#[I don't know if she's actually a Brench but I'm imagining she is]
cxldtyrant · 8 months
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anonymous asked: What was your relationship like with Berryblue?
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"Acquaintances, and nothing more. She was brought in by my father to rear Freeza after our mother had been executed; Freeza was merely a child at the time and needed supervision as father and I were too busy with Arcos and the Planet Trade Organization. I was far too old to tolerate her nurturing, so she spent most of her time tending to my brother."
Neutral as his tone was in regarding the elderly Brench, Cooler did hold some resentment towards Berryblue for what he saw as an opportunistic and underhanded ploy: an attempt to gain power and influence by asserting herself in the place of their departed mother, manipulating the younger heir as she saw fit while their father looked on in approval. And why wouldn't he approve? The woman had been a sycophantic and agreeable minion in his inner circle, and King Cold could trust that she would take great care to mold Freeza into the malleable pawn he desired.
Much unlike the late Queen Froza, who had wanted her sons to grow up independent, relying on their own strength as they carved their paths throughout the cosmos. A lesson only one have them had learned well.
"She did her duty in rearing Freeza, but she should have been retired once he reached adulthood. And he should have known better than to keep her influence long after he needed it," the elder Prince remarked, tone dripping with disdain. "But I suppose without our father to guide him as he played the puppet Emperor, he needed someone to pull the strings. He always was weak."
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