#you can't even argue it's to follow the app design this time
spoonyglitteraunt · 11 months
*Big sigh
Really tumblr? Really?
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fumbling-fanfics · 4 years
Ransom Thrombey x Reader...
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Warnings: Smut, Ransom being an asshole, slightly non-con in part, theft.
Pairing: Ransom x Reader
You rolled your eyes with a scoff at the *Be careful* text that had come through to your phone from your best friend. It was in reference to Ransom Thrombey.
The guy whose car you were sat in, speeding towards his place.
You were fully aware of how much of an absolute asshole he was. You were casual acquaintances. And usually you would have kept your distance. But he was hot. He wasn't your ex. He also wasn't the slimy guy at the bar who wouldn't take no for an answer. Who else where you meant to fuck.
*He's a A grade asshole* was the following text. You quietly snorted to yourself and replied with *I know. I'll be fine*
"What?“ Ransom asked, with a quick glance your way. His eyes didn't reach your face, just your exposed thigh above your boots and below your cream dress that stopped just above mid thigh.
"Nothing, just calling off the search party for me" you mumble, throwing your phone into your small clutch and snapping it shut.
"You're hot property" he commented - sounding proud he managed to snatch you away. You suppressed another eye roll and remained quiet.
You'd never been to Ransom's place, but it was no surprise. Asshole-trust-fund-baby's interior design taste seemed to be obvious.
"Drink?“ he asked tossing his keys into a far too expensive bowl as he strut off into his house.
"Please" you were probably going to need some more alcohol to dull the asshole in Ransom. You followed him into the kitchen, eyeing the interior as you walked, your boots clicking along the floor.
"I only have red, is that okay?“
“Sure" you hated red, but then again there wasn't much to like about Ransom. A pretty face only made up for so much.
Where you meant to argue with someone you were about to fuck? Like really argue? You had contemplated leaving, but it was late. Plus the Uber app showed the nearest uber 30 mins away.
You had to admit it was kind of fun pissing Ransom off. He hadn't expected you to be so smart, with a good answer for everything. You had him stuck for words several times. "You got a smart mouth" he grinned, clearly annoyed at one point.
"You can't possibly believe that, but then again you did refer to me earlier as property" you sipped your drink for dramatic effect. But that only seemed to piss Ransom off more - turning his words against him.
He was clearly more annoyed that you realised because his next move was to toss the contents of the wine glass in his hand in your direction. The red liquid instantly soaked into your dress. Your cream dress.
That's how much of an asshole Ransom was. But you weren't going to get angry. Not yet anyway. You'd come this far.
You looked at the liquid running down your thigh and roughly wiped away the trail before it reached the top of your boot. You looked up at Ransom's smug face, lost for words for a moment.
"I'll have my maid clean your dress" God herself wouldn't be able to get the wine out of the dress.
"If you wanted me to take my clothes off so badly you should have just asked me already" You pushed away from the kitchen counter and walked out of the kitchen. Slowly unzipping your dress.
"Where are you going?" Ransom called after you.
"The bedroom is this way, right?"
Ransom was selfish, and it showed in the way he had sex. It wasn't bad, far from it. But he just did things so you would do things to him in return.
Your already scored one point - as you peeled off your ruined dress you could see that there was a moment of realisation, that with you he couldn't get away with doing the bare minimum or demand you did stuff solely for him.
He went down on you, but it was obvious it was only so you would go down on him. But that wasn't to say he was bad at it. Of course Ransom was good at everything he did.
You could feel like light stubble on his face against the inside of your thighs. He was good with his mouth, but when he added in his fingers your back arched off his bed, your hands jumping to the top of his head, messing up that perfect asshole quiff.
Even with his head between your legs, you could sense that asshole smirk. "You like that?“ he cockily asked. Your just nodded your head along with a high pitched hum. He pushed you down against his bed, and when he added a finger to the two that were already inside you it only took a few moments before your were gripping the forearm of hand that was pushing down on your stomach as you came.
You didn't want to return the favour. They way he sat on the edge of his bed, like some demanding King. Legs open, resting back on his arms and that asshole smirk. You should have grabbed up your dress and left, but then again the score was One-all and you were determined to win.
You had to admit to yourself that Ransom had a nice cock. It was nice to look at, one you'd enjoy receiving a picture of. But of course he did. It was Ransom, and you weren't going to actually tell him that.
As you knelt down between his legs, Ransom dropped down onto his elbows, you ran your hands up his bare thighs - watched his cock bounced a little as your fingers tickled his skin.
Ransom shuddered with a groan as you slowly took him in your mouth as you looked up at him, your tongue running along the underside of his cock as you leant forward taking him into your mouth. His hips jerked as he hit the back of your throat.
Soon you rid him of that smirk, and you weren't even trying hard. It was his turn to have the duvet screwed up in his hands. You watched his lower abdomen muscles twitch, impressed with the curses you managed to pull from him.
A few moments before you could tell he was about to cum, you let him slowly slide out of your mouth. When he didn't feel your mouth again, he propped himself up on his elbows, looking down at you.
You climbed on top of him, positioning yourself in his lower stomach. You watch as his eyes dart between your face, breasts and the wetness he could no doubt feel on his lower stomach where you sat.
"I was just about to cum" he whines, like a spoilt brat.
Two - One to you, maybe even Three - One. You pressed your chest against his as you leant down to kiss Ransom. He gropes at your waist as his tongue slide into your mouth.
You manage to slide your hand down between you both so you grip his cock and manoeuvre the tip just into you. A little.
When you push back on his chest, looking down at him you're little smirk puts an end to your games. Ransom is pushing his hip, quickly entering you as he's ulling you down onto him, and rolling you both over - plenty of room left on his huge custom made bed.
He bottoms out inside you, has you trying to crawl back and create some distance, but he just pins you to the bed. "You're not going anywhere" he growls.
You lose count on the internal score you have going on - is it Six-All, or Eight-Five, or Eight-Seven.
You're not sure, the orgasms have you a little confused, but you have Ransom on his back again. He has two fingers in your mouth as you start to ride him. Your press your hands into his chest, widen the stance of your knees either side of his hips, and roll your hips slowly, in a tight circle, keeping most if him inside you. He watches how you move, the other hand gripping your waist because he's not sure how you're doing that. Is it an illusion? Because it feels too good to be fake.
You let your head drop back, his fingers slipping out of your mouth as his hand slide down to your neck. He squeezes a little, not wanting to ruin the moment by being too much of an asshole at the wrong time. He feels you flutter around him, and squeezes again - maintaining the pressure, trying to hold off his own orgasm, because it's gonna be his last and he wants it to count.
You're trying to hold off your own orgasm too. Thinking of things that detract from the feeling of Ransom inside you. You're ruined dress. How much of an asshole he is. If you can order an uber so you don't have to stay the night. But all your mind keeps thinking of his how his hands grip you with the right pressure, keeping you low down in him. How he feels inside you, how you can feel all of him as you clench like your own body is trying to get more.
"Fu-k" the curse comes out broken from Ransom's mouth. His hand slips from your throat to the other side of your waist as he tries to hold you down on him so he can really bury himself inside of you. And that's all it takes to have you cuming. Your back arches, your pelvis tilting forward trying to get more. Your fingers wrap around both Ransom's forearms and dig in.
You manage to stay up right, panting in time with Ransom. Ten - Eight to you.
Ten-All. You don't think that because you're asleep. But it is. Because you fell asleep before you could get out of Ransom's.
Now he lays half awake next to you wishing his phone was closer so he could take a picture. You were a great catch - maybe he'll ask you back somehow.
Ransom had managed to pull the covers back down to your waist to admire you as you slept. Maybe he'd push you out of bed. Maybe he'd hold a pillow over your head for jokes. Or
He pressed up against you, running his hand from your neck, between your breasts and down your stomach. With a sigh you rolled onto your side, youre back to Ransom.
That wasn't exactly the reaction he was looking for. He shuffles up against your back. His cock sitting nicely between your ass cheeks, as his hand tickles down your stomach again. He dips his fingers between your legs and slides them along your clit, rubbing soft, slow circles.
"Good morning to you too" You mumble. Ransom doesn't verbally reply, just shoves him hand further between your legs, trying to get his fingers inside you. Your grunt, pushing him off of you.
Ransom rolls onto his back, slowly stroking himself.
"Maybe I should go" as you sit up, Ransom grabs your arm pulling you back down. There was a brief moment of struggle between you and Ransom and he ended up on top of you.
He pinned your arms over your head. "Why don't you stay for breakfast? How's eggs sound?"
You pulled your wrists from his grip, holding them against your chest. "I really doubt you can actually cook" you snorted.
You don't mean to inflame Ransom so much, but it was a statement that probably had weight.
Ransom's eyes narrowed, and he grabbed both your wrists in one of his hands, pressing them into your chest. He shifted on you slightly, grabbing himself. He started to stroke himself, maintaining eye contact with you.
"Ransom stop it" when you pushed your arms up, Ransom pushed down harder.
"Don't be disgusting" you tried to fight him off but he was stronger than you.
"Ransom, no" he pressed your wrists into your chest harder, as he quickened the pace in which he jerked himself off.
Before you could stop him, he came all over your stomach. He held you down, allowing himself to fully finish. The cum was hot against your skin. He relaxed letting go for your wrists.
"You're a fucking asshole you know that" you elbowed Ransom off of you and stormed off to the bathroom. You grabbed one of the small towels from the handrail, ran it under the hot water tap and started to clean yourself up.
Behind you, you could hear the sound of Ransom's bare feet against the heated bathroom tiles. "I'm sorry"
You glared up at him in reflection of the mirror. "You're not"
"I am, let me make it up to you" his hands found your waist, pulling you back against him. His new erection was evident, sliding between your ass cheeks as he rubbed up against you.
"I'm going to have a shower" you pushed away from him, Fleet slapping against the warm marble. You made sure to slam the door shut, happy to see him leave the bathroom after a moment.
When you stepped out of the shower Ransom was nowhere to be seen.
In just the towel you wandered through his place until you found him.
He was sat on one of his fancy single chairs, dressed. He smirked on seeing you enter the living area. The mostly glass space making you feel more vulnerable under his gaze.
"I'll call you tomorrow" Ransom hung up the phone, smirking at you.
"I'm going to ask if you cleaned my dress, even though I know the answer is no" Ransom just chuckled to himself.
"Slipped my mind"
"Guess you'll have to stick around a bit longer, unless you're gonna leave in that. Now I know you look good in anything, but a towels a stretch" his smug smile increases. But rather than give him the satisfaction of being angry you spin on your heels and walk back to the bedroom.
"No worries"
"I don't like this new you y/n, she's no fun" he calls out.
"Fuck you Ransom… Oh wait I already did" you mumble to yourself and you rip off the towel, throwing it to the ground, giving Ransom a nice view of your ass as you walked off.
You storm to his obscenely large walk in wardrobe and start rummaging around. You're pretty sure there's probably some left over female clothes you can find.
But it's not another females clothes you find.
An hour later yours slipping out of the back door for Ransom's place, dressed in more than a towel, walking across the gravel to the waiting uber. The driver greets you as you get in confirming your name and the drop off point.
You smugly smile as you feel your phone vibrating in your clutch. You slowly answer the phone, half wondering if you should let it go to voicemail.
"Yes Ransom" you know he can hear the smirk in your voice.
"Being naked won't get you 5 stars on Uber"
"Most people don't hold others hostage by taking their clothes" the Uber drivers eyes flick onto you in the rear view mirror and then back onto the road. "If you wanted me to stay you should have just asked"
"I asked you if you wanted breakfast" you snorted down the phone.
"I'm sure you'll be back for your dress anyway"
"Unlikely, tie-dye is so last year" you hang up, and open up your camera taking a snap of your new outfit and send it to Ransom.
*A little worn, but comfy. The holes give character* you add after the picture.
*I want my jumper back* is the reply. You can feel his anger even half way from his place.
*We all want a lot of things Ransom, doesn't mean we get them*
Tags: @ellixthea @lovelymari4 @chaneajoyyy
@honeychicana @beaminglife @amelatonin @themyscxiras @crushed-pink-petals @lady-olive-oil @jojolu @endless00paradise @est1887 @cajunpeach @melinda-january @profoundlynerdywolf @deathonyourtongue @designerwriterchic @itsbqueenthings @alicesfracturedmirror @joebob15274 @write-fromthe-start @islanddgal @tarashari-tfp @dc41896
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ramialkarmi · 6 years
The Uber accident that killed a woman in Arizona is a tragic lesson about self regulation that companies and politicians can't ignore (GOOGL)
The fatal accident last week involving an Uber self-driving car shows the shortcomings of leaving it up to corporations to regulate themselves.
Arizona, where the accident happened, had few rules governing autonomous car testing, allowing Uber and other operators to make up their own rules.
That approach was problematic, particularly in the case of Uber, because the company has a long history of flouting rules, laws, and norms.
What's more, reports indicate that the company's self-driving car's main sensor had known blind spots and the company was pushing ahead with its program, despite reliability problems with its autonomous system.
Since at least the time of Ronald Reagan, it's been a popular thing to complain about the government's regulation of businesses.
With the mantra that regulations stymie business, innovation, and the broader economy, Republican politicians, but also, not infrequently, Democratic ones as well, have slashed away at older rules and vowed to oppose new ones.
It's an open question how much good all that regulation slashing has done. But here's something that is clear: When governments don't set rules, companies and powerful people are free to set their own. When they do, they almost inevitably set those rules for their benefit, not the broader public's.
The not-infrequent result is that everyday citizens can lose their money, their houses, their privacy, their jobs, or — as in the case of Arizona resident Elaine Herzberg — their lives.
As you may have read, Herzberg died last week when a self-driving Uber vehicle hit her while she was crossing the street at night.
In the immediate aftermath of the accident, defenders of Uber and self-driving technology in general asserted that there was nothing to be overly concerned about.
It was a chance accident. The Uber car didn't appear to be at fault. Herzberg was likely to blame for suddenly stepping off a median and jaywalking in front of the car on a dark street. Besides, some argued, we should expect that some people will be killed by autonomous vehicles, but their deaths will almost certainly be more than made up for by the many more lives that will be saved.
After all, 30,000 to 40,000 people die as a result of human-driven automobile accidents in the US ever year. And as was made clear when an Uber driver at the helm of standard car got stuck on a pedestrian stairway in San Francisco a few days later, humans drivers are very prone to mistakes.
It's beginning to look like Uber cut corners
But it turns out that the initial takes letting Uber's self-driving car off the hook were off-base. Dash-cam video made clear that the street was well lit and Herzberg, instead of making a sudden move, had been steadily making her way across the street. Velodyne, the provider of Uber's lidar system, the laser-based sensor used to detect objects around a self-driving car, said its device was more than capable of identifying her before the collision. Even so, according to police, the car didn't slow down at all until after it hit her.
Velodyne pointed fingers in Uber's direction when it came to assigning blame for the crash. That's probably not a bad place to look. A second video showed that immediately before the accident, the human safety driver, who theoretically is supposed to take over if the autonomous system fails, wasn't paying attention to the road and didn't appear to have his hands on the steering wheel.
Meanwhile, The New York Times reported that Uber's self-driving cars have struggled to go even 13 miles in autonomous mode without the human driver back-up having to take over. By contrast, The Times noted, Waymo's autonomous vehicles on average traveled 5,600 miles last year before a driver had to take control. Despite that, Uber has been pressing hard to advance its autonomous vehicle operation and move toward completely driverless vehicles, The Times reported.
What's more, according to a report in Reuters, Uber's latest self-driving cars only have one lidar system, down from seven in its previous vehicle. That singular Lidar array has a known blind spot, according to employees and others who worked on the system who were quoted by Reuters.
In other words, instead of being an inevitable, unavoidable accident, Herzberg's death is beginning to look more and more like it was the result of negligence and corner cutting on the part of Uber and its safety driver.
Other states have recognized the potential dangers
And, in turn, it's increasingly seeming to be the case that Arizona's essentially anything-goes approach to regulating self-driving cars enabled Uber's apparent negligence.
Self-driving cars have been touted as a potential boon for traffic safety because, at least in theory, they are immune from the No. 1 cause of most accidents — human error. Additionally, their numerous sensors can potentially detect dangers before human drivers could — if those drivers saw them at all.
Even so, the potential dangers and problems related to self-driving cars are numerous. Cars are massive objects that, thanks to the laws of physics, can do lots of damage, even when they are traveling at low speeds, regardless of whether the driver is a human or a poorly designed algorithm.
While most driving is routine, there are thousands of so-called edge cases involving things such as black ice, double parked cars and more that drivers encounter and have to negotiate on a daily basis. To work reliably in the real world, self-driving cars will have to be able to handle such edge cases as well or better than humans.
Beyond how they handle the roads, autonomous cars will have to be protected from potential cyberattacks that could allow hackers to take control of them. And there remain questions to be answered about how riders' privacy will be protected.
Recognizing such concerns, many states have put in place rules designed to monitor self-driving cars and ensure safety. Some have required companies to have a certain number of passengers in their autonomous cars at all times or mandated that they keep track and report to regulators on their cars' experiences on the road.
But Arizona took a much more lax approach to regulating self-driving cars
But Arizona took a much more relaxed approach. In the hopes of luring technology companies in general and self-driving car businesses in particular, Doug Ducey, the state's Republican governor, has been on a mission to slash and limit regulations since he took office in 2015. One key piece of that was an executive order he signed in August that year that allowed companies to test autonomous vehicles in the state.
The only requirement he made in his executive order was that operators needed to have insurance for their autonomous cars and needed to have a passenger inside that had a driver's license. Other than that, operators could pretty much figure out for themselves what rules they should go by. They didn't even have to report to the state on their cars' experience on the road.
Ducey made those lax rules part of his sales pitch to self-driving car companies, including Waymo and Uber. When Uber explored testing its autonomous vehicles in Arizona, the governor welcomed the company with open arms, according to The Times.
"We responded by saying we weren’t going to hassle them," Ducey told The Times. "I'd be remiss if I didn't thank my partner in growing the Arizona economy, Jerry Brown," he added, taking a swipe at California's Democratic governor and his infamously over-regulated state.
When it comes to corporations and industries, self-regulation doesn't have a great track record. But if you're going to trust a company to regulate its own behavior for the benefit of all, Uber is probably the last company you'd want to trust.
Uber didn't deserve Arizona's trust
The app-based taxi company has a long history of ignoring even well-established rules, laws, and norms. It flouted taxi regulations in numerous cities, spied on a customers, and used software to evade law enforcement officials.
Indeed, the reason it was looking to move its self-driving car tests to Arizona was because it got in trouble in California for testing its vehicles without the required permit. Unlike the dozens of other companies that had actually gotten such permission, Uber couldn't be bothered.
So, you'd think with that history, Arizona would have wanted to have more oversight over Uber, not less. But that's the opposite of the approach it took. It let Uber determine the rules to test its cars and figure out for itself what was safe.
In fact, in what is likely to be remembered as one of the most regrettable tweets ever, Ducey even crowed to his Twitter followers in 2016 that Uber's exit from California was an example of "what overregulation looks like."
This is what OVER-regulation looks like! #ditchcalifornia https://t.co/RMbUkQY9ek
— Doug Ducey (@dougducey) December 22, 2016
Ducey seems, belatedly, to have realized his mistake. Earlier this month, he updated his rules for self-driving cars with new, stricter requirements. Unfortunately, by the time of Herzberg's death, Uber didn't yet have to comply with them. Following her death, Ducey and the state demanded that the company suspend its self-driving car tests.
Government laws and regulations can often be ill-conceived and detrimental. They're no guarantee of safety or the common good. They can sometimes favor powerful, entrenched interests rather than innovative startups and entrepreneurs.
But they're also influenced by the democratic process. When you leave the rules up to corporations themselves, they'll favor their own interests. And when they do that, the public can lose out and sometimes people die.
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