#they went thru hell and stuck by each other … the most married of couples i swear
burningawaytowards · 7 years
Originally wrote December 2016, edited January 2018 due to typos because I was sick. All the content is still the same except I have to add Christy to the list of crazy nonfriends. I made another post about her tho…cause it’s a doozy. 
Unfortunately, I’ve been sick the last few months. I was recently diagnosed with Graves and Hashimoto disease. It’s probably the sickest I’ve ever been and it’s almost debilitating. I haven’t had much support either. My aunt and my husband with a couple of friends are the only people that have been there for me. I’m blessed I have those but I’ve had to kick some good, best friends out of my life and I can’t help to think that if they were still in my life, I would be feeling better because I’d have more people to rely on but the cold hard reality is… They weren’t there for me when I wasn’t sick, they won’t be there now. And here’s why:
In chronological order from first to last:
*Lillie; She was the first best friend to stab me in the back. Everything changed after she met and married a man with a Ph.D. Her “blue collar” friends were nothing. She started acting better than us, she was hanging out the pretentious snobs that didn’t understand the concept of hard work. Then one day I stuck up for a mutual friend of ours because Lillie and her merry band of assholes kept leaving her out intentionally AND rubbed it in our mutual friend’s face. That’s all it took, I was public enemy #1 to them after I stuck up for our friend. I tried to make amends, even tho it wasn’t my fault and they slap me harder. Lillie would post on her facebook, to people that didn’t even know me, that I was a horrible person. She was calling me a horrible person while being horrible to me.  Lillie and her friend Mindy tried to get me fired from my second job, a job I needed cause I was a single mom to Two boys and I was trying to make ends meet by working two jobs at once. They tried to get me fired cause they thought it would be funny. They thought it would be funny to ruin my life and my kids’ life but They write on social media about how wonderful and loving they are.
*Melinda; She just can’t stop lying. Everytime I turned around, I caught her in a lie. She very creepily flirted with younger boys also. When Melinda and I reconnected, my oldest son was 14 at the time. She very openly flirted with him. She was 34. Before we reconnected, I heard rumors that she liked young boys but I didn’t listen. I don’t listen to rumors but after seeing her flirt with my son… I believe everything about her now. She is a predator and that’s why I dumped her. Honestly, she needs to be kept away from children. 
*April; I wasn’t close to her but she was Melinda’s best friend and April is a notable skid mark in my life. She’s a pathological liar. (Just proves my point that you only hang out with people who are just like you cause Melinda was a liar also) April was plain crazy! And not interesting crazy… Just crazy. Something deeply wrong with her. I showed her a picture of us from back in high school and she cussed me out and told me it wasn’t her. I mean, what the fuck??!?! Right before I kicked her out of my life, I found out she was lying about being sick. Lying to get money. I basically found out she was a con artist…. But according to her and Melinda, I’m the worst human being on the face of the planet. Did I mention that Melinda and April also know Lillie? Yeah, what’s that saying about three peas in a pod? There’s not a saying for that, well there should be.  April would also post on her facebook about how homosexuals should be killed and black people were beneath her. I wish I was joking. Melinda and Lillie are friends with this monster.
*Luke; He was an old gamer buddy of mine. We were super close. He was in love with this sleazy chic, I was in love with her equally as the sleazy brother. So Luke and I had many very drunken nights, whining to each other about our dating woes. Some of the best times of my life. But all good things must come to an end, I guess. My priorities changed, his didn’t. Even after he had a child with this trash girl… When she took off and left her child, you’d think his priorities would be to the motherless daughter but no, it was to the worthless mother. Luke wouldn’t take care of himself. His toddler daughter was taking care of herself while he sat all day and night and played video games. He couldn’t even close the kitchen cabinet doors. He wasn’t depressed, he was just lazy. Major difference… Then, the worthless mother came back into their lives after 7 years of barely being in their lives. (and one attempted kidnapping, she tried to kidnap their daughter when she was a couple of years old) and Luke opened the door and welcomed her and got her pregnant AGAIN. The trashy mom is now in prison for breaking her parole because she almost killed Luke and their daughters but Luke still writes, publicly on his Facebook… about how he’ll be waiting for her when she gets out… 10 years from now. *edited February 9th 2018* Luke and I reconnected a few months ago. Of course he’s still hung up on Mandi but didn’t seem as bad. Mandi apparently got out of prison way eariler than anyone expected. I think it was good for about week after she got out and then, complete chaos. She’s using drugs again. She’s cheating again. Luke isn’t that innocent either. I think some girl was sending him naked pictures. I’m pretty sure mandi made Luke unfriend me on facebook cause she’s jealous lol. It’s not Luke’s m.o. to unfriend anyone, so I know that bitch was behind it. I kinda like being a threat to someone…and not because I’m a badass or something menacing but I’m a threat because I’m a better person. 😊
*Tabitha; Tabi is complicated because she’s my cousin by marriage. We went thru a lot together. We’ve laughed and lived hard. She was my rock for a while… A long while. I guess that’s why it was so hard to let her go and what clouded my judgment about her… But I broke away from her and once I did, I realized what she was and she was abusive. She is the classic mental abuser. “You’re nothing without me. ” Her own mother and grandmother tell all her friends (or rather her now ex-friends) that no one likes her and she can’t keep friends. She has one friend, and that friend is just like her. (again, two peas in a pod… Must be a theme here) Tabi is controlling and manipulative. I’ve always knew it but I didn’t realize just how bad she was until she started dating her now husband. A man who is a horrible human being. He’s just like tabi but I honestly think tabi is worse. ( short story about them. Her husband was drunk and abusing tabi, she told me to call the police. When the cops got there, he fought them. They arrested him because he was resisting arrest but yet They both blame me for his arrest.) Aaron, her husband… Would get paid, Runoff with his paycheck, and tell tabi he never wanted to see her again. She was controlling of him and I guess he got sick of it. Tabi would make his life a living hell until he came back, all because she was claimed to be  “codependent and proud.” She purposely got pregnant by him also, to trap him. Right before they got married, she was mad at him because he was flirting with his female coworker. She told everyone that Aaron raped her constantly but when I told her to go to the police she said she didn’t want anyone to know, yet she told everyone, even complete strangers, that he raped her.  She later told her mom that he didn’t rape her, she was just mad at him and wanted everyone else to be mad at him too….she married him a month later. There’s a lot more to tabi also. She has been arrested for drunk driving several times but hired a lawyer to fight the charges because  she said she shouldn’t get in trouble for being “ depressed and wanted to unwind.” but she didn’t care that she could have killed someone. She use to work at a Dr’s office. She and her coworker would steal his prescription pad and forge prescriptions for pain pills. The dr found out, he fired them.. Tabi and her coworker collaborated on a phoney sexual harassment charge… They sued him and won. They settled out of court. Tabi spent her money on fancy furniture and purses. She now works as a nurse at a local hospital. Tabi is the epitome of evil. Tabitha is also the reason why we have a good security system with cameras because she’s claimed to have burned down a coworkers house because her coworker didn’t return tabi’s DVDs. If you think I am just writing rumors, no..tabi has told me all of this herself. 
* Michelle ; I was friends with Michelle for 10 years. She was OK at first and for many years but she just would not shut up. When we talked on the phone, I would spend an hour or longer just listening to her…talk..non stop. She was soooo annoying but I didn’t want to stop talking to her because of that cause we all have something annoying about us. The last few years tho, she changed or she was just always like this and I never noticed or she never showed me how she really was until now. I also think that Michelle was going thru a midlife crisis, considering she was close to 60 years old, the age most people go thru a midlife crisis. She also had brain damage, I’m not trying to be mean either..she told me that she had brain damage from an accident when she was a little girl. Michelle started dating married men. Not one, or two but several. At first I thought maybe she just didn’t know cause she has a long history of Internet dating. Maybe these men had horrible relationships (not likely I know) or Michelle was just a victim of these guys lies and she was native. Nope. She knew what she was doing and I couldn’t condone it. She also started acting weird. Like she added thousands of people on her facebook that she didn’t even know, I never got the reasoning behind it but she would give out personal information to these strangers. I would point out to her just how dangerous that was and she would tell me that I was just jealous. Crazy bitch, I hope no one has killed her because of her stupidity.  She’s now friends with all my old ex-friends, friends she never even met but heard about, like Melinda.  She actually stalked and tracked these people down. It reminds me of the movie Single White Female… It must be nice to so immature.
*And finally Shannon; Shay was my best friend for 15 years. We were close… But distant. I could text her whenever I needed to and she with me but she’d never go out of her way to see me. Her extent of our friendship was texting. She’d travel over God’s green country to visit other people but never me. She was 5 minutes away from my house once and never tried to come by. She knows also that it was hard for me to leave my house because I have two children with autism that have nervous breakdowns if we leave home for long. Plus I have a wonderful husband that works all the time to support us and I never had a car to go anywhere because my husband worked 2 jobs, 7 days a week.  So she understood why I never could get out but she did nothing to try to be my friend.   I saw her true colors when she started blowing me off when I was upset. She blew me off cause she met a new friend. A new friend with a young daughter that Shannon pretty much aggressively started raising because it filled the void of Shannon’s own daughter that tragically died when she was just a year old. Shannon pretty much stepped in just took over. Makes me wonder what kind of mom her new friend is. Who just lets a practical stranger raise their kids? Weirdo. Shannon just up and left me behind but whined when I dumped her. Her husband started talking down to me too, trying to make me feel like I was stupid after Trump won. They were republicans but they couldn’t tell me why…seriously, Shannon would tell me she didn’t know anything about politics but yet she just knew Trump would be the better president because that’s what her family said. I was a Democrat, so her husband thought he could abuse me because of it. I call it the Trump effect. I honestly think that is how most of Trump’s supporters are too, not smart and basically just doing what they are told.Typical.
May I also add that all these people talk shit about me. They all blame me for their shitty-ness, some of these people I haven’t talked to in years but I’m to blame for their lives now. That’s not how it works. I’m won’t be their scapegoat anymore. This is the reason I needed to vent. Fuck them! If anyone is looking for the truth about these fuck nuts, here it is. Like I’ve  said, I still have very good, very awesome friends… But I still feel very lonely. I’m trying to not become jaded cause I know my other friends have a lot in their life also. I haven’t exactly been there for them but I do try and they understand. My best friend is taking care of her poor dad who has dementia. Another friend just had another beautiful baby and moving. A few of my friends work 60+ hours a week. And one of my friends lives thousands of miles away. It’s just hard being the friend that can’t leave her house. :( I know things will get better, there’s no doubt about that… But I also know it’ll get better without the assholes I listed. Trust me when I say, even tho I am super sick…. my life is better without them!
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