#But they're also a lot like cantaloupe. Very cantaloupe-like. They have cantaloupe innards.
asjjohnson · 2 years
I just looked up how tall pumpkin plants grow, and it said they can grow up to 20ft (6m).
I don't have anything that tall for my plants to steady themselves with.
#I guess this is the problem with growing seeds from fruit at a grocery store#I thought pumpkins were supposed to be Vines. I didn't know they were giant tomato plants!#I don't know their specific variety so I can't do a specific search for them. Pumpkin plants are said to grow somewhere between 2 and 20 ft#...maybe I could check to see if I'd taken a photo with the sticker on the pumpkins. I think it had some kind of sugary name...#I tied a rope to a shed roof but they really dislike that rope. And the fastest growing one is almost to that roof already.#I probably should've suspected the plants wouldn't be like what I'd pictured. When I bought the pumpkins last year...#I'd always assumed pumpkins were these solid Things. Instead they were like large bell peppers. They rot. They're just an average fruit.#But they're also a lot like cantaloupe. Very cantaloupe-like. They have cantaloupe innards.#But the plants are like tomato plants but with larger flowers.#I found a photo! and... it just says Pie Pumpkin. ...that's... just the general kind of pumpkin isn't it. Not what plant it is. :/#Well at least the pumpkins are small? Forgot how small they were. And I'd figured if I get 2-3 to grow this year then they'd be smaller.#Since I'm not taking care of them like a farm would. So I figure they'll be pretty small. Probably could hold one in the palm of my hand.#...like. unless I'm wrong and the pumpkins end up growing huge. Or if there ends up being a whole bunch of pumpkins. Who knows.#Pumpkins are weird.
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