#// first i drew your hc; now here's the more expected content teehee~<3
belzinone · 4 years
@wolfstillhasclaws :: whelve (v) to bury something deep, to hide
 No one needs this from me, she thought to herself as she looked in the mirror. It usually didn’t happen, but she was struck with a sudden surge of guilt that day for doing the things she did. I shouldn’t be wasting time and money on this. With a defeated sigh, Bel was about to shed her lacy comforts but was stopped in her tracks by a knock at her door. She felt like her spirit left her body in fright, but after a few seconds of panic, she threw on a bathrobe, tied it tight, and went to answer the door.
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“ Lucy... you’re asking me about... what? “ The medic couldn't believe her ears. She didn’t think she wore femininity well at all, especially not in the public eye. Though she dabbled in playing the part in private to make herself feel better, she always saw herself like that: wearing an ill-fitting costume. But if Lucy was coming to her for guidance... that must have meant something about her was genuine. Bel wanted to lay it all out for her, bare her soul to let her know just how much a simple thing meant to her, but she kept that part of her under lock and key and buried it deep. How could she even begin to explain something she hardly understood herself?
Her friend was looking to her for something. That was all that mattered right now. “ Are you... looking to impress someone for a special occasion, or just wanna... doll up for fun...? “ Not that Lucy really needed it, if you asked her. Bel always thought she had a deceptively fragile but fierce beauty herself. What could someone like Lucy be looking to her for?
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