#Face's line is adapted from a Firefly line XD
avictimofthejazz · 3 years
✨ for all our ships on this one. =)
Amy/Face “Oh,” Face didn’t even hesitate when the question was poised. He just grinned, “Your legs….and…you know…higher…around where It meets your back.” Maggie/Hannibal “Your grin,” Maggie had to admit with a grin of her own. “Of course, usually I see it when you’re about to do something insane…but I still like it.” Bonnie/Michael Shoving a hand through his thick curls, Michael shifted his weight. “I like your hands. Does that sound weird?” He asked worriedly.
Kelly/Murdock “Oh,” Kelly blushed and looked down at her hands, “I couldn’t pick. I just like HM as he is…though I do like how he’s always wearing baseball caps. Even the one with the wings on it.” Gina/Murphy “It’s your eyes,” Murph ducked his head shyly, “I can’t imagine how anyone could look at you and not notice them.”
Trudy/BA BA reached up to run a gentle hand through Trudy’s thick hair, “This right here, Trudy.”
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