#the portuguese priests being all 'these are pirates please execute them' @ the shipwrecked dutch in the 1600s well well well
stirringwinds · 4 months
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nedpan vibes in 1600: battered but ambitious castaway meets shogun, aka "behave yourself or get beheaded weird foreigner, i don't trust you but i trust portugal and spain even less and if you're at war with them hmmm...enemy of my frenemy potential there. tell me about foreign affairs will you so i can cross-check portugal’s claims, oh and draw me some maps too… hmmm you know we should have tea in my quarters where you can talk more foreign affairs and we can play shogi just for me to, y'know, pick apart how you think..." (sidenote: i love associating kiku with japanese black pine trees, especially since you see them painted all over the gold-foil screen doors in the shogun's castle/palaces.)
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