#Don't just have child size dress up options at your museum I want to wear a fun hat too
noodyl-blasstal · 10 months
what say you about a potentiallllllllllll museum guide au
Reese, Reese, this is such a treat, I adore you. [AU ask game, send me an AU, I'll give you 5 things from it, or more because I'll fight maths and I'll win]
Museum guide AU premise: Okay, okay, so Taako's a museum guide and today he's fucking done, he's just absolutely fucking done. So he's going off script and he's telling the truth instead of the shitty glossed over versions, and he's going to make sure everyone is as uncomfortable as he is about all the bullshit they stole here. Kravitz is on the tour with his Mums and they're getting more and more gleeful as the tour goes. Raven is absolutely egging him on. 1) Taako works as a museum guide and his favourite is when he gets to work with children and young people because he can make it interactive and fun, but they don't let him do that with the grown up groups even though he knows in his bones some of them would love interactive story time and getting to do quizzes and dress up. 2) Today the fancy people guide is off and Taako has to cover the Very Important People tour, but his boss also told him to go fast through some of the indigenous exhibits and "keep the guilting to a minimum" so Taako's going to bite. Hard. He already has to fight about this bullshit all the time - what's the point in learning half a history? It might not be pretty, but it's true.
3) There's a bloke called John on the tour who is on the board and donates generously to the museum and he's getting angrier and angrier as Taako facts his way through everything. Some of the others in the group (looking at you Raven, Kravitz, Istus) ask questions which means he spends much longer talking about the context and significance of the exhibits he was supposed to rush through. John pulls him to the side and fires him in the middle of the tour, so Taako tells everyone that's what happened and that as he's not an employee they really can't stop him talking now. So he finishes up with anyone who is interested. It's most of the people. 4) Kravitz is interested in the history but also very interested in Taako. His Mums are also very interested in Taako and whether a nice young man like him is single because their very handsome son is and wouldn't it be a coincidence if two nice young men who were right here next to each other were single [pointed looks at Kravitz].
5) Raven and Istus make a big ol' donation on the proviso that Taako gets reinstated. With their help he's allowed to do some more specialist tours including ones where he does interactive education for grown ups - he gets to dress up and tell stories and people love it.
6) (I told you, I'm too powerful to be constrained) Kravitz comes on one of the grown up interactive tours and uses his feedback slip to ask Taako out, but Taako doesn't actually read the slips, Sloane in HR does and boy does she recognise that handwriting.
7) Sloane gives Taako the slip (and Kravitz a lot of shit including sending a photo of it with "I think we should just be friends (as we're both super fucking gay.)") and he and Kravitz go on a date and everything's perfect and fine forever because I can do that. The power!
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