#// the runes thankfully soften the blow of amy terrors he might've seen whilst fetching the damn things
fishermcn · 16 days
@hexenjagd // a chance bargain struck that ill-omened night; yet back to back they fight till the dying light // accepting.
i.) all manner of tall tales and legends arose from the survivors of the shattering, not in the least the story of a gaunt knight collecting the souls of the long dead and damned from ancient battlefields. that said knight happened to be very real and very much not a ghost was... unsettling. thankfully the runes she offers in exchange for aromatics and the occasional oddity-- a misshapen skull sifted from volcanic ashes, a funeral shroud scorched by a flame that froze, the truly strange shit --seems to have (inexplicably) settled any uneasiness on his behalf from dealing with helena.
ii.) as one of the fortunate few in possession of a spirit caller's bell (at the steep cost of both lifelong enemies and a few vicious scars) sam has a particularly vested interest in helena's ability to commune and interact with such spirits. many of their most valuable bargains were struck in exchange for the witch knight to act in the role of a spirit tuner... though of his two summons, helena has so far empowered only the spirit of an infamous perfumer. the other she's thus far refused to deal with in any capacity, much to sam's annoyance.
iii.) helena's mastery over the ghostflame unsettles sam in a way that nothing else she can conjure compares to, and of all the tools at his disposal the rancor pot remains his least used. perhaps the sheer wrongness of the unnatural flame wears at his resolve, or perhaps the way it inflicts wounds upon not only the living but the dead as well instills him with fear. regardless, sam's nerves are set on edge whenever she wields the terrible fire.
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