#EDIT: came out of the shower to continue because you wanna talk narrative structure? SURE LET'S TALK NARRATIVE STRUCTURE
cakemoney · 4 years
i cannot believe in the year of our lord twenty twenty there is fuckin lilo and stitch discourse on this hellsite. somebody photoshop that meme of the samurai holding the cat into me holding lilo stitch nani AND david in my arms i swear to god nothing made me want to throw hands so fast
#laughs awkwardly#that's a lie a lot of things make me want to throw hands very quickly#but i just!!!!!! the way the op worded it and described lilo as a bad person due to the destruction around her just made me see red#lilo!! is not a bad kid!!!! she's a child!!!!! there is literally an entire montage of her trying to teach stitch how to be good!!!!!!!#the entire point of the movie is that you don't give up on the people you love even if they're doing things you don't understand!!!!!!!#lilo is AT BEST a 'problem child' (a phrase that is a whole other rant) because she does cause 'problems' for the adults around her#due to not understanding the consequences of her actions and the social dynamics of her peers (because AGAIN she is A CHILD)#but nani never once gives up even if she was so frustrated due to being young herself and not fully understanding how to handle children#lilo is her sister and they love each other and nani never once considers passing lilo off as someone else's 'problem'!!!#JUST LIKE HOW BECAUSE STITCH IS A PART OF THEIR FAMILY LILO NEVER GIVES UP ON STITCH'S POTENTIAL TO BE GOOD!!!!!!!#the POINT of the movie is a direct refutation of how society frequently labels 'problem kids' as inherently bad people#NO the movie says THESE KIDS ARE NOT 'BAD' THEY JUST NEED EXTRA LOVE AND UNDERSTANDING BECAUSE THEY ARE STRUGGLING#so to see that frickin post so blithely refer to lilo as a destructive bad person who doesn't care about the people who love them#(just like how so many kids are taught by the adults around them that they are bad because when bad things happen it's their fault)#it just!!!!!! made me so furious i want to cry!!!!! how dare you??????????#anyway. just wanted to properly yell about it i have been thinking about it all fuckin day#EDIT: came out of the shower to continue because you wanna talk narrative structure? SURE LET'S TALK NARRATIVE STRUCTURE#let's talk about how lilo (who was ALIENated from her peers due to being seen as different)'s angel from heaven is stitch#who was so readily condemned by that space court as an irredeemable monster because of...... what? because he said something vulgar?#who seemed to be innately destructive but when shown consistent love and compassion by lilo becomes.....? A GOOD PERSON#(person being a loose term in this case)#just like how CHILDREN WHO ARE 'ROWDY' OR 'PROBLEMATIC' DO NOT REQUIRE DISCIPLINE BUT LOVE AND COMPASSION AND I--#[breaks off into untranslatable screaming because i don't care about literary analysis i care about kids in real life]#[who saw themselves in lilo and stitch who get to realize that they are good people who deserve love and compassion and family]#i would insert the 'in this essay i will' meme but it appears i already wrote the essay#in conclusion FIGHT ME
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