#the reaction i've seen towards rhaenys in that fireplace scene discussing luke's claim
backjustforberena · 1 year
I just saw your gifs of Rhaenys (my love) and the strong boys and it's the first time I noticed that during the fight Rhaenys is clearly pulling Luke and Jace too.
It's clearly sees how she has one arm around the girls and with the other she is pulling the boys closer. So far I've only seen comments of Corlys standing in front to protect Laenor's children, his wife and granddaughters and Rhaenys trusting him so much that she turns her back and protecting Laena's girls (yes, with that almost exact wording ). It's the first time I see that she included all 4!
I think you're right. I personally think that she loves girls more but she is not indifferent to boys! She might even (gasp) love them!
Welcome to the "Rhaenys loves all her grandkids" club! It's complicated and messy and just what you'd expect from House of the Dragon! Pull up a chair ;)
You are correct. I've got another gifset here which shows a better view of her actions with the boys during that scene. Corlys does push the boys behind him and out of the way but Rhaenys actively pulls those boys towards her and all four of the kids are bundled up into her arms. They move as one unit when their side moves once Rhaenyra's arm has been cut, and Rhaenys only lets the boys go when she is sure they will go straight to their mother and will be safe, lingering with physical touch in both cases (holding Luke's hand and barely keeping one hand on Jace's shoulder as Rhaena is between them).
But those kids are bundled tight against her and no one was getting through to them without going through her. I have a lot of feelings about those four little gifs.
I agree with you: she loves the girls more. I think that's just what would naturally occur, you can't blame anyone for that, really. Rhaenys has more reasons to be, and more opportunity to be, closer with the girls than with the boys, especially Baela.
She has better access to the girls, with Rhaenyra being fiercely protective of the boys and both women's tendency to isolate (on Dragonstone and Driftmark respectively), Baela's wardship, and that they are such tangible proof of her daughter and she can find solace in that. Something she cannot find in the boys after her son's "death". In Episode 07, she is shown as being more attached to the girls because of course she is, their mother just died and their father is AWOL for hours. And she has no clue that Jace is in mourning for Harwin, besides, he has both of his parents to go to for solace at that wake, if he needs comfort. Baela and Rhaena need her and she needs them.
It's not anyone's fault but those boys represent a heck of a political headache. They just do, and whilst it's something that Corlys is willing to sort of either bury his head about or bulldoze through, a bit like Viserys, Rhaenys only makes the very real point that Lucerys inheriting Driftmark puts Driftmark at risk. It makes Driftmark a trial run for Jacaerys's, and therefore Rhaenyra's, succession. It's only natural that Rhaenys sees that and therefore wants to avoid it. How to avoid it? Make sure Lucerys is not in line.
And it's worth noting she's suggested this once, and for the first time, in an emotional moment for both Corlys and herself. And she does it only in circumstances where a change in the succession could be tarted up and messaged as something not against the boys, but a choice to pass over Laenor (a "legitimate" heir) for their newly-deceased daughter, in front of all the royal family, in a way that must be accepted. It would not bring the subject of the boys's birth into question. Or, at least, no more than it already is, as an open secret.
The plan becomes unfeasible when Laenor is "killed" and Viserys declares any mention of illegitimacy as treasonous - Rhaenys's plan becomes too risky and so she leaves it. Fair play, can't fault her for that. And she can't do anything anyway because Corlys ups and leaves and only he can actually change the succession.
She never acts in any sort of personally malicious way towards the boys. Ever. I mean, she barely interacts with them, which is a symptom of the structure of the show - though she has more interaction with them than Corlys has with his granddaughter (just saying).
But even when trying to circumvent Luke inheriting (both in Episode 07 and Episode 08), she makes her choices in a way that would minimize the damage to him and to his brothers and to Rhaenyra. I don't think that's insignificant.
And she always, publically and privately, calls them Laenor's sons. When Corlys speaks of being content with their grandchildren, she jumps to talk of "Jace, Luke and Joff." - they are her grandkids.
I could go on but I won't...
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