#well today I would've been against a friend from our own school if I'd taken part and he probably wouldn't kill me but generally
autogeneity · 4 months
getting increasingly annoyed about instructor saying I shouldn't compete in sparring
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Scarlet Fever Ch.15 Emily Agreste (Part 1)
Summary: Endings and Beginnings.
Notes: Boy those were a lot of loose ends to tie up.
Ah, Emilie does Not make an appearance. It's more because she represents family.
"I didn't realize you felt so overwhelmed until Princess Justice pointed it out."
"Yeah, but I didn't realize how much you were struggling until I found out who you were."
"It's not like I would have let you in even if you asked."
"I'm sorry I didn't ask."
"You were just following the rules."
"Lot of good that did, huh?"
"... I hate how much I failed you with the Snake."
"I'm sorry I put you in that position."
"I didn't say no."
"Adrien, if you showed up and said you trusted me with a Miraculous I would've jumped for joy!"
"Believe me. I was tempted."
"I never should've let you sacrifice yourself for me."
"From what I remember you usually didn't have much say."
"Exactly! You got hit because I couldn't get out of the way in time!"
"That's not how I see it."
"You getting hit was never okay."
"Better than the alternative."
"Not to me."
Adrien stared at the ceiling that still felt too close as the dream, or memories rather, faded. As tempting as it was to stay in bed and go back to sleep the blinds were pulled and sunlight was streaming in. And he was cursed, as his friends put it, with being a morning person.
Making his way to the restroom Adrien splashed water on his face and ran his wet hands through his hair to fix his bedhead. Combing it into his usual style. He paused, staring at his reflection in the mirror... At the model perfect look Gabriel had insisted on for years... Adrien ran his fingers through it, ruining it. Letting his locks fall in a decidedly Chat Noir-ish manner.
A knock on the bathroom door pulled Adrien out of his thoughts. "Bro, breakfast!" Nino called.
"Be right out!" Adrien hurried through the rest of his routine. His hair the only significant difference.
Plagg phased through the wall. "I dunno, Adrien," he started without preamble. "Turtle boy's kid brother is quite a handful."
Adrien smiled, scratching at the kwami's chin. "You're a handful too, Plagg."
"Yeah, but it's different when I do it!"
Chuckling, Adrien offered his pocket and Plagg flew in. Grumbling about tiny humans.
"Sleeping Beauty!" Nino exclaimed as Adrien sat next to him.
Pressing his lips together Adrien gave his best friend a mock glare. "That is not catching on."
"Oh, yes it is dude!" Nino stuffed his grinning mouth with baghrir. Butter and syrup almost dripping onto him.
Lips twitching into a smile despite himself Adrien reached for his own. "Where's Noël?"
"Folks took him to school," Nino replied around a mouthful.
"Yes!" Plagg flew out of Adrien's pocket and made a beeline for the fridge. "Camembert here I come!"
Shaking his head in fond exasperation Adrien ran a finger absentmindedly along the rim of his plate. M. and Mme. Lahiffe were kind enough to offer their home and let Nino take a few days off school. Nino insisted he think of it as an extended sleepover but... "I wanted to thank them for-"
Suddenly, Nino was leaning against him and wrapping an arm around Adrien's neck, pulling him close. "Dude, that's the fifth time you've said that."
"I'm just really grateful!" Adrien insisted, pushing him off.
"Believe me. They know."
Adrien swallowed the lump in his throat. The Lahiffe household was more than he could've hoped for. Especially with everything on the news. Gazing at Nino, the memory of a glowing purple butterfly came to the forefront. "To you too. For what you did."
Eyes widening for a moment Nino adjusted his cap, cheeks darkening. "What're best friends for?"
Adrien smiled softly. Tears prickling at the corners of his eyes. "You are the best. Y'know that, right?"
Nino wrapped his arms around Adrien in a  proper hug. "Back atcha, bro."
Returning the gesture, Adrien held him tight as his heartbeat spiked. "Couldn't have done it without you."
"Flatterer," Nino scoffed.
Clearing his throat, Nino removed his glasses to rub at his eyes. "Eat up, dude! Don't want to keep the Gorilla waiting. We got a big day ahead."
"...Yeah," Adrien agreed. "We do."
"Don't be bemused! It's just the news! The trial of the century is coming to a close. Disgraced fashion mogul Gabriel Agreste, who's terrorized Paris as the supervillain Papillon for the past two years, will finally face justice. The crown court is expected to reach their verdict later today. His son, fifteen year old Adrien Agreste, could not be reached for comment-"
Marinette pressed mute and turned away from the living room television. She hated that they had to mention Adrien like that. Like being Gabriel's son was the only description that mattered. Still, maybe she should bake Nadja some pastries as a thank you for pushing back against the idiots who wanted to lump Adrien in with Gabriel.
As a parent, as a reporter, Nadja had torn into anyone that even suggested Adrien was anything except a victim of his own father. On live television no less!
Just the memory of the press conference Ladybug called for the specific purpose of vouching for Adrien made her blood boil. If only they knew. Ungrateful jerks.
Tikki looked up from her place on the table, brow furrowing at her holder's tension. "Are you alright, Marinette?"
Sighing, Marinette glanced back at the screen. Slowly unclenching her fists. They were showing footage of his testimony again. "I'm worried about Adrien."
"Of course you are." Sabine set a plate of macarons next to Tikki. Who took the liberty of grabbing one. "That young man is going through something terrible very publicly. No wonder you're worried about him."
"Maman!" Marinette covered her face with her hands. "Saying it out loud doesn't make it better!"
Sabine gave her daughter a bittersweet smile. "Beating around the bush won't help."
Marinette groaned into her palms.
"But," Sabine continued, placing her hands on Marinette's, "you and all his other friends are making sure Adrien doesn't go through it alone."
Lowering her arms, Marinette looked down. "I... haven't been doing much, really."
"Marinette!" Tikki scolded. "What you've done for Adrien isn't nothing! You've talked to him, listened to him, been there for him. You're doing everything you can, Marinette!"
Sabine nodded, taking a seat next to her daughter. Holding their hands in her lap. "Even Ladybug has limits."
Marinette's mouth twisted ruefully. "I know."
"You know it here." Sabine tapped Marinette's forehead. "But here," Sabine pointed at Marinette's heart, "still has to catch up."
Her eyes stung as Marinette let herself fall into her maman's embrace. "I wish I could do more."
"Oh, honey." Sabine kissed her forehead. "I am so proud of the compassionate young woman you are. But you can't fix everything. More importantly it isn't your responsibility to fix everything."
Marinette opened her mouth to protest but Sabine laid a finger on her lips.
"She's right, Marinette." Tikki floated up to nuzzle against her holder's cheek. "What you're doing is already enough. More than enough. You're so kind to everyone else. Be kind to yourself."
Marinette didn't know when her tears fell but it didn't matter. For the first time since she donned the mantle of Ladybug, Marinette let herself be a girl crying into her mother's arms.
"Marinette!" Alya almost knocked them both over as she squeezed a little too tightly. "It's been forever, girl!" Noticing the red in Marinette's eyes she frowned. "You okay?"
Marinette nodded. "I'm fine," And it didn't feel like a lie. She smiled at Alya's familiar worry. "It's only been a day."
"Like I said, forever."
Tikki poked her head out of Marinette's purse. "Good morning, Alya."
Eyes sparkling, Alya restrained herself from gushing. "Tikki!" she whisper-shouted. Mostly. "Good to see you. Any chance we'll be meeting your friends again?"
All things considered Alya had taken Marinette being Ladybug rather well. She had been more concerned with why Marinette was akumatized and how she could help. It was a relief, really. That Marinette didn't need to lie to her best friend anymore.
"I'm sure Trixx would be happy to." Tikki smiled at Alya's enthusiasm.
"If Fu ever lets go of that box again," Sabine muttered. She waved goodbye to Tom who was left in charge of the bakery.
"Maman!" Despite weeks of her mother being very vocal about Master Fu's flaws Marinette was still scandalized by her critique of the Guardian.
"Don't 'maman' me. You know it's true. The only reason he didn't take back all of his fancy jewelry is because Oblivio helped us out." Sabine smiled at Alya.
Cheeks darkening, Alya smiled back. It felt odd to be praised for something she used to be ashamed of.
Marinette gently squeezed her arm. "Thanks for that."
"Hey, you used the Butterfly. Me and Nino just aimed." Alya wasn't sure how hard it was to tweak Oblivio's power so they could target specific memories instead of erasing everything at once. But she wouldn't have wanted anyone besides Marinette on the other side of the telepathic link.
There were a lot more people that needed their memories adjusted than Alya thought. Sure, Gabriel and Nathalie needed to forget who Ladybug and Chat Noir were. But there was also everyone in the locker room when the akuma swarm came.
Marinette bumped playfully into Alya, lips twitching into a smile. "Never thought I'd be glad to see Oblivio again."
Alya wrinkled her nose. "That makes three of us." Looking from right to left to make sure no one was in hearing range Alya leaned in close. "I can't believe you have a superhero therapist!"
"Eh, not the weirdest thing to happen this month." Marinette was just glad she didn't need to keep Ladybug a secret from someone else.
"Did you, y'know, use Ladybug for that?"
"Actually, it was Adrien that got us an interview with her in the first place."
Before Alya could respond Kagami's car turned the corner. The door opening for them as the driverless vehicle pulled up to the curb.
"Marinette, Alya, Sabine," Kagami greeted as they all piled in. "And Tikki," she added as the kwami floated out of Marinette's purse. "...Where is Anansi?"
"Kicking butt. She's a kickboxer," Alya elaborated at Kagami's confused look. "Can't reschedule this time. Has to fight or she forfeits."
Kagami nodded in understanding. "Your sister is smart enough to know that one does not back down without giving it your all."
Marinette straightened as Kagami's eyes landed on her. She thought that might be referring to something besides fighting but it was hard to tell. Reading Kagami was always difficult.
"I can't believe I'm finally going to meet the Guardian!" Alya exclaimed. Sabine's sentiments barely putting a dent in her enthusiasm. "You think he's up for answering a few thousand questions?"
Kagami smiled despite herself. Her phone chimed and she frowned at the text. "We have to make a stop first."
Nino hugged Alya and fist bumped Kagami. His eyes were tense despite the smile he gave them. "Hey, Mari."
Marinette's brow furrowed. "Nino." She placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Is he...?"
Nino nodded, pointing his thumb behind his back. "Up ahead."
Taking a deep breath Marinette stepped into the cemetery proper.
The Gorilla was standing guard as usual. Spotting her, he gave Marinette a nod and let her pass. Walking further away to give them some privacy.
Adrien was standing rigidly in front of Emilie's grave.
What should she say? What could she say? Marinette cleared her throat. "Nino says you didn't want to have a funeral?"
Adrien shook his head, the first sign that he noticed her presence. "We- I already buried her once. Mourned her once. It's... not exactly easy the second time but..." He took a breath. It was shaky. "Um, the lawyer read me her will." His voice shook too. "M-maman didn't want- Sh-she didn't want..." Tears built up in his eyes. "What Gabriel did to her!" They flowed freely down his face. "Maman wanted to rest."
Marinette rushed forward and pulled Adrien close, letting him bury his face in her shoulder.
"Sh-she wanted to rest!" His voice broke as he breathed out the words.
Pushing down the disgust she felt towards Gabriel, Marinette focused on the boy in her arms. Rubbing circles into his shaking back. Soothing him, being there for him. Letting him spill his tears without comment. His breathing slowly evening out.
Sooner than she expected Adrien straightened, wiping at his eyes. "Thanks, I... I needed that."
Marinette swallowed. "A-anytime."
Adrien had cried more in the past few weeks than he had in the past year... That probably wasn't healthy. Something else to tell his therapist. "God. One of these days I'm going to stop crying on you!"
"I hope not," Marinette's mouth said before her brain could overanalyze it. Her eyes widened. "I mean- I don't want you to keep crying! That is- You can cry however much you want! Wait, no, I mean-"
Adrien smiled fondly at the familiar sound. The vise in his chest loosening its hold.
"Don't laugh at me!" Marinette pouted.
That only made his gaze soften further. "I missed you."
Pink dusting her cheeks, Marinette turned to avoid looking at him directly. "I missed you, too."
"I've just been so busy," he began.
"With the trial," she nodded.
"And therapy."
"And figuring out the next step with Master Fu."
"And it felt awkward, y'know?" Adrien gestured vaguely.
"To text or something," Marinette agreed.
Adrien blinked as he realized something. "Has it really been a week since we saw each other?"
"Eleven days," Marinette responded immediately. "But! Uh, who's counting?"
"It's odd not fighting akuma with you." Adrien fiddled with his ring.
Marinette's hand instinctively went to one of her earrings. "Not as odd as you being out of school for so long."
Adrien gazed up at the sky, thoughtful.
"... Are you coming back?"
"... Yes." The decision came to him easily. "All of you guys are there. My therapist thinks it's a good idea to be close to my support network. And Chloe's already offered to pull some strings so I'm not swarmed by paparazzi every day."
"So weird for Chloe to use her evil powers for good," Marinette muttered.
Adrien's lips twitched. "I'll be sure to tell her you said that."
"She probably wants to attach a helicopter pad to the school roof," Marinette joked.
"I talked her out of it."
Marinette choked a bit at that. Glancing at Adrien, she could see the tension he had when she first walked up to him was all but gone. His smile came easier. But... "If you needed to come here you could've said so. You made Nino worry."
"Ah." Adrien rubbed the back of his neck. "I didn't know I needed to until this morning."
Ignoring the little voice in her head that panicked at the thought, Marinette grabbed Adrien's hand. His fingers curling around hers. "So you're not just avoiding the meeting we have with the Guardian?"
"Well," he finally grinned. "That too."
"He's not going to take Plagg away, you know. Maman won't let him."
"Ha! No, I don't think she would." Adrien gazed at Emilie's name carved in stone. "... You go ahead. I'll catch up."
Reluctantly, Marinette squeezed his hand before letting go. There was something else she wanted to say. But the words wouldn't come. Not taking her eyes off him until she passed the Gorilla.
Adrien turned back to his mother's grave with a bittersweet smile. "That's her. Ladybug. She's incredible, you'd like her. Stubborn, driven, intelligent. Couldn't ask for a better partner..." He placed a hand on the stone. "I wish you could've met her."
Floating out of Adrien's pocket Plagg laid his paw on top of the boy's hand.
"This is Plagg. He's a smug little troublemaker but that's part of his charm."
Plagg might've commented on Adrien's own troublemaking tendencies if this were any other circumstance. As it was Plagg just nuzzled against Adrien's hand.
A thought took root in Adrien's mind. "...Plagg?"
Ears twitching, Plagg looked up at his kid.
"Can... Can she hear me?"
Oh. Oh.
Plagg hated that question. The answer was never enough. Never as simple as yes or no. Over the centuries he'd lied through his teeth to ease his holders' burdens.
Adrien waited for his answer with trusting, patient eyes.
He swallowed the easy falsehood, burning his throat as it went. "I'll make sure she gets your messages," Plagg promised, ears drooping.
And for the first time in ten thousand years Plagg's holder simply nodded. "Thank you."
"...C'mon, kid," Plagg urged when Adrien didn't say any more. "They're waiting for you."
Sniffling, Adrien rubbed his eyes. "Y-yeah. Right."
Nino hugged Adrien tightly, practically squeezing the air out of his lungs. Kagami was little better. It was impressive how threatening she sounded while prompting Adrien to take care of his mental health. Sabine, by comparison, gave soft hugs and gentle encouragement.
Adrien loved all of it.
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kazoosandfannypacks · 3 years
I was scrolling mindlessly through my facebook memories. Haha, funny post I need to tag my old roommate in, keep scrolling, you know the drill. Until I read a post I thought I'd already deleted.
"I wanna introduce y'all to someone really special." it began. There was a whole paragraph more of text, but I didn't need to read it to know what ot said, and I felt a numb shiver of pain as I scrolled past the post and the photo as quick as I could.
The next post there: status update: in a relationship with... I tried to scroll past. I didn't need to see who it was, I knew, but I guess I'd forgotten what today was.
Today would've been our two month anniversary- well, it would've if I hadn't been kicked to the curb a month or two later.
I can't say I was kicked to the curb, really. He decided we were moving too fast- he was right- and he decided we weren't ready for a relationship- he was right- and he decided we needed to take a break- and I guess he was right. But just because we weren't ready for a relationship doesn't mean I was ready to not be in a relationship, and I, a new freshman five hundred miles away from home would be left shipwrecked and devastated, just two months after two years ago today.
It was just a break, and it was the most confusing break ever taken, because we couldn't really avoid each other at a school of less than a hundred people, and still often we would sit very close to each other. Finally though, he realized that he wasn't planning on going overseas like he had said he was, and since my plan is to do missions work overseas, I realized after an agonizing week of internal deliberating that it wasn't going to work out between us.
Not surprisingly, or, at least, not surprisingly for someone who doesn't trust people as much as I did, not suprisingly for someone who actually sees the world for the way that is, not how we wish it was, a week later he started talking about starting a relationship with one of my closest friends in the school, who he had promised me he wasn't about to start catching feelings for.
A few months after that, just before the school got shut down for covid, I realized how much of our relationship had been filled with things that didn't add up, and when I confronted him about it, I can't tell you how much I was rooting against myself- how much I hoped I was wrong. Instead, he confirmed all but one of my accusations against him- among other things owning up to only dating me because I was the only person who was willing to date him- and he gave a half hearted apology and left me crying on a table in my classroom- not alone though, that best friend he'd tried to start a relationship with was there with us to comfort me and keep me level headed, and she did the best she could at it.
Eventually, a little over a year after I met him, I realized I was maybe too harsh on him, and the right thing to do would be to forgive him, but when I messaged him after a long period of not messaging each other much- he'd messaged me a couple times to ask how I was doing- which without fail made me significantly worse- but I was finally ready to forgive him now and work things out- and he turned me away, said it would be better if we stopped talking to each other, and I haven't spoken to him since.
So I'm sorry if I seem a bit on edge today. It's only the two year anniversary of the worst ever best day of my life.
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