# 𓆩⟡𓆪˚ ┊┊conductor of the goddess' song .〈 fairy tail au 〉
skygraced · 2 months
@raiiryuu asked: This man should NOT be this quiet for how big he is. Then again, the guild hall they're walking into is just Loud, as is the norm.
"You lost...?"
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THE YOUNG GUILD MASTER JUMPED IN HER SKIN AT THE VOICE BEHIND HER. she had heard the rumors of fairy tail being rather loud, but truly no warning would have prepared her for what she had walked into. spinning around, zelda found herself staring into someone's chest before taking a small step back and looking up to actually face the person who spoke to her. hylia, how did he sneak up on me ??
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❝ um... maybe ?? would you be able to tell me if the guild master is available ??
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skygraced · 2 months
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SHE NEVER DID ASK TO BECOME GUILD MASTER, BUT IT WASN'T LIKE HYLIA GAVE HER MUCH OF A SAY. you can't really turn down your guild's founder on a request like this, especially when they revealed that they are in the process of dying and want to pass along both their guild and their magic to you. how exactly are you supposed to look them in the eyes and tell them 'no thanks, i'm good'. with no real room to argue, she agrees to the request. of course she wasn't expecting the magic she would be inheriting would be godslaying magic, but again, no real room for discussion.
ITS A WEIRD REALIZATION TO HAVE, FINDING OUT YOUR TAKING THE PLACE OF A GODDESS. of course, no one knows you're replacing an actual goddess that was your guild's founder, or that the light magic you've always wielded now has the ability to kill said individuals. and as much as zelda wanted to tell the rest of the guild about this, wild new development, she had sworn secrecy about it all to the dying deity, leaving her with the weight of the guild ( and maybe her entire world on her shoulders ).
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FAIRY TAIL AU: For as long as she could remember, Zelda was a member of a small legal guild named Goddess Song ( Guild Mark: Goddess Symbol ) with her father, under the guilds founder and master, Hylia. During her time in the guild, Zelda had become a master of light magic, able to manipulate it in ways almost unheard of, summoning what seemed to be objects out of thin air. While the guild remained legal, they had no real desire to grow larger than necessary and remained quite happy in the small town of Lupine, near the eastern border of Fiore.
One day, Hylia approaches Zelda, requesting to speak to her. Once alone, Hylia reveals to the young girl that she is a goddess from the old countries, having lived for centuries, but is ready to pass on to the next plane of existence, and having watched the young girl grow and flourish in the guild, has decided to make her the guild's next master, as well as gift her an ability to protect the guild. Zelda really doesn't have a chance to deny the request, and is given God Slayer magic by the dying goddess, as well as the responsibilities of being guild master.
Zelda's guild mark is located on her back left shoulder, the same blue color as the goddess cubes. She still primarily only uses light magic, but her guild mark will shine with the blue and purple of the activated goddess cubes when she taps into the god slaying magic. No one knows about Hylia's true identity or the new magic Zelda possesses, and honestly she would prefer to keep it that way.
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skygraced · 4 months
@ferrumira asked : you're so special to me, and you don't even realize it.
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SURELY ZELDA HAD MISHEARD RAVYN JUST NOW. surely the shadow mage wasn't calling implying what the blonde thought she was implying. there was no way ravyn thought zelda was special, especially to her. the blonde felt her face heating up as she quickly turned her face away, not wanting to embarrass herself in front of the other. how do you even respond to something like that.
THE GUILD MASTER CLEARED HER THROAT AWKWARDLY, still entirely unsure on how she should respond. was she even supposed to hear the other say that ?? glancing back up at the other, the blonde opted that acting like she hadn't heard the other was probably the best course of action, and continued on like nothing was said.
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❝ a-anyways... the others thought it would be a nice idea but...
HER WORDS KEPT DYING AS SHE FELT THE OTHER'S INTENSE GAZE ON HER. come on. you are probably misunderstanding her. calm down. zelda bit her bottom lip, her inner dialogue continuing to conflict itself before a hand softly cupped below her chin and tilted her head up slightly so she would be forced to make eye contact with ravyn. oh.
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skygraced · 5 months
@ferrumira asked : “ i know you don’t need my help. but i’m offering it anyway. ”
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TO SAY ZELDA WAS FRUSTRATED WOULD BE AN UNDERSTATEMENT. leave it to hylia on giving her absolutely nothing to work with when handing her the guild and expecting her to be able to decipher her chicken scratch of notes. of course she wasn't going to show this frustration to any member of what was now her guild, but zelda knew herself well enough to know that eventually this frustration was going to boil over. which is why she greatly appreciated rayvn showing up when she did.
SHE COULDN'T SUPPRESS THE LAUGH THAT ESCAPED UPON RAYVN'S PHRASING. leave it to the shadow mage to offer help in a way that she knew wouldn't damage zelda's pride ( or stubborn tendencies ) to get the blonde to accept help. leaning forward just enough to rest her forehead against the other's shoulder, zelda allowed a groan to be muffled by the other before pulling back to look up at the other.
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❝ you will never hear me admit this ever again, but goddess i could really use your help right now.
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