#//its a heathers lyric and has the word flash in it it's a win/win. lol
princeparkersmythe · 7 years
Hit Me Like A Flash → Wendy & Parker
Involved → Wendy Anderson & Parker Smythe. Location → Blaine’s 80′s party. Time Frame → Saturday, September 16th, towards the end of the party. Notes → Parker accidentally drinks something that was spiked and confesses way more secrets to Wendy than he probably should. Warnings → Mentions of alcohol, depression, anxiety, and abuse. Also explosions.
Wendy was enjoying this party about as much as she enjoyed the last one. Perhaps this was was a bit more fun because of her and Parker’s themed outfits. Still, the night was going about the same as last time, until she somehow managed to lose track of Parker and Danny. Looking around in an attempt to reunite with them, she finally spotted Parker with a cup in his hand, hurrying over to him. “There you are... I’ve been looking for you and Danny for nearly a half an hour.” she said before raising her eyebrows slightly. “I thought you said you weren’t going to drink tonight..?”
Parker wasn’t exactly having a good time. He liked being dressed as JD, but for the most part he felt even more out of place at this party than he had at the last one. It felt like everyone was having a good time except for him. He was still dealing with that last remaining bit of getting over his crush on Mason, worrying about his date with Blaine (that he wasn’t even sure was actually happening since Blaine seemed more interested in Kane than him), and his depression and anxiety levels were through the roof. The worst part was that nobody seemed to notice... that or nobody cared. When Wendy found him, he shrugged slightly at the question before taking another sip. “I’m not drinking.” he said as the cup reached his mouth.
Wendy raised her brow before looking Parker up and down. “I’m pretty sure that’s spiked, love.” she informed him. She had noticed Parker slowly starting to spiral over the past week or so. She assumed it had something to do with him feeling alone or left out, so she’d done her best to make sure he felt included during rehearsal when they had down time and to hang out with him as much as she could throughout the week, but maybe there was more to it than that. “How much have you had?”
Parker felt his eyes go a bit wide as he looked down at the cup. “Oh.” he said before biting down on his lip. “I didn’t know that.” he admitted through a slur before slowly lowering the cup a bit. “Not enough to be super drunk... enough to feel something.” 
Wendy reached for the cup before nodding slowly. “Uh huh, well, either way, I’m cutting you off.” she said before looking him up and down again. “Come with me, I think you need a party break.” she stated as she took his hand, leading him to her dorm room. She thought about taking him back to his own, but hers was closer so it seemed like the wise thing to do. Relieved to find that Van wasn’t there and that they were alone she sat him down on her bed and crossed her arms. “Okay, talk, you’re in need of a friend therapy session and what better time to do that then when you have alcohol in your system?” she joked. 
Parker allowed her to lead him through the crowd, sliding off of her bed so he could sit on the floor. “I’ve got a lot of stuff going on.” he said with a sigh. “Got my first crush, the guy didn’t like me back because he likes someone else. Complained about that to your brother and he asked me out, but I think he likes Kane better than he likes me... and why wouldn’t he? I got so lonely I called my ex girlfriend... I keep telling myself that it’s okay that I’m alone... I’m going to spend my life that way anyway, I might as well get use to it. But every time I think I am use to it, something happens to send me flying backwards.”
Wendy listened carefully as he spoke. She’d known he had anxiety and depression, but he had a lot more emotional turmoil going on than she’d realized. “Parker, you’re not going to end up alone, you’re a great guy. You don’t need to be calling some ex. What did you call her for, anyway?” 
Parker looked down. “That’s what everyone keeps saying, but the more I hear it, the harder it is to believe.” he looked back up at her. “She always told me if I didn’t stay with her that I’d end up alone, that she was the only person who would care about me because I wasn’t good enough and she was the only one out there kind enough to put up with me and settle for me. Guess I just thought I should let her know she was right.” He fiddled with his coat a bit. 
Wendy was taken back by Parker’s words. “Parker, no one should talk to anyone the way she spoke to you. You don’t deserve that. Is that why you broke up with her?” she asked. “Don’t let lies she told you get to you, especially not when you’re drunk. None of what she said is true, you know that, right?”
Parker scoffed. “I spent most of my relationship with her drunk. Too drunk to even know what was happening, most of the time. Not that I wanted to be, but she made me, that was the easiest way to control me. I left because I couldn’t take it anymore. I left because I was gay and I wasn’t attracted to her anyway. But sometimes I think... as horrible as she was to me, at least I wasn’t alone.” 
Wendy felt herself exhale before crawling over from her spot on the floor to hug him. “Oh, Parker.” she pulled away from the hug and lightly hit him in the shoulder. “You stop that talk right now, you hear? No amount of loneliness is worth being with someone who is abusive. You did the right thing getting out of there and I’m so incredibly proud of you for that. You should be proud of yourself for that. Whatever guy picked someone else over you doesn’t know what he’s missing... and you know what else? Maybe there won’t be another guy who’s smart enough to see that for a long time, but that doesn’t mean he’s not out there.” She sat herself on her knees. “You’re truly one of a kind, Parker Smythe, you are a light in a very dark world and I don’t ever want you dim that light just because other people are too busy to notice it shine, okay?”
Parker hugged her back before blinking in surprise when she hit his shoulder. It was playful, so it didn’t hurt, but it surprised him. “Ah, okay.” he responded. He listened as she spoke, only feeling himself get emotional as she continued. He let out a shaky breath in response, giving a small nod. “Okay.” he said again. Her words resonated with him. It was definitely something he needed to hear, but not anything he ever expected anyone to say. 
Wendy reached up to wipe his face gently. “Good, and if I ever come across this ex girlfriend of yours, my arrow is going to go through more than just her door.” she stated. “I know it doesn’t seem like it right now, but you’re going to be okay. I promise.” she said seriously. “I know you didn’t ask me to, but I promise I won’t tell anyone about anything you told me, I assume you don’t want people to know.” 
Parker nodded a bit. “Thanks. You assume right.” he hesitated a moment before letting out a small sigh. “It’s just so much harder than I thought it was going to be. I thought the reason my life was so difficult was because I was in the closet, I thought coming out, a weight would be lifted off of me and all those it gets better videos would finally make sense... and it’s not like I thought I’d end up married to my first crush or anything crazy like that. Even when I got my first crush, I knew he wasn’t going to like me back, but it’s not the moments where he and I are hanging out together or even with a group of friends that are hard. Those moments feel like our friendship survived and everything’s going to be okay... it’s the moments at rehearsal when he’s with that other person or when I see them in the halls together that I suddenly feel like I’m being crushed under an enormous weight and like I’ll never recover, you know? I’m not even having fun at rehearsal anymore, it’s just hard and painful being there. I’ve never felt that way about a show before. Theater use to be my escape from my problems, now it’s partially the cause of it.” he looked down at his outfit before sighing. “Sometimes, I wish I was more like JD...”
Wendy let him vent. “I’m sorry about that, really, I am. I’ll do my best to make sure you feel more included at rehearsal. Or distracted. Whichever you think you need more.” she promised. She could understand the way he felt, it was shocking to hear him say that he wasn’t having fun at rehearsal anymore because he was feeling so depressed, but she understood. If Danny hadn’t returned her feelings, seeing him around campus with someone else would’ve utterly crushed her, despite the fact that she would never admit to that out loud since she never admitted to those sorts of feelings. If people asked, she said she didn’t even have feelings, it was just easier that way. At the last thing he said, she gave a playful smile before letting her head tilt to the side. “You want to blow up the school?” she teased. 
Parker let out a small sad laugh. “Not exactly, no. I just wish I could go for the things I want. Everything JD wanted to do, he went out and did it. Sure, the things he wanted to do was murder a bunch of people, I definitely don’t want to do that. just... I don’t know what I’m saying...”
Wendy gave a tiny nod of understanding. “I think I do.” she said honestly. “You want to be reckless without worrying what other people will think. You want a level of confidence in yourself to say what you want to say without fear of being judged... it’s the same reason you want to dye your hair purple. I’m sure we can find some way to give you that feeling that you’re looking for. But there’s no use assuming that how things are now are how they’re always going to be. Whether you never get married but end up with 6 Tony Awards, have a husband and 3 kids, or if you convince Danny to leave me and you two run off and have some sort of epic adorable nerdy affair, everything’s going to turn out exactly the way it’s suppose to, and it’s going to be great.” 
Parker quickly nodded. “Exactly.” he said before letting out a sigh of relief. “It’s nice to have someone who gets it.” he admitted quietly. “Psh, yeah right, like I’d really steal Danny from you, I don’t want an arrow through my door.” he laughed before wiping the remaining tears off his face. “Maybe I am JD... only the explosion was the random outpour of my feelings... kaboom.” he let out a bit of a drunken laugh before scrunching his nose up. “This is exactly why I should not be given alcohol.” he said before laughing again. He climbed back onto the bed, sitting against the wall before closing his eyes and letting out a soft hum. 
Wendy let out a laugh of her own. “Smart boy.” she said before kissing his cheek. At his JD comparison, she let out a bit of a giggle before pushing some of her hair out of her face. “Well, I’m glad you could open up to me, it’s good that you got all that out, I don’t know how you were functioning as well as you have been with all that inside you. But no matter what happens, you’re going to be fine, because you have me, and I feel it’s safe to say that you have Danny too. You’ve got people who care about you, we’re like our own little Addams Family and we’re always going to look out for one another.” she said before standing up. He didn’t exactly seem up for heading back to the party, which would probably be over soon anyway. “Maybe you should take a quick nap, sleep off some of that alcohol.”
Parker didn’t bother to open his eyes. “Yeah, okay. I’ll be fine here, you can go find Danny... if I’m still like this when you come back just knock me out of the bed and I’ll head back to mine. But maybe I won’t be, maybe I’ll rejoin the party later.” 
Wendy smiled. Part of her wasn’t sure if she should leave Parker by himself when he was like this, but he wasn’t terribly drunk, and he seemed to feel better than he had before so she supposed leaving him alone for a tiny amount of time wouldn’t hurt. He probably needed a little while to collect himself anyway. “You got it. Text me if you need anything, okay? I’ll be back in a bit.” she said before heading out of the dorm room and back to the party full of people who had no idea that their classmate was going through so much.
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