#ur honor i've never been more in lov
tobns · 11 months
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hongism · 2 years
insane anon here who no longer is remaining so anon lololol !! i hope ur well and ur enjoying the holiday season !!! ive been trynna catch up on all the writings everyones been posting, like ur moc !!!!! omggggg ill occasionally see lil spoilers here and there and im like FUCKKKKKK I NEED TO CATCH UP 😭😭😭🙌 but im taking a wintermester course so i can graduate next sem/on time but i jus want u to know the free time i have i always wind down reading ur writings and i jus wanna say a huge thanxx for being able to be that relaxing moment for me where i can jus enter like a new world of fiction and im 1000000% positive im not the only one who can say that when it comes to ur writings <33 pls keep up the good work bc truthfully……… ur insane and i lov every bit of that abt u !!! (bc i am too😜)❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥🙌🙌 hope the night is well and the weekend is even better <3333 (p.s ur the only one i leave inboxes for so jus know ur special and will be seeing more of me && that im also attaching a virtual hug w this msg !!!! XO)
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this is so SWEET THANK YOU T-T take your time with moc, she's not going anywhere and the next update is still a ways out since i've been busy with other end of years wips !! oh my god a wintermester you brave soul i hope it goes well!!! i know those are STRESSFUL AND BUSY!! be sure to take care of yourself too ahh <33 im so honored to be part of your free time routine that's so sweet thank YOU for enjoying my works, it means so much to me 🥺💖 i think i'll always be insane so i can guarantee that will never change hehe <3 i hope ur day/night and weekend are lovely as well muah thank you for making me feel special heh i hope we can talk more in the future too 🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️
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