#❪ • ● • — ᴀɴᴅ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ᴄᴀʟʟ ᴍᴇ sʜɪʀʟᴇʏ┊❛ thread ❜ ❫
linkoln · 4 years
LOCATION: fair lane, mapleview drive-in movie theater TIME: late evening AVAILABILITY: closed, @penabrams
               HOW LINCOLN HADN’T BEEN FIRED BY THIS POINT was one of two questions that rang through the boy’s mind as he snuck penelope through the gates and led her to the lawn chairs he’d prepared for them — of course, the other question being ‘was this my fifth or or fiftieth time seeing this movie?’ his priorities lost somewhere on chestnut drive, apparently, all while the twenty dollars he slipped to his coworker remained a bribing tactic that probably had him lose more money than he had rolling in. but as long as it convinced his coworker to hold down the fort and not rat him out, then it was a bill worth spent. “ okay, so. the rules are simple. i get to quote everything that’s said in the movie and you get to just sit there a watch. amiright? that’s what we agreed on? “ the smile on his lips told her that he was joking. somewhat. “ i mean. we’re talking jurassic park here. the least i get to do is enact every death scene. “
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linkoln · 4 years
LOCATION: sycamore way, mapleview elementary school  TIME: afternoon AVAILABILITY: closed, @oflanes
               TO PUT IT SIMPLY, LINK WAS IN A PICKLE. not literally of course, because he was sure that’d be a lot more fun than this. his situation just waiting for him to break his elbow as he resorted to crashing the joint against his car’s window — thinking it’d break as easily as they made it seem in movies — but quickly coming to find that reality was much harsher and his scrawny arm was not strong enough to perform such an action. “ fuck, “ he seethed, aiding to his bum elbow by soothing it with his other hand while also pacing maniacally in front of the driver’s side door. trying his best to rack his brain around a good solution to this predicament, which was him locking his keys inside his car. “ don’t look at me like that, “ his tone shot toward his dog who was sitting there with a cocked head, watching link turn red in the face. “ i know i’ve been at this for a half hour, but i at least expected you to give me some moral support in my time of need. “
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linkoln · 4 years
LOCATION: main street, corner store ( like 7-eleven idk ) TIME: mid afternoon AVAILABILITY: closed, @oflanes​
          THE BOREDOM KICKED IN AROUND ELEVEN IN THE MORNING, link’s patience wearing thin after he finished three bowls of cap’n crunch & watched half a season of seinfeld. monotony spinning around his ceiling fan as his knee bounced and his nails had no chance against his teeth, finally caving once he looked at his digital clock one, two, three times before he broke free from his house and drove to the nearest convenience store. not having a plan in the world when he went inside, bought a monster energy drink and a little bottle of bubbles, and plopped himself outside on the curb to test both of them out. becoming a kid again as he raised the sud covered stick to his mouth and blew, watching the bubbles that formed drift in the direction of whoever was walking by. ❛ lane fucking morrison! my buddy, ❜ he greeted the blond headed kid, failing to apologize for surrounding the other in bubbles. ❛ they’re outta five hour energies –– but also they could just not be selling them to me ‘cause last time i went a little overboard. ❜
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linkoln · 4 years
LOCATION: fair lane, mapleview drive-in TIME: evening AVAILABILITY: closed, @slcwride​ ( asami )
          ANOTHER SHIFT IN THE GRAVEYARD, ANOTHER CHANCE for link to munch on some candy he didn’t pay for, the guy already cracking open a pack of sour patch kids as he peered out across the lot. catching wind of hocus pocus’ opening credits before he was popping in a handful of gummies. only wincing slightly from the acidic taste –– okay, he winced a lot. but at least he wasn’t being dramatic about it by shivering his spine ( let’s be real, he did that too ). ❛ hoo doggy! ❜ he slapped the counter, peering over at asami with a twisted expression. ❛ i get the commercials now. they really pack a punch, yknow, and then what? you’re supposed to forgive them afterwards? psh, where’s the benefit in that? ❜ though he kept on eating them anyway, knowing he had to hide the evidence of him stealing from the concessions stand in the first place. 
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linkoln · 4 years
LOCATION: fair lane, in the neighborhood TIME: mid afternoon AVAILABILITY: closed, @alanacs
               LINCOLN HAD NO OTHER REASON FOR BEING IN FAIR LANE other than the fact that he saw a flyer for an open house on his way back from the convenience store. the picture that was advertised making it seem like a mansion — but then again, anything that was more than three bedrooms was considered a luxury in link’s book. and this house? it had four, plus three baths. so putting his boredom to good use, he drove on over to the shiny part of town and parked about a block away from where the open house was supposed to be held. moseying his way along the sidewalk with a tangled set of headphones in his ears, quietly bopping to the song that was playing as he looked at the flyer again. and when he peered up to see if he was headed in the right direction and wound up seeing a familiar face, it was like a lightbulb went off in his head. because link was always filled with bright ideas. “ lana, lana, lana, just the girl i wanted to see, “ he schmoozed, meeting her halfway. “ got any plans? or is now a good time to ask you to be my fake fiance so i have an excuse to tour this open house? “ and he showed her the advertisement. 
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linkoln · 4 years
LOCATION: chestnut drive, corn maze TIME: late evening AVAILABILITY: closed, @alanacs​
          THE LAST TIME HE WAS DRAGGED TO MAPLEVIEW’S famed corn maze was when he was a junior in high school, the run down attraction exactly how he remembered it to be. what with its golden and green peaks still managing to stand tall, along with the children screaming inside of it, and the ticket being way over priced, it felt like he was sixteen all over again. his faint nostalgia wrapping neatly in a bow as he looked around and noted his old group of friends pushing and shoving each other in the queue. this rag tag bunch who thought it’d be neat to relive their glory days –– unfortunately, lincoln wasn’t too keen. ❛ need a hand to hold? ❜ he offered, stepping into the space beside alana and nudging her shoulder with his own. ❛ i got two available, and heck, i’ll throw in an arm for good measure. ❜ the suggestion gestured down toward his arm which he extended so she could loop hers around if she so chose. 
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linkoln · 4 years
LOCATION: sycamore way, neighborhood TIME: early evening AVAILABILITY: closed, @laurenmeade​
          THURSDAY MEANT IT WAS DATE NIGHT FOR THE ‘RENTS, lincoln left to his own devices by the time four o’clock hit. the hot pocket he heated in the microwave instantly devoured in a matter of seconds at 4:30 –– now it was five.  and there was nothing to watch on tv. plus he was out of weed until his next paycheck. so basically. he had no other choice but to escape the lion’s den and hope for the best, making sure to lock to door behind him as he hopped off the front porch and crossed over onto neighbor territory. doing what he normally did when he wanted lauren’s attention, and that was him throwing pebbles at the girl’s bedroom window. having missed the first three throws until he finally ricocheted one onto the glass, proud of himself for putting his horrible aim to good use. ❛ ~ yoda lay hee hoo ~ ❜ he sang off key, cupping his hands around his mouth to project the sound upward.
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linkoln · 4 years
LOCATION: main street, grocer’s groceries TIME: early afternoon AVAILABILITY: closed, @thesebastianrios​
          LINCOLN WAS EVER THE BOLD TYPE WHENEVER he crossed through the threshold of grocer's groceries, his cravings too big for the amount of things he could hold in his arms at once. the boy often opting out of using a shopping cart. never one to learn from his mistakes as he waddled through the store with piles of ramen and hostess snacks cradled in his hands, link even carrying a bag of chips between his teeth. this commitment he had of not drop anything like a great big juggling act, his high hopes set too high when he rounded the corner of an aisle, his lucky flying out the window when he was faced with a body holding a basket, both the contents in link’s possessions and the items inside the basket falling to the floor without a chance him or the other saving them. ❛ ay, caramba! ❜ he exclaimed, stumbling back and nearly tripping on his shoelace, though winding up accidentally stepping on his bag of chips instead. ❛ my cheetos ... ❜
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linkoln · 4 years
LOCATION: sycamore way, mapleview elementary  TIME: afternoon AVAILABILITY: closed, @itsjosie
               HE’D WANDERED THE TOWN FOR WHAT FELT LIKE HOURS — though considering how unathletic link was, in reality, he’d been walking for about fifteen minutes. his groans heard from a mile away as he sat down on one of the swings adjacent to the playground, letting maverick off his leash before link was fishing for the tennis ball he brought along with him. tossing it far and wide, delightfully enjoying himself as his dog did the rest of the work by chasing after it. the content little sway link did on his swing complimenting his old man sigh. finally relaxing. however, blissfully unaware of the person coming up behind him. “ inconceivable! “ he jumped, quite literally, out of his seat. heart leaping from his chest and boomeranging right back until he recognized who the stranger was. oh. “ josie. you scared the living virgin mary outta me ... “
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linkoln · 4 years
LOCATION: main street, grocer’s groceries TIME: mid afternoon AVAILABILITY: closed, @mercyovalles​
               OKAY, BUT PICTURE THIS. link with his hands full of groceries and with one of his shoelaces untied. two factors that could end, well, badly. and adding to the list of disasters, his sights were blocked by a stalk of celery, the curly haired boy stumbling into the parking lot without a clue as to where he’d parked his car either — so if you hadn’t caught on yet, to sum it all up: it made perfect sense when link stepped on his laces and the bags he’d been carrying went flying. that, and he hit the pavement with a nice thud and a, “ fuck me gently with a chainsaw. “ his winces probably visible from a mile away. two miles if you squinted. “ i’m gonna feel that tomorrow, “ he muttered as he begrudgingly rose to his feet, surveying the mess he created and watching as an orange rolled away and hit someone’s foot. 
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linkoln · 4 years
LOCATION: main street, public library TIME: early evening AVAILABILITY: closed, @felix-rios​
          EVEN THOUGH HE HAD HIS OWN MOVIE COLLECTION AT HOME, link never considered himself a stranger to whatever the library had in stock. easily leaving the place with ten or so dvds if the opportunity presented itself, his selections like a playlist on shuffle –– ranging from horror to buddy comedies to korean dramas. sometimes renting a movie based solely on whether the title made him laugh or not. and well, today? he was on the search for titles ending in a question mark. like, ‘dude, where’s my car?’. browsing the movie racks meticulously as though this was a mission he needed to concur, unblinking as he flipped through the movie cases in alphabetical order. ❛ ah-ha! ❜ he prevailed, pulling out a winner, merely briefing over the synopsis before he looked up to confirm if someone else was as proud as he was for finding a movie called ‘casual sex?’. but was soon disappointed that no one was paying attention to him at all. except ... ❛ felix? my seven minutes in heaven go to, is that really you? ❜
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