#you may be wilbur semi bully anon now but you're totally based
commaclear · 1 year
Oh god Quackity is slowly creeping onto everyone's radars, he's slowly sinking further and further into the ball pit, and he doesn't even know
Niki!! I don't know to be happy or horrified!! Probably both!!
Phil is so right man, about everything. Age really does come with wisdom. He was right about Tommy, he's probably right about Tubbo, and the more correct he is about those matters, the more he is definitely correct about Wilbur.
As for Wilbur, I think he likes how Quackity makes him feel. He's always been somewhat of an object, which while it has allowed him to reach where he is due to how objectification works, it's also isolated him a lot.
Quackity isn't like other pigs. He's incredibly sexually repressed and honestly quite pathetic, but those things allow him to see Wilbur as a person. Yes, he can see the sex appeal that Wilbur has, but only when Wilbur basically forces him to. He sees Wilbur, he checks up on him daily, and as soon as he thought he might be in trouble, he set out to help.
"It's just manipulation" or "it's just method acting" is how Wilbur is going to defend his actions, even as he wonders about Quackity in bed with him, or watches Quackity just living his life while his guard is down.
He's a little parasocial ig L
How was that for Wilbur-defending, Comma? Got a lol rusty after that freak shit Wilbur pulled ngl
-Wilbur Semi Defender anon
Forget "How to win friends and influence people", Quackity has been reading "How to make enemies and end up on a hit list" instead
Now I'm sure a lot of you have mixed feelings abt me making Niki fucking terrifying, but let me explain... I had to make someone who was scarier than Schlatt, I had to do the 'no fear ... one fear' meme with him but for plot reasons, and I decided that the fandom makes Niki a soft uwu caregiver wayyyyyy too often (something I am also guilty of, which is bad cuz she's way more complex than that), so this time I made her Heisenberg instead
Phil is fucking based, he's watching all this go down from his little fnaf room, and he knows
That's not fucking defending, you just called him parasocial and gave him an L (and you're not wrong). You are not Wilbur semi-defender anymore, you're Wilbur semi-bully /lh
Unfortunately, mass editing tags is kind of a pain and I can't be bothered rn, so you get to keep your name ig
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