#wasn't sure what to do with finster at first but as soon as i thought about him as a kooky human scientist i was like OHH
morninkim · 1 year
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Rise of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - NASADA’s Promethea Base
Meet some of the agents of the National Aerospace Science And Defense Agency‘s Promethea Base, Dr. Finster and Grace Oliver! And a... space garbage can?
Dr. Sean Finster is an eccentric old scientist who studies xenobiology and xenolinguistics. His oldest linguistic fixation is a strange artifact that was found in a crater on the moon during one of the final Apollo missions in the early 1970s. Over the years, he believes he has deciphered the symbols lade into it to say “Rita Repulsa” but no one is quite sure what that means. His current biology fixation is on these strange clay-like creatures this ‘Goldar’ uses to fight the newly appeared Power Rangers, wanting to find a way to replicate them.
Grace Oliver was relocated to Angel Grove to head up Promethea Base’ new study into Goldar and the Power Rangers, she believes they may be connected to the artifact Dr. Finster has been studying. She views the Power Rangers as untrustworthy and amateur, believing the team should leave the world-saving to those more qualified. Juggling running a secret scientific operation and raising a teenage daughter, while also keeping the nature of her secret scientific operation from said daughter, weighs heavy on her mind.
Several others working in the facility, including Grace, have noted the good Doctor’s bad caffeine habit. This, and the many late nights he’s taken in his lab may be contributing to claims that he’s been scattered, drifting off and talking to himself more and more recently. Grace has recommended he take some time off, but Finster has politely declined at every opportunity and continues to work.
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