#(BUT OMG. CHIP. I totally read that as unsheathed at first and was like 'Well thAT'S SAUCY HOW DARE'.)
red-hemlock · 1 month
🐾 Claws sheathed, ofc.
Send 🐾 to boop my muse! @cxpperhead
Oh no, surprise boops, her one true weakness except pizza!
Letting loose one embarrassingly pitched squeak, River's hand is up and rubbing at her nose, faux-offense puffing those cheeks up into a pout. "Oh, I'm sorry, you think you're just going get away now, after that? Really, dear?"
Fists raise high...! Well-... It's more like two index fingers. Primed and ready for more revenge-boops to that snoot, though!
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"Well have at you, '''foul''' serpent, this is one battle I'm not going to lose. There's only room on this hill for ONE 'Boop King'!"
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