burgi-burgit · 2 years
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VelBeth kinda be looking like she stole the Barron Nashers head as a top prop tho....
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welcome2andrealand · 7 years
My Own Stories
Please forgive my english if I make any mistakes. Also, this is going to be a long post.... "The Elfter Forest" • Main Character: Sara Beamfly. • Genre: Fantasy. We all know classic stories of witches, vampires, mermaids, werewolfs, fairies and ogres, and know that a couple of this creatures don't like each other, but what happens when a darkness is approaching Elfter and everything that lives there? This story is about trust and frienship, but above all, magic. "26" • Main Characters: Velbeth Edwards and Lysianna Roberts. •Genre: Romance. Velbeth What would you do if you fell in love with the most popular girl in school, who is also your brother's girlfriend? Lysianna What would you do if you fell in love with the most adorable nerd in school, who is also your boyfriend's sister? Velbeth and Lysianna This is so mess up. "Idea #742" •Main characters: Bashira Ponsholi and Phylia Anderson. •Genre: Sci-fi. A lot of people have been disappearing the last few weeks, but when they get back, they seem... Off. Is up to Bashira and Phylia to know what is going on and, hopefully, put an end to it. "What Is In Between? " • Main Characters: Alina Heart and Joe Vil. • Genre: Fantasy/Romance. A demon fell in love with and angel, one day he kissed her, as a result, the angel fell to earth as a human without memory. Can the demon recover the love he lost? "Blindfolded" •Main character: Bianca Turco. •Genre: Lifestyle (?)/Romance Bianca suffer a terrible accident when she was 14 that made her blind, now she's 18, her mother is not the same since the accident, her older brother blames himself, and Bianca has lost herself in the routine.
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