#then genetically engineer some kind of hormonal reaction to make sure slade actually takes him in'
roseworth · 11 months
Stupid Respawn theory because...it's stupid
Like, they intentionally made the test tube baby cause Slade to have some weird hormonal reaction to his clone and become fatherly to it as a defensive mechanism for the test tube child. Just something DC uses to explain or retcon Slade's oc behavior.
Like a weird alien horror movie I've watched that would cause other species to care for their offspring before it grows old enough to care for itself and eats its care taker
Like I said, stupid. Disregard if you like
this isn't stupid at all i love it ! everything surrounding respawn is so insane so the explanation that his existence caused some chemical reaction is fantastic <3 respawn literally being genetically engineered to make slade want to take him in
actually im taking it a step further because i also dont like the fact that ra's just. made a secret talia slade clone baby then tortured him for 15 years. so im saying that respawn was just kinda created. he was some kind of frankenstein thing crafted to look enough like slade and damian that the story would be believable then sort of,,, had memories programmed into his head of ra's to give him a backstory that would make slade (and rose for that matter) want to take him in and help him. and i cant even be proven wrong because ra's has never seen respawn so he cant confirm that he knows him and now theyre both dead :) im right about everything always
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