#( tht same kid leaving the lab talking 2 their siblings after like 'dad said we could. oh also i wouldnt bother him rn he kinda
eievuimultimuse · 6 months
havgni like a rlly funny stockfly verse image rn. imagining the first time he ingests the mutagen its like!! very typical 'first transformation' stuff. lots of knocking shit over, lots of drama etc etc. (also he accidentally kills the power in his own lab or smth idk) & then one of his kids comes in like "hey dad" & its Dark & ALL u can see is stockman's bug eyes glowing in the dark like a fuckngi cat while what u can see of his silhouette is very clearly no longer human. & they jsut stare @ each other & its like oh shit
but hten said kid tht walked in on him is just like "can we have chicken nuggets for dinner" & baxter, who is, like, WINDED @ this point, is just like.........yeah ok, KGHFKJG
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