#(assuming it's snek cause you're the only person from IW here that I don't really know)
I am honestly scared of you. I’m sure this will bring glee to your heart, but I had to say it. Doesn’t mean I don’t like you; I do, I’m just absolutely floored by your existence. At this point I’m about 87% sure you’re immortal, you have had experiences most people consider extremely improbable and I weep at the sheer quality of your writing every time you post anything. If we met in the street I’d run flat out in the other direction while simultaneously wanting to go back and ask to interview you. We’re not close, but you know me from the IW. You claim to be the sane one but every time I’m privy to a conversation with you I learn something startling. You are quite the badass motherfucker, my friend. However, please never ask me anything directly because I will likely drop dead on the spot.
Good tidings, friend, and I hope you have as whimsical a day as your heart desires.
Well, first of all, I need to say thanks, because that guilt tripped me into vacuuming my flat, which was much needed.
Secondly, I don't know if I should be happy or sad. Something in between. Sappy? No that already exists. Had? That too. Well, you see what I mean. My point is, thanks so much for saying I'm cool (I assure you, I'm not), and just jkjjkjjdjdksk y'all should stop being nice I still can't handle compliments. Also thanks for saying my writing is qualitative! I'm trying!
And no, I'm not the sane one. Just the least emotionally available...
Have a whimsical (had to look the meaning up, ngl) day too!!!
PS: if you met me in a street, you'd indeed probably run away, but that's mostly because 90% of people do that. See, I have a reputation.
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