#well....she didn't yeet him so that's a start fjksldjflskj
ofgentleresolve · 2 years
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@jeoseungsaja​ sent in: "You can tell me." (HOW ABOUT? MANA AND YEO, Mana is more than free to yeet him tbh IWUEDHIUWDEH) || new blog but they all still hate vulnerability 🙃 ( you can tell me prompt. )
Hoàn frowns, hands still balled in the pockets of her coat. The summer sun beats down on the both of them in the park although there is shade either of them could take refuge in, Hoàn highly doubts it would do much to stave off the heat.
All the more reason to make her leave- it’s one of the downsides to being a turtle spirit. There’s only so much sunlight her body can take before it hurts. The coat, however heavy, is the one thing keeping the UV rays away, but that doesn’t mean it’ll protect her from overheating. Not even SUNSCREEN would help her there.
( How strange- how does she know about sunscreen? Why did that human invention come to mind first? )
And yet, she stays even with the river only a quick walk away. It’d be easy, maybe, to escape him, the fox spirit. Sure getting to the river would be an issue, but once she’s in the water, she’d be safe.
Foxes can’t swim after all.
But he’s made no move so far to cut her down. Or bite her- she doesn’t know how he fights. It’s smart, really- not showing your hand unless necessity calls for it.
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“Don’t you think that’s unfair?” She says instead, still sitting on the ledge of the bench. “You ask all these questions and expect me to be open about myself while you get to stay a mystery? It doesn’t work that way.” She keeps frowning though, biting on the inside of her cheek. It would be…nice though, she supposes to be able to confide in someone aside from Kim Quy. Of course, the Golden Turtle God is her protector in many ways, but there’s only so many times she can take another cryptic response to a question, or even a confession she makes.
Sometimes Hoán just wants the answer straight. Easy to comprehend. Or maybe just someone she can have a normal conversation with.
She leans back, weighing her options. If she tells him and he uses it against Kim Quy, well, it doesn’t seem like he’s any more than a typical gumiho. At the very least, Kim Quy would ( hopefully ) have little difficulty with subduing him. There’d also be the matter of having to explain herself to Kim Quy, but well-
You know what, she can deal with that if such a circumstance ever arises.
Which it might not. Because if he turns out to be decent then-
“You’re lucky. I can’t answer a question I don’t know the answer to myself.” Hoàn throws a look in the gumiho’s direction. “…You happen to know any creatures who were once human and became supernatural?”
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