#yandere Sanemi Shinazugawa
thecuriousquest · 7 months
How the Hashiras Spank Their Darling
Yandere Hashiras x Fem!Darling
Tag List: @issamomma @palesweetscherryblossom @repostingmyfavs @chickennugnugnug
Warnings: Yandere themes, NSFW, HEAVY SPANKING CONTENT, punishment spanking, erotic spanking, dominant behavior, Gyomei annoys me, sadism, mention of blood, spanking with implements (whips, paddles, etc.), bare bottom spanking, jealous behavior, possessive tendencies, controlling tendencies, sex mentioned
***Note: The aftercare section caters to both punishment and erotic spanking. This means that aftercare happens whether it’s a punishment spanking or an erotic spanking. It’s not just for one or the other. 18+
Master List
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Kyojuro Rengoku:
Publicly: He fucking slaps your ass hard in passing just to show you he’s there.
Punishment: They are different. He would never punish you out of anger. They’re mostly hearty slaps to the sensitive swell of your ass, has you crying shortly. Only uses his hand. Trust me, he doesn’t need to use another implement. He will spank you over your underwear most of the time, but if you’re being stubborn, then he won’t hesitate to pull down your panties. He doesn’t necessarily like to do it, but he finds it necessary to make you behave. Plus, he likes watching your ass jiggle with waves.
Erotic: During sex, the slaps aren’t that hard. Would probably just do it enough to make you elicit lewd moans.
Aftercare: HE LOVES AFTERCARE. He’d never miss it for the world. He makes sure you’re rehydrated, and he will let you lie on his chest for as long as you need to or until you fall asleep. Even if you fall asleep, he won’t let go (not even in his sleep). Makes sure you are completely comfortable by putting you in pajamas. He’s so reassuring and loving with the things he whispers to you. 15/10
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Sanemi Shinazugawa:
Publicly: Isn’t afraid to spank you publicly but prefers to do it privately. You’d have to be making an absolute scene to make him pull you over his knee in front of others. If you make him especially pissed off, he will cut a switch and beat your ass with it.
Punishment: His punishments are long and hard that’s what she said. Wants you to be a crying, babbling mess by the time he’s done. Pushes you past your limits a lot of the time because he can’t help himself. Sometimes, you end up bleeding. He’ll probably use a belt or a whip besides his hand. Will spank your bare butt.
Erotic: My guy has like an array of BDSM stuff. During sex, he’ll literally have a crop whip or an actual whip in hand. He knows how to make you hurt.
Aftercare: Fucking rolls his eyes while he hugs you probably. Sits on the couch with you on his lap, your bottom positioned between his thighs so that you’re not putting weight on the sensitive flesh. He rubs your back OR strokes your hair, not both. He tells you you’re fine now. That’s really the only reassurance you get. Likes listening to you sniffle and sob against his shoulder. Gives him a bid of pride and makes him hard. 5/10
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Giyu Tomioka:
Publicly: He would never even dare slap that ass in public. Wouldn’t even give your butt a soft pat. He will only do those things in private because it’s just too intimate for him.
Punishments: God, he absolutely HATES punishing you and would never do it out of anger. That’s why he spanks you to tears, securing promises of good behavior from you. He wants the lesson to stick so that he never has to do it again, but he doesn’t want to go overboard. He will only spank your bare bottom because he needs to make sure he doesn’t break your skin.
Erotic: He will give you a couple of smacks during sex, especially if he’s pumping you from the back. He just really likes the way you arch your back for him when he does it.
Aftercare: This consists of you lying on your stomach while he rubs your back or strokes your hair. He doesn’t say anything aside from telling you that you’re forgiven and that things are fine now. He even offers you a glass of water. 7/10 because he’s socially awkward and doesn’t know what else to do.
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Tengen Uzui:
Publicly: Will spank you in public. On one hand, he might give your ass a hard smack of appreciation just because he loves you so much. On the other hand, it could be a warning swat, a foreshadowing of what awaits for you once you get home. One very hard smack that tells you “toe the line or else”.
Punishment: Waits until you get home though so that he can tie you up and use a flogger or some other kind of implement that makes a snappy sound. He has this beautifully crafted paddle decorated with twin dragons and flowers on one side. He also loves to use his hand. I mean…those big, beefy hands…Even though his hand is enough, he still likes the flashiness of using certain implements. Would never be so extreme as to use a whip though. He doesn’t want to permanently damage you even by accident. Now, he doesn’t necessarily like punishing you, but he will spank you for your misbehavior if need be. It’s not very often, but every once in a while, you’ll find yourself tipped over his knee, pants and panties around your ankles, begging and crying for him to let you go.
Erotic: He likes to spank you much more for erotic purposes rather than as a punishment. The soft smacks of his hands, the caresses of his red flogger leaving and coming down on your bare backside, it all leaves you a whimpering for more. It really turns him on.
Aftercare: Includes warm baths, cuddles, lots of comfort, a cup of your favorite drink, maybe some food if you’re feeling up to it, and positive affirmations about how good you’re being and how proud he is for how you handled yourself. 20/10.
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Tokito Muichiro:
Publicly: Won’t spank you in public. He feels like it should be saved for the privacy of your own home. Even a soft pat on the ass should be kept from the public eye.
Punishments: HONESTLY, I can’t see him following through with a punishment spanking. If he caught you misbehaving and he issues the threat, he’ll forget all about it by the time you two get home. However, if he were to do it, he would spank you over your clothes until you apologize. He knows the difference between you saying “sorry” to get out of it and apologizing because you mean it though. Don’t be an idiot and think you can escape his discipline so easily.
Erotic: Will probably pinch and lightly slap your ass during sexy time. Never uses an implement. He’s just not into it.
Aftercare: Consists of him holding you closely and stroking your hair. He whispers about how much of a good girl you are. 7/10
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Obanai Iguro:
Publicly: Will spank you in public if he catches you talking to another guy. He’ll do it right on the spot in front of them. It’s short, but the real punishment is the one you get at home.
Punishment: He barely gets through the door before he bends you over his hip and thrashes your bare ass. Once he’s done with his hand, he’s dragging you to the room you both share to get the belt. He doesn’t like punishing you, but he does do it out of anger.
Erotic: I can’t see him spanking you erotically. However, if he were to, he’d probably spank you until you say something he likes. “I’m sorry, I’ll be a good girl, please!” That would be hot to him, and he’d go back to railing you.
Aftercare: Puts warm socks on you, dresses you in very comfy clothes. Just wants you to be relaxed. Would probably not say anything and just let you lie on top of him with his arms wrapped around you. 6/10
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Gyomei Himejima:
Publicly: Would never spank you in public. He finds it too “disrespectful”. 🙄😒
Punishment: Is the definition of “this hurts me more than it hurts you”. Will cry while spanking you, even if it’s just one slap. Honestly is annoying af. Fucking lame. Won’t use an implement, his hand is enough. Trust me. I promise. Punishments are very short. He doesn’t aim to make you cry. He’ll only give you five hard swats. Will only spank you over your clothes.
Erotic: Bleh. You can’t even feel the slaps because he “doesn’t want to hurt you”. Leaves you unsatisfied.
Aftercare: A strong one armed hug while he’s STILL crying. 1/10.
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minnie-mei · 1 year
ok so in my upcoming yan! Tengen + wives fic (Babysitter; basically Sanemi is taking care of you during a three month mission where the 4 have to leave you)
I chose against making Sanemi a hard romantic yandere for the reader, but the idea is sitting in my head so bad rn just think…
Sanemi refusing the let you go the whole time, always mumbling about stealing you. He immediately burns the letters they send you during their mission, to stunt any communication. You try to convince him that your current captors will just come after him if he takes you. He might do it anyway or he’ll realize you’re right… but he insists it’s fine anyways even if he can’t take you yet.
(nsfw warning) He’ll try to fuck you, insisting “shhh, it’s fine if I fuck you pregnant. they won’t even know, me and uzui both have white hair anyways-“
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colourstreakgryffin · 9 months
since the shinazugawa brothers are my skrunklywunklybadopsies can i request a softyan!platonic!Sanemi and Genya hcs with a littlesister!reader who's mitsuri's tsuguko, basically a total sweetheart and proof that life is easier when your drop-dead gorgeous and have a fuckload of suitors but god had to be fair and make her a literal dumbass 😭+ tell me that Sanemi the type of brother to scare the everloving crap out of any dude that flirts with his sister
(anyways hope u become the most fabulous bitch around with a smoking hot partner who's like iguro and fat stacks of cash 💕💕😍😙)
Abkwiejsndjsk. I want Obanai so bad, don’t remind me. Leee criiiii, but anyway. Sanemi and Genya, right? Okay, I’ll try to the best of my capabilities for you, darling!
Yandere! Platonic! Demon Slayer Scenarios: Shinazugawa Sanemi and Shinazugawa Genya
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The Shinazugawa Brothers were already way too overprotective over you from the beginning, this situation has only elevated their protectiveness… they lost everybody, besides you. Sanemi feels obligated to be with you and Genya all the time as you two’s older brother and Genya feels required to guard you in assistance of Sanemi
Neither brothers were okay with you becoming a slayer but they couldn’t resist your begging and your excitement over being a slayer, hurting you in anyway is not something they’ll tolerate so they end up reluctantly letting you join Genya to final selection as Sanemi becomes the Wind Hashira
When the Love Hashira, Mitsuri takes you under her wing as her loveable Tsuguko and accidentally ends up bringing in so many suitors for you after making you stand out so beautifully, your older brothers flip their shit and almost try to pull you out of Mitsuri’s care
Sanemi and Genya have a very similar view on you. They both love you so much and they can’t stand you getting taken away by anything so they both develop a maddening obsession with protecting you from the world itself. The world is a danger now, and they both will make sure they won’t lose their only remaining sibling
Sanemi chases away the many suitors that try to woo you from the sidelines as Genya pulls you from them physically, asking why you want to be wooed by some weirdo. Yes, both of the brothers have been following you and stalking you as often as they possibly can with their sanity-destroying mindset over you
Genya is very clingy and will never let go of you no matter what, whilst Sanemi just guards you like a aggressive father wolf guarding his babies. To them, you are far too young to get a husband and because you’re a slayer, those men could potentially be trying to exploit you
The Shinazugawa Brothers are equally delusional over your view on them, they genuinely believe on a shared level that you love them dearly. They can’t recognise the way you stare at them afraid of their extreme possessiveness and overprotectiveness over you. You can barely recognise Sanemi and Genya as your big brothers
Sanemi doesn’t want either you nor Genya to be a slayer but he is attachment over you two has grown to such a intense degree that he can’t keep himself away from you two anymore. You are his life and love, he needs the both of you with him and he will do whatever he must to keep that
Your formerly beloved big brothers never won’t ever try to ruin your beautiful, cheerful nature by making you find out about their dastardly tricks as your optimistic personality, in reality, keeps these brothers teetering at the edge of sanity but neither can stand the fact you’re very dimwitted, despite being so skilled and incredible
Sanemi doesn’t only just scares anybody that tries to talk to you, he sends death threats and raises his katana at them. Genya isn’t as bad as Sanemi, he is just more touchy and shovey over you as he will never let anybody touch you and barks them away
“Dokusha, don’t do anything stupid! Okay? I can’t lose you nor Genya, my life runs on you two… just… don’t mess up! I will make that bubblegum-haired idiot guard you if I must!”
“Little sister! Wait! Why are you going to go on a date with that guy? He seems a bit dangerous… you should just stay with me and Onii-san forever, you don’t need a man anyway!”
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Yandere Sanemi Shinazugawa headcanon
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Sanemi is a bit of a tsundere and a really overprotective yandere.
He has trouble accepting his feelings.
And he can be really quick-tempered.
Gets angry easily if someone hints that he likes you.
But at the same time he is blushing.
Sanemi has lost many loved ones.
He is really afraid of falling in love because he might lose you.
At first Sanemi tries to stay away from you.
And it works at first.
But then something happens that threatens your safety.
He just snaps mentally.
This is the main reason for kidnapping.
Although in the beginning, Sanemi still finds it difficult to admit her feelings.
He just growls that he doesn't like you and at the same time can't answer why he kidnapped you.
However, over time he becomes gentler and more loving.
After that, Stockholm Syndrome is likely.
Sanemi prefers harsh and sometimes sadistic punishments.
If you break the rules, something bad can happen and you might get hurt.
It's better that he causes that pain and you don't get seriously hurt.
Twisted logic.
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yandereideas · 2 years
Hello my dears! I have come back with some more content!
Yandere Sanemi Shinazugawa
Warning: talks about yandere tendencies, murder and some childhood trauma, also mentions Stockholm Syndrome.
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I take request so feel free to request a character! Now let's get started!
Sanemi is the type of yandere to come out cold to his darling (aka you) since he's not used to showing affection. He'll try to give you gentle attention if you're good to him.
The way y'all met would be cause you reminded of someone, like his mother or kanae since he's one of the hardest hashiras to talk to (Yes that's true information I know) and/or he saved you from a demon and he thought you were not that annoying.
He'll give himself some weeks to talk to you cause he's not trying to scare you off, since his appearance comes off as scary or angry. But after talking to you and knowing you more he'll feel the need to protect you and that what he does (Idk)
But oh boy, in those weeks he will stalk you from afar and maybe kill some people who are your friends since he knows how it feel to lose a family member/s so he'll only target friends and acquaintances. But mostly he'll kill anyone if they get to close to you. But after the stalking and killing its time for the big thing. Kidnapping you!
They way he'll kidnap you will be simple (I guess). He'll break into your house quietly in the middle of the night, having a cloth of special drugs to only knock you out and not hurt you cause believe me, he don't wanna hurt you. And that's how you wake in a room made just for you while having chains on.
Now he'll only allow you cussing him out, hitting him for a week or two cause he wants you to be his little perfect lover. If you be good (probably act) he'll be gentle and loving towards you. And if you're being the little annoying brat he'll have no choice but to punish you.
Punishments with him are like hell on earth, but not that bad. Depends on what you did wrong. Like declining his ''gentle'' affection will lead to chaining you up. Cussing out will be locked up and no food. Escaping, will lead with broken legs or a limb. He's not afraid to hurt you, he's a sadistic little bastard.
But then after all those cruel punishments he'll treat you right, if he left you without food he'll give you your favorite, broken limbs/legs? He'll carry you everywhere and when he's not at home he'll have the things you need near the bed.
Stockholm Syndrome won't be so bad with him unless you allow yourself to be bad and you get hurt badly cause I'm here saying my opinion. But overall he's not that bad, follow the rules and you'll be treated like royalty!
That's all my lovelies, hope you enjoy!
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yandere-kokeshi · 2 years
Yandere Mitsuri, Sanemi and Gyomei with a gn darling who comes out as nonbinary
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Request(ed): Yes! - Hello! I absolutely love your writing. may I request mitsuri, sanemi, and gyomei with their darling (or whatever you call it) who comes out as nonbinary? (originally f to gn). Stay hydrated! — Requested by 🍡 anon.
Warnings: yandere themes and beating up people.
Authors note: Akkk, this was so fun to write. This is probably one of my favorite to write!
Please request Gyomei more!! He's so underrated. Hope you like this 🍡 anon!!
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Mitsuri Kanroji:
Extremely supportive. Once you tell her, she’s not hesitant to give you a big hug, plastering your face with kisses as she tells you she’s never ever gonna stop loving you just because of who you are. She’s happy that you came out to her.
Mitsuri is immediately doing everything in her power to make sure you feel comfortable in yourself; whether that’s reminding you verbally, that you’re the most attractive person in the room or buying your favorite color clothes to make you feel more confident, she would do it in a heartbeat.
If you decide to get a binder, she will have it personally made with your favorite color(s). Once she sees you wearing it, she hypes you up and tells you: “You’re so pretty, baby!!”
But, she’s sorta-strict on the binder limit. If she sees you wearing it longer than you’re supposed to, she will politely remind you to take it off, then hug you super tight; referring to you as the best partner she’s ever had. She'd then offer to do some stretching sessions with her.
If she hears someone talk down to you or refer you to your dead pronouns, she would yell at them, saying along the lines of: “That isn’t nice, y’know? You’re so mean.” Afterwards, she grabs your hand, leading you two out of there. Afterwards, she buys your comfort foods and cuddles you to death.
Mitsuri oftens compliments you. She makes sure you feel good about yourself, often telling you look adorable or hot at times. She hates when she sees you down or self conscious of yourself, when you shouldn't be.
If you're having a bad day, she will try to make you go outside with her, pick some flowers and walk around; buying some Dango and getting more outfits. She will often tell you to shower with her, offering to massage you or just have a nice bath. This also goes along the lines of drinking water, eating, and frequently doing physical activities.
Overall, she loves you for you; she treats you like pure royalty.
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Sanemi Shinazugawa:
Absolutely has no idea what it means, but is willing to learn what it means; once you explain to him about your preferred pronouns, he’s grabbing you, kissing your head and whispering in your ear: “I love you for you, nothing will ever change that idiot.”
Not in a rude way, but Sanemi really doesn’t care what you identify. He fell for you (personality wise), that’s all that matters to him. However, he’s very proud of you for coming out to him; seeing that you were nervous and would think he would be mad or upset. In which, you should never ever feel that way.
If you decide to get a binder, he will have an extreme-strict schedule to make sure you don’t hurt yourself. If he does see you wearing it over time, even by two minutes, he will have a fit; throw a glare towards you and wait till you take it off.
Sanemi is very observant, so if he sees you looking in the mirror or just having a bad gender-day, he will try to ask you to talk about it. If you don’t want to, he’ll respect it and ask to spend time with him; either read a book together, sit on the padio in the early morning or take a warm bath together.
Someone dares to misgender you or in a way, make fun of you? He will have a screaming match with them, throwing hands half of the time. Either, after he finishes beating them up or yelling at them, he will take you away and distract you as best as he can: making you your favorite food, giving you a massage and giving you cuddles.
Much like Mitsuri, he will compliment you; expressing his love. Sanemi would compliment you when you wore your binder, new clothes, or a type of accessory that brought you extreme happiness; when you come in, he looks at you stunned, looking at how nice you looked, he would just nod and smile a bit: “You look really lovely.”
Sanemi would and will never judge you, in that matter, he loves you no matter what.
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Gyomei Himejima:
Gyomei is instantly accepting of you. He’s a bit confused at the term, but as soon as you explain to him, he’s gently nodding, a smile covering his face; a tear comes down his jawline as he expresses he’s happy that you came out to him.
If he scents an inch of discomfort on you, he will sit you down and talk to you for hours on what he loves about you and why you should too.
If you want a binder, he will gladly get you one. But, he will try to keep up with the time limit you can only wear. By the time it goes off, he gently reminds you to take it off, do some stretching and take a walk with him.
When someone misgenders you, he will correct them, but if they’re being rude; he will frown, asking if they’re sad or so on. He doesn’t understand why people can be so cruel. If they continue on, Gyomei will grasp your arm and guide you both out of there; going on a walk to ‘look’ at the rivers nearby and pick some flowers.
Whenever you’re having a bad day, mentally or just not feeling very confident; he will remind you that you’re absolutely perfect. Much like Mitsuri and Sanemi, he will offer to start a bath for you, order you some new clothes or allow you to vent to him as much as you want.
Gyomei will try to compliment you, but due to his eyesight, he will try to feel for any new clothing or accessories, saying something along the lines of: “Is this new? It fits you very nicely.” Or if you get a new bottle of perfume/cologne, he will comment on it, saying that ‘It suits you. It’s a lovely smell.’
Gyomei’s opinion will never change. He loves you because of how kind you are, not by your body; he loves you for who you are, inside-wise.
Masterlist || Please reblog and comment instead of liking!!
Do not plagiarize, repost, modify, translate or copy my work.
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ©yandere-kokeshi
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night1031 · 1 year
Hello! If yandere match-ups are still open, could I please request one for Demon Slayer?
I'm 20+ female who identifies as asexual and bi-demiromantic.
I've had a rather rough past that left its scars on me. As such I appear stoic, cautious, and reserved, but people have described me as loyal, dedicated, earnest, caring, and kind.
I know from myself that I'm enduring, hardworking, ambitious, and stubborn. I don't easily give up. And I know that mentally I'm very strong. Despite everything I've been through I still hold on to hope.
I like strolling through nature particulary in long-winding forests or near bodies of water, I love breathing the salted sea wind and hearing the crashing of the waves, I also love seeing sunlight breaking through the clouds. Am also a fan of gothic, mystery, or fantasy literature. My interests lie mostly in what most consider to be either unusual, strange, or dark. I value art and history a lot and am currently doing my studies on becoming a restorator.
I also have the rather unusual ability to remember most of my dreams and while not completely lucid dreaming, I can semi-control them most of the time.
Thank you kindly for answering!
I match you with the raging wind yandere
Sanemi Shinazugawa
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Sanemi sees you and immediately takes a liking to you.
In some ways, you remind him of himself.
In other ways, you remind him of Kanae.
He's very protective of you.
If someone so much as looks at you funny, he will beat the ever loving christ out of them.
He's surprisingly affectionate when you two are alone.
His changes of killing others for being attracted to you, kidnapping you, or *CONSENT WAS NOT INVOLVED* are as follows.
43%[if human]100%[if demon] (murder)
12% (kidnapping)
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yandere-romanticaa · 1 year
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Sanemi is the most feared Hashira amongst his peers and it is not difficult to see why.
With his lack of patience and the anger coupled with the brute strength which could rival a demon it really isn't so shocking to see why so many people run away from him. Just who in their right mind would ever approach him willingly? What, got a death wish or something? He is notorious for his mean taunts and insults so harsh that being bitten by a demon almost feels like a merciful act.
Therefore, imagine just how flabbergasted every single person is once they see how... decent Sanemi is around you.
Gone is the angry and bitter attitude nor is he reaching for his sword to cut you down. He was acting like a normal human being, something that honestly terrified the people around him a lot more than it should have. Perhaps he did have a heart? An actual real, bleeding, beating heart?
Who would have thought!
Sanemi almost treats you like glass sometimes. Sure, he yells, complains and grunts but he never has the nerve to fully go against you either. No matter what you did he could ever resent you for anything you did, ever.
What mostly made him mad were the people who took up so much of your and his time.
What, can't a guy drink tea in peace?! So what if he's with you?! Leave him be!
If it were not for Gyomei, countless slayers would have lost their lives because of Sanemi.
When he's with you his hard and tough attitude melts, like an iceberg that just barely got touched by the sun but it was still touched none the less. He loved being with you but he would rather die than say that out loud. God knows what would become of him if people were to find out about his weakness and he just was not willing to share you like that. You were his to treasure, his to protect and his to love.
And there was no one else who could fulfill that role.
He would not allow it.
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yanderecrazysie · 3 months
Saw this demon slayer fic where the reader dances while they fight, i found it a cool fighting style and it would be rlly nice if u wrote yan hashiras x a reader like that :3
I decided to go back to doing headcanons quickly (as compared to oneshots) so I skipped ahead to the first hcs on the list.
And that sounds really cool! My little sister is a dancer! She does competitions and stuff- she’s absolutely amazing and will be auditioning for a pro studio in a few months! I’m so proud of her. 
Me though? I’m ungraceful as fuck and have a bad knee.
WARNINGS: yandere themes, mostly fluffiness 
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Tomioka Giyu
Tomioka’s face gives away none of the amazement he feels watching you fight for the first time.
He wants to get to know you better, but he’s awkward by nature and doesn’t like talking much, so he struggles to do so.
Master Ubuyashiki can tell his little Giyu has a crush, so he often pairs you both up on missions, hoping you’ll give him a chance, not realizing how dark Tomioka’s love really is.
Thankfully, despite his obsessiveness, Tomioka is more of a watcher (and stalker). He would never hurt you.
He just wants to watch you dance until the end of time.
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Tokito Muichiro
Tokito is another calm yandere that isn’t easily impressed. But even when seeing your dance moves, he’s not blown away.
However, he does think your dancing is quite pretty and finds himself thinking about it even outside of battle, which is confusing to him.
He can’t figure out why you keep appearing in his dreams and it frustrates him a lot at first.
But then, he’s sitting there under the full moon, watching you twirl and leap as you practice fighting against the butterfly hashira, and he understands.
He’s fallen in love with you.
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Rengoku Kyojuro
Rengoku, on the other hand, is very impressed and tells you so!
He’s very vocal about how much he loves your fighting style, and you enjoy showing off for him.
He doesn’t like fighting against you, because he’d much rather sit back and watch instead of try to overpower you. 
You’ve beat him several times in practice, and it only causes his respect (and love) to grow.
Anyone who thinks you’re just a pretty ballerina has another thing coming when you pull out your sword, and he knows that first hand.
He likes watching you so much that he’s asked you to dance for him, and he applauds very loudly and enthusiastically when you’re done.
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Tengen Uzui
You’re a flashy person like he is, and he respects that!
Your dance moves are cutting-edge, quite literally, with a spin of hip-hop in with the ballet. It’s a unique style and he loves it!
He invites you on his missions, even if he could easily do it alone, simply because you’re the only human on earth that can match his level of flashiness.
He loves to fight alongside you, trying to make his moves as graceful as yours can be.
He finds himself researching dance more, so he can choreograph his battle moves too.
He feels all warm inside when you compliment his attempts at dancing, even though he’s kind of clunky and awkward at it with his big figure.
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Iguru Obanai
Iguru will, of course, tell you that it might not be possible to always dance during a battle.
He also complains that you’re using too much stamina with your moves.
But secretly, he really loves watching, and he’s just very worried about you.
He gives you pointe shoes in your favorite color as a gift, and you wear them with your uniform.
He’s very proud that you like them and blushes when you hug him, telling him that they’re the perfect gift.
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Shinazugawa Sanemi
Shinazugawa will never tell you that he thinks your hip-hop dance moves are badass.
But he does. He really, really does.
He sometimes puts you down, implying that being a dancer is weak and stuff like that.
But when you knock him on his butt in sparring practice, that shuts him up pretty quickly.
He finds himself actually competing with you a lot, determined to prove he’s better than some “dancy-pants”. But you always perform better than him.
The two of you are always butting heads, so you’re not paired together very often. But when you are, you don’t end up working well together.
He develops a crush without realizing it and it just ends up making him even angrier.
But the moment he sees you in danger, he’s ripping the demon limb-from-limb.
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Himejima Gyomei
The first time you dance, you move him to tears. He’s never seen anyone or anything so beautiful.
You find it funny that your pirouetting can literally make someone cry, but you’re gentle with the tearful hashira, telling him you’re honored he likes your ballet so much.
The two of you end up being friends, with him quietly enjoying your dancing and battle practice.
You end up being on a lot of missions together since, despite the difference in your abilities, you fight well together.
He loves you so deeply and is extremely protective of you, so the others are intimidated away by the gentle giant, leaving him as your only friend
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thecuriousquest · 2 months
May I request a SFW yandere!sanemi x Fem!reader?
I would like yandere sanemi to be kinda soft and not to cruel. Sanemi kidnaps her cause she broke a leg during a mission and he wants her to just stay at his estate forever. Sanemi takes care of her and wraps her leg in new bandages each day, yet, the reader still is upset with him.
I would like some angst to fluff if that’s okay!
You can change up the scenario but I was hoping it could be something like the reader starts to yell at him for kidnapping her and he gets upset. So sanemi screams at her, calling her weak. She starts to cry and sanemi gets soft ;>
Nemi apologizes and feels guilty… then we get hugs from him and care :3
Hope this interests you! Take your time if you would like to write this. Thank you.
This Little Love of Mine
Yan!Sanemi Shinazugawa x Fem!Reader
Note: Sorry this took so long to get to. I finally did it, though! I love the ask. Thank you for the prompt. Hope you have a good one!
TW: Yandere themes, SFW, kidnapping, broken leg, unwilling-ish reader
Side Note: In this, you are a Hashira, and your title is the Ice Pillar.
Master List
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You sit there on Sanemi’s bed as he wraps up your broken leg. You watch him work slowly, meticulously. It’s as if he’s savoring his time with you right now, as if he loves caring for you. Times like this is where his softer side comes out. You don’t see the hardened Wind Pillar that cuts the heads off of demons. Here, you just see Sanemi Shinazugawa as a kind man, a gentle man…yet still a man who won’t let you go.
It’s only been three weeks since you broke your leg, but still, every time you mention going back to your estate, a certain look passes over Sanemi’s face. It’s like a flash of tension causing him to thin his lips in a grimace and furrow his eyebrows in anger. It washes away instantly, but you still catch a glimpse of it. And then silence, and then more silence. You ask him again, still no reply until he finishes wrapping up your leg.
This time, you’re not going to let him get away with acting like this simply because you want to avoid confrontation or whatever might come along with *that* look he gives you when you bring up leaving.
“Sanemi, we have to talk about this. Please, can’t we be adults and discuss what happens once I’m healed?”
The Wind Hashira looks up at you once he finishes bandaging your leg. “This again?”
“Yes, because you never want to talk about it. I want to talk about going back to my estate.”
“No, you’re not leaving. I told you that in the beginning when I brought you here. You’re safer here under my protection. No more missions either. I’ll take care of you. I’ll provide for you. I’ll protect you. You don’t need to be on your own…you clearly can’t do it.”
“The hell, Sanemi? What’s that supposed to mean?”
And there it is…that look…tight lips, furrowed brows, narrowed eyes.
“You know exactly what I mean. You’re just incapable of taking care of yourself. You’re too impulsive. Look at you! Your leg is broken!”
“Things happen! I’ll deal with it!”
“No, you won’t because you’re so goddamn weak!”
He instantly regrets those words as they leave his mouth. Tears bud in your eyes, overflowing and spilling down your cheeks in salty rivers. Your lower lip quivers a bit, now damp and glossy.
You look down at your leg, your vision blurred by your tears. Is he right? Are you really so weak that you can’t protect yourself? You’re the Ice Pillar, yet you fold so easily at confrontation, breaking down when the one person you’re closest to calls you “weak”.
“Hey…Y/N…you…I didn’t mean it. Okay? I apologize. But…I can’t let you go. I won’t let you go. No matter how strong you think you are, I won’t risk losing someone I love in this fucked up world. Cruelty swarms this earth like a plague, and I won’t have you taken from me.”
He moves on the bed next to you, pulling you in close and letting you lean against his side. “You can’t leave…you can’t leave me. I’d die without you. Don’t you understand? Everything about you is the reason why I can get up in the morning. You’re the woman I want to be with for the rest of my life.”
“Sanemi…” You can’t help but rest your cheek on his shoulder as you cry. “Please, we can talk about this. Can’t we? I can still be with you and go on missions. I’m a Hashira too!”
“It’s not practical…I’m sorry. I’m sorry you feel like this, but I know what’s best for you.”
It drains you. Everything drains you. You feel like he’s not listening, or maybe he just chooses not to hear you. You don’t know which one it is, but you feel exhausted either way. However, Sanemi does stay with you through it all, through your tears, through your pain at relinquishing your control over your life, through the heartache that comes will leaving your post as the Ice Pillar. He does it because he loves you. He will always love you. Despite the rapid changes going on in your life right now, you know his love will always be a constant.
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minnie-mei · 1 year
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Yandere! Romantic! KNY Shinazugawa Sanemi Headcanons
(My apologises that the pic is bad. I had to cut out the background since spoilers and would prefer to be careful)
(Sixth posstttt, let’s go! Three more to go! This one’s scarier at least to me than Shinobu! Welcome the great lord of the winds, he’ll take your breath away!)
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Sanemi as a romantic Yandere has the Yandere traits of; Delusional, Loving/Clingy, Murderous, Possessive, Overprotective, Scary, Devoted and Twisted
- A new Hashira you say? Well, that doesn’t really bother Sanemi at all. In-fact, he is secretly grateful that the Corps is getting more reliable firepower for this ongoing war. You’re strong, he likes you as a fellow but he’s not really a chatter. It’s you who has to start conversations
- Sanemi is actually one of the hardest Hashira or perhaps, the hardest to evolve into a Yandere for his love interest(beats Gyomei and Shinobu by a long shot). He is very closed-off and keeps his interactions with people, other than pleasantries with his fellow Hashira, to a minimum. Though, he is emotionally weak to a kind, gentle and warm-hearted person like you.
- You ripped his heart out and sent it away on powerful gushes of wind. Sanemi is originally conflicted about his growing feelings for you. Not because he hates you, but because getting too close to people always makes them disappear. He has, like Giyuu, dealt with a lot of loss in his life and would prefer to stay out of your life
- Though, he is losing his composure around you. He can’t stay his usual intimidating, unbothered self when you’re in the picture. His rapidly beating heart and screaming head is telling him to talk to you. And after quite a few months, he decides to try stir up a friendship
- A bare friendship is not what he wants though. You’re available and so is Sanemi. It’s so perfect that it seems to be fate. He already has the right method to swoop in and take your heart like you took his
- Sanemi, honestly, does take the longest to befriend and connect with but takes a bit less time to become a full-fledged Yandere, though, he is a very scary Yandere. Like Shinobu, Sanemi will have rising jealous anger over other people taking away your time
- That single mix of anger and jealousy forms his Yandere traits overtime with the more he sees you and those horrible thoughts attack his senses until they override his entire perception. His goal, no longer, is protecting humankind from demons, his goal now is to win your heart and make you his wife. And he will never have a issue with what he has to do to get it
- Sanemi has about NO limits, as mentioned in the Obanai post. He’ll do literally anything and everything he possibly can to make you love him back. He’ll hunt down his fellow Hashira, he’ll hunt down the Upper Moons, he’ll slit his own wrists. He takes the phrase “anything for you” to a extremely extreme
- Sanemi is delusional as f**k, and that delusion has gifted him a bit— just a LITTLE bit— of entitlement over you. He furiously demands that you stay at his Estate and blocks your every escape attempt until you’re forced to follow the Hashira’s request. His delusion makes him believe you have to leave for a important reason, not because you don’t wanna see him anymore. Though, he doesn’t accept that
- Sanemi will kill love rivals and he kills with literal pleasure. He is definitely more murderous than Shinobu, though, he sees a reason to hide it. Like Giyuu, he doesn’t want you to view him as a monster because he took a life or two or… maybe five. So, he keeps his murderous thoughts about the people he flirt with you a secret well until either he or you is away on Hashira duty to take care of the little issue
- Like about 90% of the Hashira, the all-so-feared Wind Hashira won’t lay his hands on you in the slightest, no matter how mad at you or mad in general he gets. He may verbally abuse you every once and a while but that’s mainly out of frustration. You’re not understanding his point of view, and you rejecting his statements without hearing any of them out is eating away at his patience
- Sanemi’s a ticking time bomb that will explode into one gigantic explosion once he’s pushed past his own limits but he’ll grow back as a calm, timid little fuse. He is a lot sweeter than he is horrible in all honesty, his temper tantrums are rare but they’re deadly
- Sanemi is quite possessive over you, rather this be before or after he has forced you into dating him. Stop smiling at that creep! Your super cool, strong, loving boyfriend is right here! Nobody else is like him, he is a Hashira and a powerful one too. There is no competition, those people don’t have anything on Sanemi but his confidence there doesn’t stop him from getting furious over people simply complimenting your appearance and makes him chase them away
- The only person Sanemi is soft and vulnerable with is you. He willingly shows his secret gentleness whilst he is clinging onto you and spitting out random compliments. You make him unbelievably happy and for that feat, he will treat you with the highest love and care possible. He apologises for his outbursts and makes it his mission to win back your smile
- “I’m sorry, okay… I just… I need you to listen to me more. I’m only trying to protect you, you know that I love you, right? Well, do I. I love you more than life, and your happiness is mine, your safety is mine. See? I don’t wanna hurt you and I’m sorry for snapping…”
- Sanemi, as mentioned before, has lost a lot throughout his entire life and that trauma caused him to cling onto you desperately. Just stay with him, don’t go outside or go over the rainbow bridge. Stay at the Wind Estate, it’s safe and it’s comfortable. Sanemi is attached to you to a extreme-extreme and will drown you in his overwhelming love
- Gifts, hugs, kisses, attention, fun events. All of these are fruitful attempts to keep you happy and also expressions of his love for you. You deserve the world in Sanemi’s mind and he’ll move the heavens and earth to give you what you deserve
- Shinazugawa— more like Overprotectzugawa as he will never let you go out alone without him and his trusty katana. No matter how peaceful the road may seem, anything could happen and his anxiety is also very extreme so he’ll force himself into whatever you wanted to do to ensure no demon dares to lay a hand on you. Your safety (with happiness) is his top priority and if being overprotective keeps that, he’ll do it
- His devotion to you is endless. He doesn’t even look at other girls anymore, why would he enjoy the sight of any of those disgusting sl*ts when the most beautiful angel ever is by his side. However, his devotion is almost psychotically intense as he obsesses over being able to bask in your looks, he has a entire notebook full of drawings of you and has even carved your full name into the pec over his heart
- Sanemi is the type of Yandere to have a powerful trait of twisted. He is the embodiment of a real threat in his Yandere mindset. He is very mentally unsound and it makes him a danger to everybody around you, and I mean EVERYBODY as not even the Hashira nor the Master have defence against Yandere Sanemi. He is extremely erratic, he raises his katana to attack in a split second, he has intense mood swings that go from calm to murder and worse, his obsession with you gets bigger till he starts stealing and/or going through your belongings to please himself
- Do you think about a married life and/or having children? Sanemi does. He wonders why he thinks about it so much, alongside you. Is it because he wants to make himself a new family? It must be. He won’t do anything right now, this world needs to recover from the Demon disaster but once the Demon King falls, Sanemi will work and work to create the best future for you
- Sanemi is, once again, conflicted. Should he kidnap you? It would solve all of the issues but it would further ruin your relationship with him! He doesn’t really know what to do but he does hate each time you finally leave his Estate. At the moment, Sanemi won’t take away your freedom but always be prepared, he’ll make up his mind any day now
- Sanemi is scary in the sense of his unhealthy obsession over you. He values learning about you, watching you sleep at night and getting to look after you very much and he proudly rants on every little detail about you he has till the point your horrified by how deranged he’s become. He is also scary in his anger towards others, he unleashes dangerous threats after death threats and the argument he started gets so bad that you’ll have to knock him out to prevent a murder escalation
- You’re his, his love now and beyond this life. Nobody else should be able to breathe the same air as you and you just having friends disgusts Sanemi. All you will ever need is with him! Those limbless pathetic pieces of s**t called people don’t know you and will devote their life to you in the same way Sanemi does!
- “Can’t you just stay here for more than a few hours? Like, what’s the problem? My Estate is just like yours. Am… am I scaring you or something? Me, scary? It’s because I like fighting demons, huh? Well. Stop being ridiculous and get rid of that thought, I love you and I want you to stay because I love you, isn’t that clear?”
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theshinazugawaslut · 5 months
In my darling opinion, Sanemi is the type to fall in love once in his life, and he falls in love madly, ferociously, fucking deranged ass love.
So when you break up with him; he can't fathom why.
He did everything for you, he even had a ring ready since he knew how important marriage was to keep you both together; he had wanted to call you his wife.
And you just went and destroyed his heart like that.
Even when he gave you all his firsts, when he exposed every raw, aching, vulnerable part of himself.
"My first, my last, my only..." he had whispered the first time he lost his innocence to you. "My one and only- Fuck, I love you so much."
And you broke up with him.
He won't take it.
He won't allow it.
You can't be anyone else's, he doesn't care why you left, he had been so gentle with you- Was it your parents? They had disapproved of him since they met him, all because he had a few scars on his face and his personality didn't match his face.
He can't let all these stupidities come in the way.
You're his everything.
You had squealed and giggled when he picked you up with ease by the waist and spun you around; laughed into the crook of his neck as his rough hand came to cup the back of your head.
You had loved him too.
No, you probably still love him.
Your stupid friends were probably jealous and convinced you his 'possessiveness' was getting out of hand—for fuck's sake, he was only trying to protect you and it's not like you need to see your friends so often.
He dropped his friends entirely to be around you all the time.
And you had been so happy with his attention and time, always so pleasant and grateful as he lavished his money and love on you.
He gave you everything.
Every pretty eyeshadow palette, every shimmering necklace or ring, every designer bag and tote, every treatment you asked for. He never let you lift your finger unless it was to get your nails done.
Did you want more? Is that why you left? If you wanted more, he would've put a wad of cash in your hand- You already had his card but did you want more?
Did he not spend enough time with you?
He took you to every cafe, every restraunt. He took you out to beautiful, remote forests to stargaze. He drove you to the loveliest places, to all the gorgeous waterfalls and mountains and islands your heart desired to see. He had just planned a trip to Switzerland since you said you had so badly wanted to go one day...
Sanemi cries in his bed, hugging your pillow to his chest, smelling the fading scent of your rose shampoo and black cherry perfume. God, he misses you, he can't do this anymore, it's only been a few days and he's going mad.
He needs you back, now, right now.
He won't- can't live without you.
And he can see the surprise across your pretty face as you open the door of your new home, the one without him in it, and before you can even open your sweet lips, he's kissing you desperately, stepping inside forcefully and closing the door hurriedly behind him, pressing you against the nearest wall despite how you hands press against his chest, trying to get him off.
"I love you, I fuckin' love you," he mutters wetly against your lips, placing a hand against your head to make you kiss him back. "C'mon, baby, don't- don't do this to me-" he almost cries against your lips, tears running down his face, and he feels sick as you try to push him away- "Don't you love me? Baby, I did everythin' for you, do you want more? I can do more, I'll do anythin'-"
You quit his rambling by a firm slap across his face, tears running down your own delicate face. He goes silent as his head remains turned to the side from the force, snowy hair hanging in front of burning lavender eyes, they go bloodshot from rage but when he turns to look at you and sees you crying, he immediately cradles your pretty face in calloused hands.
"Honey, don' cry," he murmurs, kissing your face open-mouthed and brushing your hair from your face. "Baby, don't be sad, 's fine, I'll make it okay-"
"-Just stop, Sanemi! Please, for God's sake, just leave me alone!" you cry and he freezes. "Sanemi, I- I can't, not anymore, you- you're a good man but you- you- God, Sanemi, I found out you threatened half my friends behind my back to stay away from me and..."
Sanemi feels white-hot rage pour over his head like cold water, and suddenly he's wrenching a fistful of your hair to hold you flush against him, his other hand coming to hold your jaw firmly to force you to meet his eyes. Your scrambling hands trying to claw at his forearms are nothing more
"Sweetheart," he says and the word is like poison. "You're telling me you care more about some fucking idiots that don't give two shits about you over me?" His voice is quiet and suddenly you'd wish he'd yell as he keeps your face in that painful grip, and he lets go of you to cup your face, then one hand moves to run his fingers through your hair. "You can't really be that stupid, baby?"
He plants a firm kiss on your forehead. "You know, I know you're a bit naive, gullible... So I'd be willing to forgive and forget your stupidity if you came back home, to me, of course."
"Sanemi, no, just get out, please, I'm begging you, just leave me alone," you say desperately, sobbing softly, trying to helplessly push him out the house, to the front door.
Sanemi can feel himself pushing back the urge to grab your wrist and just drag you back home.
"Baby," he says sweetly, "you're gonna crawl back like a little bitch to me in no time, so spare us both the trouble and ditch whatever snivelling excuse for a man you've chosen as my replacement before I make you."
"But I like him," you cry uselessly, gasping as Sanemi's one hand is more than enough to bind both your wrists together and render you defenceless. "'Nemi, please..."
But he's not listening, looking to the side, deep in thought, and after a minute of silence, his eyes light up and he looks at you, smiling sweetly. "What if I killed him, hmm?"
Your blood runs cold. Sanemi never made suggestions that he didn't plan on fulfilling.
"Would you like that?" he asks you, kissing your temple slowly, free hand moving up to tuck some hair behind your ear. He moves his face close, so close that his lips graze yours as he talks. "You can have his head as an engagement gift if you'd like, I'll hang the ugly thing on our mirror and you can both watch as I fuck you into oblivion, and I'll cum inside your pretty little pussy as well. I'm sick an' tired of not being able to cum inside you... You should let me, as an apology."
He grins against your jaw now, placing a kiss there too. "Make your choice, love," he whispers, "I just want what's best for you."
The smile on his face is broad and crooked, victorious, as you allow your delicate hand to be engulfed by his as he packs your things into a bag and drag you back home.
"You're such a silly girl," he coos as he brings you back to the bedroom you so sorely missed, "thinking you could leave me... I should teach you a lesson."
/ A few months later, news spreads quick about the baby in your belly and your engagement to the man who's kisses are like heaven and hell all at once.
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Hi me again can you do it as a headcannon
Can you do a yandere Sanemi with male reader but sanemi becomes very possessive with male reader and starts shit with anyone that gets close to male s/o and leaves a lot of bit marks or hickeys over his neck to show people who sanemi owns and reader becomes very embarrassed/flustered
Thank you I would really appreciate ♡♡♡
Sure buddy, your request is approved 💙😁
Yandere Dom! Sanemi X Sub! Male Reader Nsfw Headcanons
Warnings: neck biting
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Sanemi is very possessive over you, and he would do anything to make you his
He would literally demolish your neck by giving you hickeys all over it, and would you always get flustered, but you can't deny that you love it when he does that
If someone he doesn't know gets close to you, he would go haywire. He would step in front of you before biting your neck mercilessly to let them know that you belong to him
This behavior of Sanemi makes you feel embarrassed, but at the same time you wonder when he'll do it next because you love it when he claims you as his boyfriend
If he doesn't have energy to do anything, he would always cuddle you and would tell you how much he loves you
Sanemi may be a possessive boyfriend for you, but you love him the way he is
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animeyanderelover · 5 months
@lucyrose9820 asked: Kyojuro, Mitsuri, Sanemi, Kaneki, Touka and Sebastian with a darling who has a siamese cat who is a bit aggressive except with the s/o?
Tw: Yandere themes, jealousy, protective behavior,delusional mindset, paranoia, abduction
Tags: @lovley-valentine7 @chxxz @leveyani @flaming-vulpix @naeho @kanaosprotector
S/o owns an aggressive Siamese cat
Sebastian Michaelis
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🐈‍⬛We all know how Sebastian feels about your little companion who lives in your house. He adores the cat with their gorgeous blue eyes, soft fur and cute paws. The aggression the cat occasionally shows towards him doesn't even face him in the least bit as he annoys your little friend by picking them up, cuddling them and petting their body. He uses your cat as a little excuse to spend more time in your own house and for once he isn't completely deceiving you. Of course he uses your feline as an excuse to spend more time with you by offering to look after them when you have work to do or by helping you when it comes to buying food. The fact remains that Sebastian has a soft spot for cats though so the fact that you own one makes everything even better. He definitely brings cat toys over for your cat and tries to play with your cat they are in the mood for it. He always has a calm smile on his face even when the little one uses their claws on him as seemingly nothing about your cat can anger him. He's even proud about the fact that your cat is never aggressive around you. You really are a natural with cats, aren't you~?
Ken Kaneki
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🔲​You've been worried sick for your cat the moment Kaneki abducted you and begged and shouted at him to let them stay with you. Your angry words instantly trigger his paranoia as he hastily apologizes before he scurries away to retrieve your cat for you. When he returns, your cat is busily clawing at him, clearly unhappy as they hiss at the stranger who just took them. With your cat now at least present in your life, you seem to be a bit happier which is better for Kaneki's mental health. Even whilst you are abducted he wants to make you happy and if he can be useful for you by buying all things you need for your gorgeous cat and can additionally make you happy, he definitely latches onto this chance. It's obvious that the cat doesn't like him though as if clearly knowing what he did as he tries to get them to like him at least a bit. You'd like him if your cat would like him after all. So he wastes hours getting scratched before his minor wounds heal all whilst attempting to get your cat to like him. Sometimes he is jealous though when he watches you being all affectionate with your cat. Please give him some pets too.
Touka Kirishima
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🟪​As long as your pet isn't a bird because this lady has a confirmed phobia of birds, Touka can accept the fact that you have a cat as your companion. She's never had any pet before in her life so as much as she probably doesn't want to admit it, she has besides some very basic knowledge not much of a clue what a cat probably needs. Honestly, initially she is a bit warily around your Siamese cat because of their more aggressive behavior at times because she is worried that you might get hurt. Touka is a bit overprotective after all despite her not willing to admit this so easily so she'd be pretty pissed if your cat were to hurt you due to their slightly more aggressive personality. She slowly drops her more cautious behavior when she realises that your cat is a ball of fur and sweetness around you though. She doesn't mind if the cat stays in her apartment for a short amount of time but she isn't willing to keep your little friend for longer periods of time with her just yet because she doesn't want them to scratch at her furniture. Also, your cat should ever be brought to Anteiku she will keep a close eye on them so that they don't accidentally find the unofficial pet of her workplace, the bird Hetare.
Rengoku Kyojuro
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🔥​His reaction is all benign when he gets to hear that you are raising a pretty feline within your home. As your lover he obviously sees it as his duties to also look after your pet too and he stomps into this new duty he assigned to himself with unmatched enthusiasm. Sometimes it is honestly a bit painful to watch Rengoku because he is so set on getting the cat to like him that he tends to ignore the signs of the animal that they are uncomfortable and feel threatened yet he keeps that smile on his face even if your little friends swats after him with their claws. Honestly, his straightforward actions when it comes to your cat really remind you of how he went on about courting you. You're always feeling a bit guilty though when your cat gets aggressive ans scratches him but he laughs it off and reassures you that it isn't bad. You have a fierce, little friend with you. Now, obviously it would be different if it wouldn't be him getting all scratched up but you in which case Kyojuro would be very set on removing the cat from your home. He wouldn't allow you to keep someone close who hurts you in any way after all.
Kanroji Mitsuri
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💓​She is squealing the first time you bring her home and she sees your pet. They're so cute! Can she cuddle with them? Mitsuri adores your cat because they are so adorable and fluffy and she just wants to pet them all day. Mitsuri isn't really scared of your Siamese cat and their slightly more aggressive behavior but she definitely feels sadder over time. Your cat seems to be quite attached to you but her attempts to pet your cat or get closer to them don't really seem to work. Is she doing something wrong? She just wants your cat to like her too because they are precious to you yet nothing she does helps her. She's acting sillily sad, especially when your cat hisses at her and tells her clearly that they don't appreciate Mitsuri gushing over them and trying to touch them. She never hates your cat for their behavior though because she can see how much you love your pet and how much they appreciate you in return too. The only thing she is a tad bit worried about is their occasional aggressive personality. She wouldn't want others or you to get hurt because of this slight aggression your cat sometimes shows.
Shinazugawa Sanemi
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🌪️​Is it silly to get in constant fights with your cat? Because if it is, prepare for the pettiest scene you could have in your house as the Wind Hashira constantly bickers with your pet. Sanemi is already a pretty aggressive individual to the people around you yet this apparently even extends to your freaking cat! They don't like him and they make that pretty obvious and Sanemi in return dislikes them equally as much. He could swear that this thing is giving him some attitude and he does not appreciate it as it constantly claws at him or meows loudly if he tries to be affectionate in front of you. Sometimes he seems to realise how ridiculous he is behaving by cussing and insulting an animal who just gives him a bored look in return before it walks over to you for cuddles. Worst is that sometimes you refer to Sanemi as your cat in human form since both share some aggressive traits. Not only is he worried about you mentioning your cat's aggressive traits but also somewhat humiliated that you actually compare him to your cat. He tries his best to not lash out with your cat when you're around as he just gives them a silent death stare as they hiss at him and show their teeth.
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yandere-kokeshi · 2 years
Yandere Sanemi Shinazugawa Headcanons
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Warnings: Yandere behavior, Semi-spoilers for his childhood!! Continue with caution!!!! , drugging mention/actions, intercourse mention.
Author Note: I do not own this character! Sorry the end is a bit confusing, I didn’t know what else to add lol.
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Sanemi is known for his brash and stubborn behavior; yelling at anyone who deems to disrespect the head-master or show themselves to be better, when in reality, they aren’t. However, those who are close to him are considered special; he treats them with such unknown-gentleness and royalness that he acts like a different man.
To get his attention would be a very special but yet of a wreck moment for the both of you, especially for him. Because of his background, it would take a lot for him to fall head over heels for you; especially if you were a complete opposite of him (personality-wise). Though, once you do get his trust and get to see his vulnerable-like state, he would be much calmer, almost like he’s a different person around you. He would fall for you if you were sweet and kind, especially to him. He would look at you and share the same image with his mother: kind, gentle, sweet, and willing to hold a lot of sympathy for others; never easily frightened and willing to stand up for anybody, even if in the end you would get hurt.
Sanemi is unpredictable, meaning that he lashes out randomly. He started to pay attention to you if you always welcomed him and started a conversation with him; no matter how much he pushed you away or threw harsh words towards you, you never reacted negatively. Possibly, you were a new Hashira, one that was kind and sweet like Mitsuri but stood their ground; telling people off. Or, you could’ve been a nurse who was working at the Butterfly Estate; continuing to bandage him even though he specifically said “I don’t need help” and that he “I’m fine, damn”.
Whichever one you are, he’s immediately drawn to you; a strange yet comforting feeling that made him want to protect you. From then on, he would make sure that no harm would come to you. And he was gonna keep that promise till the day he died.
If you were a nurse, he would only want help from you; no one else is allowed to touch him, no matter how deep or big the injury is. Of course, this would happen quite a lot; resulting in him almost passing out or dying from how much blood he lost because of his stubbornness. He would be sweet to you, though still brash; but in a somewhat-nicer-way. He’d say small thank you’s and try to ask questions about your day, wanting to get to know you better. Hell, he’d even visit you when on break; asking if you ate, or slept enough hours to function.
Now, if you were a Hashira; much like Uzui, he would ask Oyakata-sama to make joint missions. Everytime you go on missions, he’s with you; slaying the demon before it could even get close to hurting you. He’d try his best to make sure you never get injured, even the slightest scratch makes him uneasy, snapping at anyone who deems too close and isn’t telling him about the state of your injury(ies). It’s even worse with those who present as male. However, a way for him to try to be around you more is offering to help you train; saying “You need better techniques” And that “You can’t slay a demon without knowing how to cut them, here.”
Every mission you two have, he always offers to take you out to eat afterwards, in addition to saying ‘he’s hungry too’. When in reality, he just wants to spend more time with you; scared of asking the question in case you think differently of him.
Sanemi is pretty harsh, easily irritated and isn’t afraid to hurt someone. Because of this, he uses his loud behavior to keep you by his side, watching over you like a guard dog: ‘barking’ at anyone who gets too close to you for his comfort, or even dares to touch you. He isn’t afraid to throw hands for you, including for the safety of your comfort and well-being. If he so much detects a single hair of uncomfortableness or awkardness, he’s telling the person to “Fuck off before I give you a reason to do so.”
He’d kidnap you around a month or so (7-9 weeks), slowly he starts to realize how dangerous the world is, for someone as sweet as you; you don’t deserve to be in the open where you could hurt. As he starts to stalk you: walking you home while observing your routine. He would ask (nicely) to come inside for ‘tea’ when in reality he wants to perceive your home: see the things you enjoy (hobby wise), clothing style, the food you eat, and what you like furniture-wise.
If you have any partners or close-friends, they would suddenly go ‘missing’ or be found trying to dodge you every time you come up to them; using an excuse of saying they ‘need’ to do something. If you have children, Sanemi would try his best to be around them quite frequently, showing that even with his ‘scary’ scars, he can still be a soft teddy bear and be known as a good father-figure to them. He tries his best to spoil them and make them happy, happier than he was when he was a kid.
He would start to buy gifts for you, providing ways to show you, silently, that he can take care of you and he’s more important than the others. He would buy you anything that you enjoy, whether that was clothing, makeup, or hobby-like wise things; you get it all.
When he does kidnap you, he does it gently; drugging you once you two meet up to eat dinner with each other. He’d invite you over to have lunch with you, of course; you start to feel dizzy, asking to use the bathroom before passing out on the floor, hearing Sanemi pick you up and whisper some gentle praise about you being safe now.
Once you wake up, you realize you're in a soft bed, the room filled with things you love and a cushioned chain around your ankle, tied around the bed frame that was long enough to use the restroom and stop directly at the door. Later comes in Sanemi, explaining that: ‘You're safe now, no one will and can hurt you as long as i’m here’.
At first, he understands it will be hard for you to understand but no matter how much you yell or try to hurt him, he never loses his cool, leaving the room if you decide to act out or raise his voice to make you understand that you need his help.
Sanemi’s yandere tendencies are overprotective, possessive, and obsessive. He never allows you to be near the front door, only making the chain stop in-front of the door and back door. He often hides his katana, fearing you’ll cut yourself or end up trying to hurt him. Sanemi often has conversations with you that he loves you and he’s only doing this to protect you; the more you obey, the more you’ll receive ‘freedom’ and get spoiled rotten.
The affection is often weird, as he didn’t get a lot of affection; only receiving it from his siblings and mother, he didn’t really acknowledge how touch-starved he is towards your touch. Once you feel comfortable being touched, he’s holding onto you for life, never letting go, especially after he gets back from a mission that took a lot outta him. He absolutely loves laying on your chest, thighs, or stomach; rumbling into you like a cat, demanding attention.
His rules he set out for you are pretty simple: don’t try to run away, attack him, or remove the chain unless he allows it or your life is on the line.
If you follow his rules, you are spoiled like no other day; getting whatever you want. If you love makeup, he expresses and gives you a big bag of supplies: expensive, yet pretty cosmetics along with jewelry. Love arts? He buys an entire stack full of yarn for crocheting, oil pants, and well-made canvases that are greasy enough to use. One of his goals is to make you feel loved, reminding you that he’s the only one you can rely on when it comes to the dangerous outside. At some point, he would even let you roam free with no chain; letting you do your own thing as he watches you closely for the first few days.
Sadly, if you decide to break his rules, it won’t end well for you. He would become very serious, removing any things that you received for being ‘good’, only leaving a few clothes, blankets, and one pillow in the corner for you to sleep on. He would also use intercorse as a form of punishment; overstimulating you to the point you won’t even think. However, he would still talk to you, but give you blunt answers whenever you try to have conversations with him. He’d expect an apology sooner or later, finally asking if: ‘You’ done with the damn tantrum?’. If in this case, you had your chain removed, it’s going back on, much heavier and shorter for your safety and his.
Never will he lay a hand on you, rather trying to guilt-trip you into understanding that he is the only one who will protect you, stating that the others are weak, and that your ‘family’ and ‘friends’ were fake in the beginning, planning to abandon you. If you continue acting out, he isn’t afraid to threaten or hurt your close/or loved ones. This goes along the lines of killing anyone that he deems a threat to you; jealousy and hatred rising in his veins as blood splatters over his face.
Though, behind his ‘scary’ look and personality, he’s really a gentle soul who really needs a cuddle session and soft kisses along the scars covering his body. Any day, he’s around you, holding you while leaving hickeys and bite marks on you; trying to cover you like your ‘his’.
Sanemi’s patience is high, however, a man's patience can last so long before he tries to make you understand you are his. Whether you fall for him and go under Stockholm Syndrome or continue on with tantrum acts, the choice is yours.
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