#this may be nothing but i'm on a spiral slideeeeeeee
khaotunq · 9 months
no but listen
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ray, this entire time, has been wearing rings on each of his index fingers. he changes his necklaces out but his rings seem to stay constant when he's awake, from what i can recall. right up to the fight with boston.
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but cut to a little later, lying on sand's bed. his right ring has switched. he's wearing it on his right ring finger. while physically and emotionally reaching for sand.
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he very deliberately doesn't move his right hand. he makes sure you can see it. his right hand's also the one touching sand the first time they woke up together, and the one sand grabs to make him "dance"
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traditionally, wedding bands are worn on the left ring finger but we already know ray's terrified of commitment or rejection or coming on too strong or overstepping boundaries after what happened with mew (add to all of that, sand's "i'll never take someone like you as my boyfriend" and i'm never sleeping again)
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disclaimer: i know approximately jack shit about any asian culture re: being able to speak with any authority, other than literally one indian lady i knew who wore an engagement ring on her right hand, so this is very much White Western perspective
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