#we collectively take canon and say you're trash my destiel fanfiction is better and we go with it
crowned-clown-rising · 10 months
Honestly I think we as a fandom are... pretty entitled.
And I'm including myself in this, really it's a group dynamic thing, but yeah it's always been "They should have done this" or "It's so wrong that they did this..." instead of the normal, commonly used by a fan "I wish..."
Like we have opinions, cool. Most of the complaints have a point don't get me wrong, but I've never seen a fandom more entitled to the creators work. I mean we don't move in fanon, we straight up try to change and debate canon like it's ours. This probably comes from the game being a small business compared to other media with more traction.
(And yes, I could talk about reasons beemov is greatly responsible for that and how they could have avoided such drop, but then again... case in point)
Like, we are allowed not to like stuff. We really are. And to express it. But there's this attitude hovering over us in which we talk about the characters and the story like it's ours. Like our take on the story counts as anything other than a player's opinion. No one there really owes nothing outside of common courtesy and legal handling of the purchase systems. I mean what they give is what we get and that's it. We can ask for stuff, sure. And they might just comply if they can and want to, but they don't have to. Yes, we are the ones playing the game and our feedback is important but... we are not their boss? but it feels like that sometimes?
And I say this as someone who is literally overwriting the story to my likings as a fanfic, and even then I'm still taking almost everything from the canon so far. The main plot, entire dialogues... If that's not entitled idk what is.
So yeah, there's that. I don't mean to prosecute or defend anyone, I just wanted to point that out.
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