#you don't feel like sylvia plath because you have no idea how she felt. you haven't read a single journal entry. and you're fucking 14.
hairtusk · 9 months
the sylvia plath tag on this website is completely unusable, i need you illiterate coquette bitches to die
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derangedrhythms · 2 years
Would you agree that some of us were never meant to live? I'm certain I cannot live. I was born to kill myself. If destiny is real I believe this is mine.
I want to be careful about how I answer this while still being honest about my opinions. For this reason, I will give a general disclaimer here and post my answer under the cut.
Please do not read on if frank discussions of suicide are likely to make you feel vulnerable or if you are unable to handle views on this subject that may conflict with your own.
I spend a lot of time thinking about these things. My thoughts on the idea that some of us were never meant to live are complex and aren't yet fully formed enough to discuss here, but on a very personal level I do believe that what Anne Sexton said about Sylvia Plath was true:
"After all she had the suicide inside her. As I do. As many of us do."
Also, Sadeq Hedayat in 'Buried Alive':
"No, no one decides to commit suicide. Suicide is with some people. It is in their very nature, they can’t escape it."
And, Hermann Hesse in Steppenwolf:
"What is, however, peculiar to all suicide cases is the sense that their own selves, rightly or wrongly, are particularly dangerous, questionable and endangered natural growths. It seems to them that they are in an extraordinarily exposed and vulnerable position, as if they are standing on the narrowest of all cliff ledges where a slight push from someone else or some minute weakness on their part will be enough to plunge them into the void. People of this kind typically have written in their line of life the message that they are most likely to meet their death by suicide, or at any rate they imagine this to be the case."
This is where I want to be careful because I'm aware of the dangers of appearing to romanticise suicide. I don't believe that everyone who dies in this way was 'meant to' and I also don't believe that everyone who feels this way should act upon it because they think it's an inevitability. Depression can horrendously warp one’s perspective and what feels certain in one moment may be looked back upon with an entirely different outlook in the future. I know of people who felt that there was no other choice but to take their own life — but they either failed in the attempt or something stopped them and their lives eventually changed for the better. However, it would be dishonest of me to say, for the sake of appearances, that I don't believe there are a very few for whom it is a part of them. Again ⁠— on a personal level ⁠— anon, I think I understand where you are coming from. 🖤
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