#wow did I actually make some art that wasn't just a rough sketch?
123countwithme · 7 months
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It was just too cute with his little frog plush.
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
Can I get Penis Panic part 3- Revenge of the Dicks? Featuring the demon triplets, the garden inhabitants, Shags, and Stitches?
-Corkscrew Cock Anon
[Adding the aquarium peeps too, because I don't have a name planned for a part 4 if anyone asks.]
TW: Noncon.
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Ludwig sighs. The first thing that graces his mind is disappointment, the blatant display of terror turning him off a little, but then he genuinely gets worried. In fact, if you don't wake up very soon, he's going to rush you to a hospital. He's not even thinking about why you fainted, he's just worried half to death.
Obie snorts. Hahah, real funny! Oh shit, you actually passed out. HUH. He's shaking you immediately. Is it the piercings?? Do you think they'll hurt? Dude don't scare him like that! You'll wake up to Obie clutching you and sighing loudly in relief.
Mervin rolls his eyes. You're overreacting! Geez, what are you, a baby? Come now. It's a little flattering. Okay, he's basically high on it- But it's definitely an unusual reaction and he's mildly concerned. You'll wake up to him seated on the edge of the bed, demanding an explanation.
Shags stares at your limp form for a few moments. Curious. Well then, he's nothing if not an opportunist. You're posed in different ways, Shags starts sketching you when he's sure you're not in real danger, relieving himself to the rough sketches and your lovely slumbering visage. Even in terror-induced sleep, you're a work of unspeakable art.
Stitches laughs mutely for so long he probably sits out one of his atrophied lungs. THIS IS TOO GOOD. He fucks you anyway. After all, you're being silly. Stitches is sure your panic will fade to pleasure when you wake up getting fucked as deep and fast as be can. Gonna faint again? Patches will seethe about this later.
Colmei panics. The Queen fainted?! The Queen fainted!! She's ill! She's sick! HURRY. The entire hive surrounds you, buzzing in preoccupation. Colmei carries you to a bed of the best flowers he can find, pacing back and forth as he wonders about what could have made you ill enough to fall unconscious. It doesn't cross his mind that you fainted from the sight of his cock. After all, he's part of your loyal colony, why would you fear him?
Hellion recoils. Wow, you fell like dead weight. Are you actually dead?? He pokes you just to be sure, resting that flat face on your chest and neck to make sure you're actually breathing. That was weird... He's not sure what you expected. Is it because he doesn't have visible balls like some of the others? No really, he's puzzled. Hellion lays on your legs and waits for you to wake up.
Pebble is inconsolable. He thinks he frightened you to death, somehow. The gargoyle screams and carries you to someone he trusts, horrified at himself. It's his fault!! He's too hideous and even his cock is all wrong! That's why you don't want him. He's sobbing and garbling incoherently through the paper bags, having a massive tantrum, throwing shit around while you're attended to.
Magus catches you before you can sink like an anchor. Did the glowing frighten you? Why would you fear your mate? He wasn't going to stick all of it in, you did know that, right? You know he's not stupid enough to kill you, right?? He's almost offended. The huge mermonster sighs and keeps you afloat on his front, swimming aimlessly until you wake up again, his odd cock coiled around your leg.
Glauk is whining. What kind of game is this? No one's ever done that before! He sits there like a dork looking at his own cock, moving it around in hopes of finding what scared you so much. His scent is fine, he's not discolored, it works just fine- What got you so worked up?? Incapable of conceiving you might not want to bed him anymore, Glauk fondles and ruts sporadically at you until you're awake again.
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