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perfectionist-prince ยท 2 years
Take a Paws (Siegbert-Celica)
It was unclear just how much of a toll the Churchโ€™s missions could take on someone until Siegbert didnโ€™t participate it one. While the rest of his friends were out risking their lives, he was relaxing back at the nearly-empty monastery, reveling in the fact that he didnโ€™t have to worry about fighting to live another day. The guilt came crashing down full-force when Lady Celica and the rest of her team returned and the trauma laying just behind their eyes could not be hidden.
Rather than dare interrupt time with herโ€”or anyone elseโ€™s belovedโ€”Siegbert ducks away from the crowds and bides his time until a better moment. That time didnโ€™t come until a few days later, when he finally managed to catch the Valentian by the elbow as he joined her walk down the hallway.
โ€œLady Celica!โ€ he greets with a warm smile. โ€œI hope youโ€™ve had enough time to relax since your return. How do you fare?โ€
Truth be told, he had already set up a tea party in preparation for his invitation. Were she to decline, well... it wasnโ€™t always a bad thing to enjoy tea alone.
โ€œSay, I was wonderingโ€”would you care to join me for tea, this afternoon? Iโ€™ve a new friend Iโ€™d like to introduce you to. I think youโ€™ll like them very much. Oh, and Almond missed you.โ€
At this, the feline peeks up from the folds of his cape around his shoulders, clambering up only to jump right into Celicaโ€™s arms, awaiting or not. He chuckles, reaching over to scratch behind the catโ€™s ears. โ€œVery much, it seems.โ€
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perfectionist-prince ยท 3 years
Forgotten Entry (South Leicester)
โ€œAnd youโ€™re sure this is safe?โ€
They find themselves staring down at the now-open entrance to, apparently, Shambhala. Laelaps stares with an unamused expression, arms crossed over his chest as he waits, expectantly, for their group to begin their descent. Siegbert stares backโ€”there wasnโ€™t a chance in hell that Laelaps wasnโ€™t going first.
โ€œAfter you,โ€ Siegbert gestures. Only after the others have started and nearly finished their descent does he dare to follow.
And all the better. Though Laelaps says thereโ€™s nothing to worry aboutโ€”Agarthans make things to last, unlike the surfaceborn, he saysโ€”and he and Nessie manage their way down the ladder without incident. Kana, Nina, and Rafiel soon follow.
Siegbert steps down onto the first rung of the ladder and immediately feels an anxious pit in his stomach. The way the metal creaked under his weight... wasnโ€™t right.
Step after step he takes, the steel creaks and groans in protest. Prince has half a mind to turn around now and not push their luck, but with the rest of the group already safely dismounted, that was not an option. Just as Siegbert lands firmly on the ground, the ladder bars cry one last timeโ€”
โ€”and snap, tumbling to the ground in a horrible cacophony, critically missing his head. Miraculously, the rest of the group is unscathed, as well, but that doesnโ€™t stop the pounding of his heart in his chest.
โ€œNice breaking it, bud,โ€ Laelaps says dryly.
โ€œSo much for your Agarthan building techniquesโ€”made to last, was it?โ€ Siegbert snips in return.
Before them was a long, narrow hallway. High above them, the entrance closes, and in the absence of natural light, bright blue fluorescents cast around them and the rest of the room in a faint azure glow. Visibility certainly wasnโ€™t terrible, but it wasnโ€™t exactly fantastic, either.
โ€œBe careful,โ€ Nessie warns in a hiss. Siegbert nodsโ€”that much need not be said.
Having gone unused for so long, the passageway was run down, its age clearly showing. They soon find themselves at an impasseโ€”literally. The floor ahead opens in disrepair, tiles bowed in, as though collapsing in on itself. It was perhaps ten feet until the floor looked stable enough; surely they could run across.
The consequences of failure were clear in the exposed structural components, iron beams and wiring spelling certain doomโ€”but not death.
Siegbert eyes the trepidation on his companions' faces. "Allow me to go first," he says softly, "to test the durability. If it can hold me, it no doubt can hold the rest of you."
If only it were that easy. Siegbert was a horse man; running wasn't his forte, and jumping was the last thing he wanted to do. Although he was tall enough to cover over three-quarters of the gap, he fell short into the foundation below.
Jagged iron beams and exposed wires catch him and dig far into his skin. Unfortunately, blood was a fantastic lubricant, and as it covered his hands, Siegbert found it harder and harder to crawl out of the depths. Gods only know what kind of hellish things were living on the surface of these materials and now had a direct entrance into his bloodstream.
"I'm fine!" he calls, but the waver in his voice belies his confidence. "I can get up! Ensure you all get a nice head start before jumping!"
Briefly, his mind turns to his beloved. Worried she no doubt would be, it would have eased his heart to hear her gentle chiding for his recklessnessโ€”and the smell surrounding him. Dragons, how disgusting.
[ Siegbert loses 4 HP. 6/10 HP remaining. ]
Eventually, the prince manages to claw his way to the other side. His entire body stung and ached but there was little that could be done. Panting for breath, he gazes across the gap at his companionsโ€”
โ€”one of which could fly, and another who was currently climbing onto the back of a dragon. Heavens hath no mercy for a prince scorned.
@musing-fantasies @draconicprincess @rafiel-bird-man
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perfectionist-prince ยท 2 years
Protectorโ€™s Instinct (Siegbert-Mercedes)
A young girl from town runs up to you, tears streaming down her face. Her beloved cat has escaped and found its way into Garreg Mach! She offers you her favorite marble and a piece of candy as a reward for finding himโ€ฆ You canโ€™t bring yourself to say no, and it seems like an easy enough task, anyway. Until you discover that the cat is some sort of acrobat. Pursue the renegade feline, but try not to slip off the rooftops in the process!ย 
Barely two-month old feline purrs from its nest in the folds of Siegbertโ€™s cape, resting on his chest, over his heart. Prince smiles down at the tiny creature, bringing one finger up to gingerly stroke its soft fur. He hadnโ€™t know his Majesty long, but he adored her nonetheless. It was thanks to her that he overcame the loneliness he felt when he stayed behind during the latest mission; now, he wasnโ€™t eager to even leave her side.
With Almond Jr. safely in Celicaโ€™s care (or off raiding kitchens, as is his wont), Siegbert finds no qualms in taking a stroll with his baby. It isnโ€™t long into his walk, however, before Majestyโ€™s head shoots up in concern, and soon the sound of crying reaches his ears. Spinning around on his heel, prince finds himself staring down at a little girl with tears streaming down her face, one hand balling up the back of his cape in her tiny hand and pulling for his attention.
His heart melts. It was no secret that the prince desired a familyโ€”a daughter, especiallyโ€”and so he was completely at the mercy of any child who might cry. Kneeling down to match her height, he doesnโ€™t hesitate to wipe at her tears with gentle hands.
โ€œSweet one, whatโ€™s the matter?โ€
โ€œM-my kittyโ€”!!โ€
Before either could get out another word, the girl pushes right into Siegbertโ€™s arms, sobbing against his chest. He doesnโ€™t hesitate to wrap her up in a hug, shushing her quietly. Itโ€™s when he sees a shadow appear overhead that he finally looks up. A grateful smile pulls at his face.
โ€œMercedes. Help me, would you?โ€
With the clericโ€™s aid, the two manage to calm the girl enough to speak. It seems that petting Majesty while she resided in his cloak was enough to finally get her tears to cease, and so Siegbert makes no quarrel about it for as long as their conversation persists.
โ€œMy kitty... I canโ€™t find him. Iโ€™ll give you a marble and my favorite candy if you can help me find him.โ€
โ€œThatโ€™s quite alright, sweet one. Weโ€™ve no need for a reward,โ€ Siegbert chuckles. โ€œDo you know where your kitty might have run off to?โ€
โ€œThe rooftops. He likes being tall.โ€
Nohrian balks. Slowly, his gaze turns to Mercedes, who shares an equally shocked expression.
โ€œWell... care for a bit of parkour, then, Mercedes? We have a mission ahead of us.โ€
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