#where ace's choices are 1. strike nika down
chromotps · 4 months
hi hello i had another acelu supernatural AU thought while I was working... I know Original Anon said it wouldn't get into the angels/demons storyline, BUT
what if there was still the doomed-brother plotline? Like, if it's Luffy who's like Sam, destined to be the vessel of a Lucifer-figure... maybe Nika (who I haven't gotten to in my OP read, so I'm just going on vibes) has chosen Luffy as its host. And it's mostly a creature of chaos/not purely evil, but it's so powerful that the longer it inhabits Luffy, the more likely it is that he'll be lost/"taken over"
meanwhile Ace is still the son of Roger, famed demon hunter and has taken on all his skills and tricks... but it's the way Ace is different from Roger—that he still sees Luffy as his brother, someone he knows and loves and has learned to trust—that allows him to save him
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