#the off-season. like we traded him away and still they boo'd him when he was on the other team. like come on. the moment is over lmao
splashinkling · 4 months
Another Get to Know Me
thanks @sleepy-night-child for the tag!
a band that you don't like that many others do:
I'm pretty amicable for music. it'd take a song I really hate for me to not like a band. on the other hand, I will like any song that will get me to sing along with it
least favourite animal and why:
bees. when I was a kid, someone told me to not move around bees so that they wouldn't bother you. outside during recess, I froze still cause a couple of bees landed on my shoulders/neck. the bell rang for us to go inside and I had to make a mad dash for the doors despite the fear I'd get stung. hindsight and common sense now tell me bees are generally harmless and wasps are the enemy, but I'm traumatized now and treat them the same
hot fandom take:
head empty, I don't really have any takes, especially ones that aren't already out there. also not really in fandom land, I'm just on my own island.
do you wear any jewellery, if so, what's your favourite piece:
not super devout, but I've got this necklace from elementary school that's a cross with a dove on it that I still wear. otherwise, the owl ring I got a couple years back that I wear as a necklace is the one
a movie others liked but you didn't:
honestly I watch so many movies with my friends nowadays and a lot of them are really bad lmao. I think a recent movie we watched was The Killer and I didn't like it, but it's rated highly for who-knows-why. like it's not even a comedic mess-up, the assassin was just bad at his job and it's not entertaining
three things you love about yourself:
I'm a relatively positive person, or more like I don't have that much hate in my soul. will try to be the best supportive friend you've ever had. and I've got a lot of creative outlets to use!
a place you hope to visit in the future and why:
Japan! I wanna see so many gamer things there. plus the tourist-y landmarks/activities. life-sized gundam is also on the list, if that's still around. and the food! (that I've been seeing because I follow this one guy on YouTube)
an actor that gets on your nerves and why:
the first name that came to mind was Dwayne Johnson for whatever reason, but he's doesn't actually get on my nerves that much
things you're excited about in the near future:
(slowly and surely) getting back to writing!! reviewing some of these games that I've been playing recently, because I've got Opinions on some of them. and getting used to this fancy new limited edition 8BitDo controller that I got. if this was a week ago, I could've said watching my friend finish the main story of Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth, but that's already happened
least favourite ship in a fandom you're in:
again, not really in fandom land so I have no idea about what ships go around.
what's the most toxic fandom you've been in:
as a gamer and basketball fan, those are wildly toxic fanbases. gamers are so mean to the devs (sometimes rightfully so, other times not so much) and to other players. like literal death threats sometimes, it's insane. and then fans of basketball would literally boo their own players at times, like what.
list three things you find beautiful about life:
Space science (thanks Kurzgesagt)! Other people's works (art, writing, games, or otherwise)! Family, friends, and pets!
any dreams for the future:
finishing and publishing any of my works so that people can (hopefully) enjoy the experience I made for them
how are you feeling today?
another day of writing, gaming, etc. but it's grey and gloomy outside and it's sucking like half of my energy away, especially because I need to walk the dog later. and the NBA Trade Deadline is at 3pm so I might be spending more time than usual paying attention to player movement/trades between teams, especially because my team is Not Good and I'm expecting them to make moves this deadline.
no pressure tagging @talesfromaurea, @moonluringfrost, @ettawritesnstudies, and sleepy friend already tagged @oh-no-another-idea and @drippingmoon, but I'll tag as well if you'd like :)
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