biden Speaks On His Administration’s Response To Wildfires
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Everyone in northern California knows the time of the year when you cant go outside, when the air will be filled with smoke and the sky will turn an apocalyptic shade of orange, Joe Biden said, speaking after the states governor.
These fires are a blinking code red for our nation. We know what we have to do and it starts with our firefighters putting their lives on the line in rugged and dangerous conditions, the president said, referring to his administrations efforts to raise firefighter pay.
The White House
Happening Now: President Biden delivers remarks on the Administrations response to recent wildfires, and how we can strengthen our resilience to climate change and extreme weather.
Entry-level federal wildland firefighters earn a base pay below $14 an hour, while the same job with Cal Fire, the state firefighting agency, pays around $26 an hour. The job is risky and physically exhausting, requiring extended time away from home.
US Forest Service records showed that only half of fire engines were fully staffed at the start of the season, putting additional pressure on crews responding to this years massive fires.
Maanvi Singh
In a poll released Monday by the UC Berkeleys Institute of Governmental Studies, co-sponsored by the Los Angeles Times, 75% of registered voters said they wanted to keep their right to remove a statewide official through a recall election.
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Judiciary Republicans Demand Second Hearing Information Following Revelations Of Atf Nominees Racist Comments About Colleagues
First, we have allegations that Mr. Chipman made racist statements about the abilities of African American ATF agents, the existence of which;allegations;have been confirmed by current and former ATF officials.;;
Second, these;allegations imply that an important field assignment in Mr. Chipmans career was one that he allegedly was both forced first to take and then to relinquish.;
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Judiciary Committee
Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee are demanding a second hearing for David Chipman, President Bidens nominee to lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, amid reports that he made racist comments.
In a letter sent Thursday to committee Chairman Richard J. Durbin, Illinois Democrat, the senators pointed to a June news report claiming an anonymous ATF agent said Mr. Chipman made racially insensitive comments about Black agents being promoted in the Detroit Field Division.
Conservative outlet The Daily Caller News Foundation reported that in 2007 he said: Wow, there were an unusually large number of African American agents that passed the exam this time. They must have been cheating.
TOP STORIESTop U.S. general in Afghanistan contradicts Biden, told chain of command not to pull out
The senators brought up another article published Thursday by The Reload, which states two unnamed ATF agents, one current and one former agent, have corroborated the claim.
The conservative news outlet noted that it has not been able to verify the veracity of the allegation Chipman made racist remarks, only that the allegation exists.
The article also states agent Rick Vasquez said Mr. Chipman took a job as a special agent in Detroit because nobody else would and that an unnamed former agent said Mr. Chipman left because of the alleged comments.
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Senate Judiciary Committee Advances Legislation And Approves The Nomination Of New Victim Advocate
The Senate Judiciary Committee, chaired by Senator Lisa Baker , met today to consider the nomination of Suzanne V. Estrella, Esq., as Pennsylvanias Victim Advocate. In addition, the committee considered three pieces of legislation aimed at protecting the rights of children and crime victims, and safeguarding the Commonwealth from ransomware attacks.;
Years In Congress Minimum And Maximum Estimated Net Worth
Republicans on Senate Judiciary Committee send Barrett’s SCOTUS nomination to Senate floor
Source: OpenSecrets
Well leave it to someone else to explain how Perdue and Tillis got such a plum assignment as freshmen.
I think you can see for yourself who has spent some time in the 1% income bracket . And data from the Fedsuggests that about half of the top 1 percent of earners are also among the top 1 percent in the net worth category.
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Meet The Cabinet: Merrick Garland Is Bidens Pick For Attorney General
Garland testified before the panel last week about how he would lead the Justice Department if he is confirmed by the Senate, reassuring senators that he would protect the department’s independence and not allow politics to interfere with the job.
In comments before the vote, committee Chair Dick Durbin, D-Ill., said, “America will be better with this kind of person leading the Justice Department.”
Grassley said a moment later: “I plan to vote for him. I hope my trust is not misplaced.”
Other Republicans were harsher. Cruz claimed that Garland “refused to answer virtually anything” during his confirmation hearings an assertion that Durbin disputed.
Cornyn told reporters last week that Garland is “a straight shooter when it comes to questions of law.” He said “he’s had an incredible career” and “seems like a fundamentally decent human being.”
Other Republicans on the committee, including some possible 2024 presidential contenders, like Hawley, were less enthusiastic and expressed strong reservations.
Garland emphasized that if he is confirmed, he would “supervise the prosecution of white supremacists and others who stormed the Capitol on January 6 a heinous attack that sought to disrupt a cornerstone of our democracy: the peaceful transfer of power to a newly elected government.”
In response to a question from Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., Garland said he would not rule out investigating those who funded, organized, led and otherwise aided the attack on the Capitol.
Merrick Garland Nomination Limbo Encapsulates Complicated Situation
The Senate is still operating in a fraught liminal space, in which Democrats have control of the chamber but Republicans retain power over committees. Negotiations between Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell are dragging on a month into the 117th Congress, and complicating Cabinet confirmations.
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, an independent who caucuses with Democrats, said Monday night he thought an organizing resolution might clear the floor the following day. And a few Republicans thought that was the plan Tuesday morning. But it never materialized.
Were making progress, and were getting close, Schumer told reporters Tuesday, not providing a timeline for when the Senate might act.
One signal that a deal may actually be close was Schumers announcement Tuesday afternoon of committee assignments for the Democratic Conference.
Among the highlights of those assignments: The two Georgia freshmen whose tandem wins tipped the chamber toward Democratic control were assigned to key panels: Jon Ossoff to Judiciary and Raphael Warnock to Agriculture.
They will also both serve on the Banking Committee and a handful of other panels.
Arizona Democrat , a retired Navy pilot and astronaut who won a special election in November, will serve on the Armed Services Committee, as well as on Energy and Natural Resources and on Environment and Public Works.
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