#which if we're going with the sentient!atlantis theory just proves my point in more ways than one
the-mushroom-faerie · 9 months
"fifth race" this, "second evolution" that. I think the Tau'ri specifically are the foretold returned Ancients.
with very few exceptions, Earth is the only place that has people with the ATA gene
Earth is where the Ancients evacuated to after they lost the war with the wraith
the earth stargate programme is the one that has explored, rediscovered, and activated the most Ancient devices and bases (Antarctica, Atlantis, that ship in SGU, the Ancient libraries, all of Merlins stuff, all of Oma Desala's stuff, all of Morgan Le Fays stuff, the list goes on)
Earth has made contact with the Asguard, the Nox, the Tollans, the Wraith and some other allies
Earth has made contact with actual Ancients and even had at least one Ascend and come back (Daniel)
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