#Bro: Good because even if the game demanded I use Magus or get the bad ending if I couldn't use Frog I'd get the bad ending
regallibellbright · 1 year
Bro’s playing Chrono Trigger, hopefully with intent to finish this time, I suspect.
I stalled out when playing DS during the final sidequests, but therefore functionally played the entire game and have been trying very hard not to spoil That Particular Plot Point. (If you have to ask you don’t know which it is.)
This led to me going “wait, how far in is he” after he got kicked out of Zeal the first time, which led me down the rabbit hole of the Chrono Compendium wiki, which does not just have theory pages but DISSERTATIONS on how time travel would have to work in these games. So now it’s 3:45 AM. I’m pleased with how I have spent this time.
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