#ulthar's brainrots
beyondskai · 3 months
Honestly, the waffle duo fans had been starving for so long and then the last two eps Mumbo posted had such amazing interactions between them, I feel like we may get refeeding syndrome
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beyondskai · 4 months
Okay, but Mumbo Jumbo is totaly getting into database engineering irl. Let me explain: his most passionate projects are often related to something he did irl, like, most recently, his S8 base, wich was designed thinking of a real place he has talked about loving before. Now he's literaly doing a data base base, I'd bet that he's been interested in the workings of actual data bases and now wants to bring it to Hermitcraft :)
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beyondskai · 1 month
Has anyone ever done a computer Mumbo Jumbo AU? If not, allow me...
Mumbo K. Jumbo, a genius computer engineer, he knew his hardware like his own soul. He was good because he loved it! With each project, each burn from an overheating pc that he refused to let go and shock from still bare wires, made him want to be closer to his inventions. He wanted to be like his machines- No... he wanted to be one with them.
We all know where this is going. Uploads his conciousness to a computer, gets found years later by someone(I was thinking Grian, or maybe Zedaph, Martyn would be a good choice as well, maybe all of them), tries to use that person to gain access to the internet and rule the world, etcetc.
This might already be a thing, but I'll probably write it either way.
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beyondskai · 1 day
hi!!! after chatting with you yesterday i'm quite curoius about your name. do you mind me asking what is the origin of it? and if could somehow express how it is pronounced? :) and have a nice day, as always!
Hiii!!! Thank you for the ask, It's always so lovely chatting with you :D
My name actually comes from a story from H.P. Lovecraft. A few years back I use to be really into his books, to this day cosmic horror is my favorite kind of horror, and one his stories is called Cats Of Ulthar, I found that name really cool and started adhering to it in my social media accounts.
And BeyondSkai comes from the same story, the most popular sentence from this book is "It is said that in Ulthar, wich lies beyond the river Skai, no man may kill a cat.", so I just started using it to shake things up a bit!
(I've actually though of other names, Icarus is a name I use in one and only one very specific part of the internet, but I like Ulthar :3)
And well, about the pronunciation, I'm not quite sure either? I just sort of say it in my accent, and when other people say it they usually just go with whatever they read, the same with my irl name.
But, I did just went to Google Translate and found the closest accents to how I say it and I think the Russian one is actually pretty close. Soo, yeah, if you put in Ulthar and Skai and use the listen feature it I'll be almost identical to how I say it :) (and Beyond is just the word beyond in english)
Btw, do you mind if I call you Apo? I just remembered I've done it a while ago but I never asked if you are okay with nicknames. It's obviously okay if you don't like it, and either way I'll keep using Apollo more.
Anyway, hope you have a nice day as well <3
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beyondskai · 10 days
I love reading borrowed books with notes on them. You get to learn things about the other person that simply couldn't be expressed through a dialogue.
You underlined this part, why? Does this pain resonate with you?
Why did you choose to draw this scene among so many? Is it that you want this comfort, or is it that you had it and now mourn it?
You don't want to tell me who you are directly, and that's fine, but now you gave me this tool to find out for myself, I'll use it.
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beyondskai · 1 month
I feel like I don't talk nearly enough about how "I feel guilty being hurt, 'cause there are other people hurting, and those people really need support right now" and "These sterilised walls make me wanna give up and the beds are all full of people who need them more than me and more than you" and "I started toppling down the hillside, muddy bruises follow me. But you kept playing in the blade of grass, so verdant, so pristine" have spoken to me and made me open with myself about my own emotions in ways that years of therapy wouldn't.
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beyondskai · 2 months
The best way I have to force myself to write stuff for my stories is just starting essays. Like, yeah yeah, I still got three papers to read and then I have to actually write about how printed newspapers are harder to be censored than digital press and that's why counter hegemonic journals throught history often kept illegally printing newsletters even after attemps of supression... oOOor I can just write about the little gay people in my head :D
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beyondskai · 3 months
I want people to play Minecraft with so badly, I'm in desperate need of playing in an SMP with people who are just as insane as I am, I'm feeling like I'm having withdrawn, I'm gonna SZEXDRCFVYGBHUNMOWI(*FGTSW*FUIFNIM on someone's neck, please please please
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beyondskai · 1 month
Tumblr media
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beyondskai · 2 months
Playing videogames but everytime I die I have to watch a ten minute(or longer) video class and solve an exercise about the topic
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beyondskai · 2 months
I open Tumblr
I boop my favorite blog
I leave Tumblr
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beyondskai · 3 months
I finally got back to reading that book that's been colecting dust on the shelf. I wanted to bake little cakes, but the bananas I was gonna use went bad. I still haven't gotten to the end of my book, but I made progress, altough I just had soup for dinner and am still hungry.
Very hungry.
Maybe I can use apples instead, cause I really wanna find out who were the other little gods.
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