#this scene makes me forget everything else that happened in ep 3 hahaha
nisuki · 7 years
11 Questions tag
more posts? yes, more MORE. EFKMDSDF @.@
I was tagged by @mimisapje and my quest is to answer these 11! Sorry, I took a damn long time and I still want to read your answers too XD . 
Rules: Always repost the rules. Answer the random 11 questions posted for you. Create 11 new ones and tag 11 people. Let the person who tagged you know that you answered…
1. What/Who made you start playing the sims?
MY MOM. SHE BOUGHT ME IT. Without thinking what it is. I’m pretty sure about that... lol. If it wasn’t her, I would have no idea who.. I started young okay xD
2. What’s your favorite interaction?
Hmm... good question... Anything with cute face animations hahaha. Top favorite, I don’t actually know o.o .... HMMM.. I’VE NO IDEA HELP. Anything playful and always many of the flirty interactions are my favorites haha. I think I like the cuddling on the bench a lot +.+ THE NOSE NOZZZLLE YES. I’m just a simpleton oke.
3. How do you play your game?
Hmm, I haven’t played the sims 3 in a while to be honest. I have been playing sims 4 though? I just play it normally, while thinking of tiny random stories of each person in the family. I just.. play ... how does one even describe that. Though I did add mods that makes sims eat quicker and stuff. I’m not patient for that oke. so I guess it isn’t entirely normal? It’s a bit more quick paced if I just play the game without taking pictures haha ^^
4. What’s the funniest thing that ever happend in the sims?
Funniest thing.. Sims morphing together ò_ó HAHA jkjk xD Pff, I’m quite easily amused though. Like in the sims 4, I laugh, everytime they fart LOL. The same goes with sims 2 xD . . I’ll even laugh if I see a random townie with vivid green brows, so what are you expecting from me? lol
5. Which sim trait do you like the most and why?
*scratches head* I don’t really have a favorite, or do I... I tend to just put traits in which I think fit their character. I suppose this depends on the “playing” of the game too, as I haven’t played much sims 3 I’ve no idea anymore haha! 
6. Did you ever quit your game without saving because something happend in game that you didn’t want to happen?
Not exactly, but does this situation count in which I decided to go do something else while accidently forgetting to pause my game? LOL. 
My entire family was almost gone, rip.
7. Who’s your favourite premade?
I’ve never looked at the premades a lot to be honest @_@’ I was more interested in creating my own characters haha! Though when I was younger I loved playing with the Newbie family. I loved the name LOL.. I didn’t even know what was the possible meaning of that name was when I was younger xD
8. What feature of any of the Sims series would you like in another version of the series. (Like the cutscenes in ts2 for ts3)
Oh sheesh, that’s too difficult.. ò_ó that with the cutscenes of ts2 is a good one! I really enjoyed seeing those scenes for the first time hahaha XD 
I haven’t played much ts2 in general though, only 1 playthrough, so I can’t exactly say a detail about it. Though, I think I would love to have sliders in TS4 or the CAST in TS4 both of TS3. Yea, I like it how you can pinch your sims and change it, but meh, I seem to prefer sliders more hehe.
9. What is your favorite career in the sims?
For sims 3 hmm... favorite.. I’ve thought that singing was quite fun XD . You literally get out to give people those.. ehh.. idk how to call them xD but you go to them to deliver a message with a song haha, but any job in sims 3 in which you go out is quite fun to look at. (GHOSTBUSTER yAA)
My favorite though.... I’M SO BAD AT PICKING FAVORITES T_T... This is what I do like about the Get to Work of Sims 4 -nods- I like that yes yes.
10. What’s the most evilest thing you’ve done in your game?
ò_ó  . . . . . .  WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO KNOW THAT.
Evil though, eeeh... change everyone into toads? LOL jkjk xD I’ve no idea actually, I don’t think I’ve ever done it.. Though that with the toads was bcus I was having a family with a witch and I wanted to try everything out. In which I ended up feeling like to change the whole town into toads HAHAHA XD
11.If you could order EA to make another expansion pack, what would it be? 
Another EP for sims 3 heh.. hmm.. how about an EP which broadens each existing EP? Which means they’ve gotta do all eps +++ yes. yes.
Nah jkjk, I’ve no idea to be honest... I want so much things @.@’ maybe more fantasy like things... or more historic stuff.. hmm.. YEA, I don’t have enough inspiration LOL. Yea, I’m boring like that -u-
My 11 Questions:
1. What you you enjoy the most in the game? 2. What do you dislike the most >:)? 3. Is there anything you want to learn which has to do with picture taking, story or cc?  4. What’s your favorite food? (random, I know) 5. What’s the most evilest thing you’ve done in your game? (Yep, copied from mimi hihiih <3) 6. What makes you bored? 7. What inspires you? 8. If you could do anything or wish for anything that would come true, what would you do/ wish for? 9. Is there anything the sims 3 needs more of? 10. What’s the first thing you look at if you meet someone new? 11. What part of the human’s face you like the most? (super random) LOL
I tag these terror questions to . . ehh.. *takes activity* :: @pralinesims, @doka-chan, @bluehoppersimming, @lilyssims, @blurrypxls, @wonkiie, @eenhoornsims, @histrionicsandtea, @goatkibble, @@puffshale, @jordutch.
Do them if you want to, there’s no “MUST” >.<
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