#He's worried about Remiel and the absolute Beating the older angel will give him if this conversation goes any farther.
grey-eyed-menace · 2 years
"...a thought has struck."
Simeon blinks, arching a brow as Gasper turns to him a bit frazzled, eyes wide with something akin to hope.
"Of course," he reasoned, easily enough, placing his pen down, and casting a glance to an equally befuddled Satan, "ideas are always welcome to be discussed for projects."
"Oh, no," Gasper waved his pen around a bit, gesturing vaguely towards the sky, or roof, or something, whatever it was the sky in the Devildom lead to, "bit more personal, I'm actually quite scared for my life right now, but now that I've thought it I can't exactly not voice it, so, yeah, fair warning."
Satan quietly brought a hand to his face, withholding a sigh, before making a 'go on' gesture with his hand. It was likely he expected some inane thought about Grem-
"Have you ever met Za'afiel?"
It took exactly two and a half seconds for Simeon to bodily clear the table between him and Gasper, and a subsequent twenty-six to summon his wings and fly out of the library.
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sanoiro · 5 years
Lucifer Meta: The Definition of a Devil vs The Angels in the Show
Throughout the seasons we have asked as fans what makes Lucifer the Devil and the character himself has agonised over what the limits of his Devil nature. When I say limits I mean what defines him as the Devil. 
Is it his Devil face or his actions? In S3 his angel wings had Lucifer confused over what he was now while at the end of S4 he self materialises as a demonic being... Yet the questions remain. Why is Lucifer the Devil?  
In 3x11 Amenadiel mentions that Lucifer is evil something that irks the second. Here likes the main problem. Lucifer never viewed his actions as evil but to a point justified. Even in 4x06 when he breaks Julian’s back, his reasoning is that as he is not in Hell anymore, his divine punishment extends to the Earth’s realm so he cannot kill but can severely punish. No matter how flawed that logic is, later on, Chloe becomes his wake up call. 
Chloe: “You were going to hurt him and you wanted me to leave because you knew it was wrong.” 
Lucifer: “No. Because you've made it plainly clear that you can't handle who I am.” Lucifer in 4x07 is the Lucifer of 2x06 where he tries to punish himself but he gives an explanation to Chloe that is only partaly the truth. The truth was that he knew it was wrong but neither of them could handle who he was anymore. That is apparent by the end of 4x08 where Lucifer tells Chloe that he does not like how she views him and the same goes for Eve.
So for the third that what defines the Devil? Why Lucifer is the Devil and what makes him so different from his siblings in order to be the Devil?
In an old post, I had said that Lucifer might be the perfect medium and almost as human as they can come where Angels are concerned. Additionally, Lucifer was the only one who was so bothered by the lack of free will not just his but Eve’s as well and in an extension of all humans. 
Lucifer’s concern is also what differentiates him from his siblings. In 3x26 we see Lucifer saying at Amenadiel what the second was preaching in the Silver City between S3 and S4. 
Amenadiel: “l- Oh, come on, Luci, I'm the foremost of God's angels. I can't just intermix with these humans, like-” Lucifer: “What, like me? Yeah, don't worry, Brother. I mean, they are absurd creatures, but sometimes they surprise you. You should try talking to one. See what happens.”
The connection between Lucifer and humanity is a rare one and is usually absent from his siblings. Lucifer can be cruel but also has shown great compassion and even has forgiven humans whereas his siblings abide by only one rule. Do not kill a human. Everything else is a fair game.  
Also Angels in the series do not appear to be exactly virtuous and we have seen in two instances how Angels prefer to not meddle with humans as they see them not just beneath them but simply irrelevant. Just think of your Father’s prized petunias... You wouldn’t care less if a spontaneous hail destroyed them as long as you were not deemed responsible. 
In 3x20:
Lucifer: All that trouble for one ordinary human? Amenadiel: Yeah. I mean, it would have to be one very bored or deeply confused angel.
In 4x07
Amenadiel: I used to be just like you. Looking down on humans as if they were ants. But we need to realize that we are not above them. Remiel: I am above them.
Looking back we have seen several Angels coming in the series or at least mentioned. 
Linda: What about Michael?  Amenadiel: No. Definitely not Michael
-Why does everyone have an issue with Michael?-
Gabriel Lucifer: Hmm? Gabriel. Right. Try lending him some money. Your tune changes rather quickly.
-So Gabriel is a compulsive gambler or something? I guess he only visits when he needs money... That’s so... not angelic... -
Amenadiel: He miraculously takes a soul from Hell and tries to kill Lucifer. Up until S3 he believes his actions were justified, that he was different from Cain. 
Uriel: Without a direct order he steals Azrael’s blade, beats up his older brother and is ready to obliterate his own mother while he decides to go as far as killing a human but indirectly using his power of patterns. He would have succeeded if  Lucifer had not descended to Hell to get the formula. 
Azrael: She appears to be a sweet Angel but we have to realise that she collects souls, she has no issue to lie and loves to manipulate people, including her brother. 
Remiel: Young but in her opinion, it’s okay to kidnap a half-celestial baby which she will get her hands on after she carefully cuts the mother... Not because she cares about the human but because killing a human is not allowed...
If we compare Lucifer to his siblings we will realise that they are all cruel to an extent and all equally flawed with the big difference that Lucifer is the only one that has experienced guilt. 
We can call Lucifer the overthinker of his family as in the tv series is the only Angel in existence to start helping people without a direct benefit. Even his egocentrism when it comes to the cases it derives from his Angel self where Angels would never help an ordinary person... 
Thus when Chloe comes to the conclusion that Lucifer is an Angel not that he was an Angel she is absolutely correct. He is still an Angel but has evolved from that not degraded as many believe and Chloe would have been horrified to find out that Angels are not as virtuous and good willing as many believe in the series universe.  
Ella: The devil's supposed to be pure evil, right? But he started out as an angel. You can't start good and the turn all evil. I mean, that's what they want us to believe? Chloe: You're right. He's an angel. In conclusion, if we examine the whole series we will find that Lucifer has been the most compassionate and forgiving Angel in existence in the series but the way he expresses that is often mistaken as him being rogue. 
He is not perfect nor pure but unexpectedly he is his Father’s son...  
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