#they're all giving slightly different variations of semi-modern-fantasy and i don't know exactly what vibe it's giving but i LIKE IT
cj-the-random-artist · 7 months
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It occurred to me recently that almost all of my older Life Series art (think 3rd Life / Last Life) was more fantasy-leaning so I decided, for science, to try that more fantasy-leaning vibe for a Secret Life doodle. I also brought back the painterly leaning style because evidently I really like that for my more illustration based stuff. Also I used a different lineart brush which is an absolute vibe. AND I attempted a more color-based-storytelling-something-or-other which I've seen very well done recently especially in animation which I absolutely love. Basically I tried things with this one lol
Anyways. Random, very much spoiler free Secret Life doodle (it's literally not plot relevant at all it's just for the vibes lmao) of Gem and the Scotts that's less band inspired and more fantasy inspired and I'm kinda vibing with it. Enjoy :D
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