#we just want good public transport okay i get that exercise is good but i'd rather not risk my extremities for it thank you
pa-pa-plasma · 3 months
i feel like a lot of people ignore the fact that in a lot of places, bicycling just. cannot be done for half the year, & that's why public transport being good is important. i cannot bike in 5 feet of snow & ice or in 40c heat. i can't even walk in that, unless i have the energy to snowshoe or a bucket of ice water to chug.
"but I can do it!" good for you. unfortunately i live in Berk (snowing for 9 months of the year & hailing the other 3) & cannot unless i want to die. also disabled people exist. & children. & people who live in a place where everything is no closer than 30 minutes away, & 30 minutes in -30c can kill you if you can't afford a good pair of boots & a good coat. i may have bike paths but the river floods past them every year. what do i do then? bike on the highway?? just let me take the train
#people who live in places where the weather is always nice (aka not trying to kill you 75% of the time): you are an outlier#where i live the temperatures range from -30c to +35c give or take. snow hail thunderstorms tornadoes all that shit too#''biking is so fun! even when it's raining!'' dude ima be real with you. it is ice raining. i do not want to be coated in wet ice#do you know what snowmelt is? it's where all the snow melts in the spring & then fucking floods everything#it's freezing dirty water & it kills people because people always underestimate The River#i am not riding my bike through that. it's always colder & deeper than you think & there is always a current even if you can't see it#''but it's not like it's the ocean'' dude. water aint fucking around salt or no#you may look at The River & think ''that's just a lake. seems calm & nice'' but you'd be wrong & you would die from your foolishness#this shit is connected to the Great Lakes. those fuckers are fresh water seas. i do not fuck with that#it's great you live in a place where biking all year round is feasible. but i cannot do that even if i wanted to#''but what if the weather's been nice lately'' then you'd be falling for fool's spring#where it looks like it's getting warmer & then the temperature drops & it snows a whole bunch again#& then it warms up & then it snows again. repeat until like May#we just want good public transport okay i get that exercise is good but i'd rather not risk my extremities for it thank you
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Leona Kingscholar Beastly Garb Personal Story: Part 1
"Whatever I feel like doing."
Part 1 (Part 2) (Part 3)
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[Sports Field]
Leona: We'll end today's practice here. Make sure you do your cool down exercise on your own.
Magift Club Members: YESSIR!!!
Leona: Ahh, I'm beat. Think I'll head back to the dorm and snooze a bit.
Epel: Um, Leona-san! There's something I'd like to ask of you…
Leona: Ask of me? If it's something stupid, I ain't gonna hear you out.
Epel: Uhhm… That means I can still ask, right? Thank you very much.
Epel: Recently, I keep missing passes and dropping discs a lot.
Epel: Please tell me a way to train so I can improve my control of the disc and make less mistakes!
Leona: Oh, is that all? Don't worry about it. Bye.
Epel: Eh… Wait, no, I wanted more specific advice…!
???: EH!
Epel/Leona: ?
Ruggie: You guys are gonna go into town? By bus?
Magift Club Member A: Yeah, but… What's up, Ruggie? You wanna go too?
Magift Club Member B: You can come, but we're not gonna buy you any food.
Ruggie: Tch, that sucks. But puttin' that aside… If you're headin' there, can I getcha to buy somethin' for me?
Ruggie: It might be a liiiittle heavy, but… It should be easy enough for two people to carry 20 boxes of sports drink powder packets!
Magift Club Member A: No way!! You can do that by sending a first year to the Mystery Shop or something, instead.
Ruggie: If I ask you guys to do it for me, then that saves me on the bus fare, and the club's money. It's basically killing two birds with one stone.
Magift Club Member B: Not my problem. It's not like that amount saved is gonna go into our pockets or anything… If you want to save money so bad, why don't you go yourself?
Ruggie: Mmkay, I mean, I don't really care~ But there's that time you owe me from when I swapped clubroom cleaning duties with ya…
Magift Club Member A: O-Okay, okay! We'll go buy some on the way back!
Ruggie: Thanks a bunch. 'Kay, here's the money for it. I need the usual 20 boxes of sports drinks!
Leona: Man, you're being so cheap…
Ruggie: Ah, Leona-san. Were you listening to all that?
Ruggie: I'm not being cheap at all. That's me saving 6 Madol on 20 boxes each, y'know!? It's completely a rip-off otherwise!
Epel: 20 boxes of sports drink powder…
Epel: That'd be difficult to carry by broom, maybe? I guess it would be pretty impossible to bring back without taking the bus.
Ruggie: Riiight? Brooms're great 'cause you don't gotta think about schedules and fares, but...
Ruggie: If you gotta carry stuff, it's basically the pits…. Or more like, someone scrawny like me can't do that.
Epel: Yes… Whenever I try to fly with my stuff on the broom, I'm always swaying so hard it makes me anxious…
Epel: If I try to use magic to carry it, then I get so focused on the floating luggage that my speed drops.
Leona: See, you get it.
Ruggie: Huh, but your flight ability's way out of our range.
Leona: Well, yeah. But that's not what I'm talking about.
Leona: I meant about what I said to Epel earlier to not worry about making mistakes when handling the disc.
Leona: Your flying's one of the best out of all the first years.
Leona: If you're gonna try to greedily grab at everything and neglect your actual strong point, how're you actually gonna be useful?
Epel: That's…
Leona: You don't need to think about anything unnecessary right now.
Leona: If you think about it, the disc is just a single object. Moving it with magic is like, the fundamentals.
Leona: As long as you keep up your studies, you'll improve over time.
Epel: I see…!
Ruggie: Shishishi, can you really say that, though, since you skip all your classes?
Leona: Hah?
Epel: Ahahaha…
Leona: But when it comes to shopping… You guys figure it out on your own.
Ruggie: Ehhh. Even if you say that…
Ruggie: Public transportation costs money, and there's not that many buses running on Sage's Island to start with!
Ruggie: If we used brooms, then that'd help save time, but… If there's a ton to buy, then we'd need a bunch of people to work together to go get it.
Leona: Luckily, the Magical Shift Club has more members than any other club. Shouldn't be a problem.
Ruggie: What're you even saying? There's no way any of these guys would take on something like this before coming to practice.
Epel: And magical wheels… Aren't really geared towards hauling stuff, either.
Ruggie: Maaan, it'd be great if we had someone who could bust out a car in times like these.
Ruggie: If we did, it'd be so easy to go shoppin' for the club, and we could totally use it to take full advantage of all the bargains that happen in town!
Leona: …
Epel: Most of the adults back home have cars… But I don't think I know anyone here at school with a license, I think?
Ruggie: I mean, the first years're probably too young, and everyone at our school's pretty busy anyway. I don't think there's anyone who'd be able to get one.
Epel: I thought you'd be someone to get something as useful as a license as soon as he could, Ruggie-san.
Ruggie: Eh? But getting a license and renewin' it costs money, don't it?
Leona: How long're you guys going to be talking about something you can't have? No one can drive, so just give it up.
Leona: C'mon, it's an easy decision. Just don't go to into town.
Leona: Night Raven College is a prestigious Magical Shift school. Our club's really well funded, if not abundantly so.
Leona: Basically, the Mystery Shop should be enough. Just don't be greedy.
Ruggie: Tch. This island's reaaaally inconvenient.
Part 1 (Part 2) (Part 3)
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Requested by @dorito9708 and @kiingsroar.
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