#I had a hard time deciding if Munakata should be the rat or the deity but there aren't enough named S4 characters :P
ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
Fruits Basket AU for the S4 crew.
Maybe in this AU they’re cursed to turn into animals when hugged by anyone, since there aren’t that many girls around XD Imagine Munakata as like a high ranking member of this super powerful family, the family deals with various different government agencies and Munakata is specifically in charge of this police force type entity. He’s also one of the members who has been cursed to turn into a member of the zodiac when hugged by anyone, Munakata is the Rat and for that reason he’s always been seen as like this perfect entity, the one who arrived first at the feast. Munakata accepts all this praise and pretends that he is faithfully serving the family head, Kokujouji, but really he has a poor opinion of the curse that’s been laid on the family and has been secretly trying to find a way to end it.
To this end he’s begun gathering up the other members under his service, like Awashima is the Boar and works as his right hand. Akiyama is the Sheep, Benzai is the Tiger, Kamo is the Dragon (and cute li’l seahorse), Doumyouji is the Monkey, Enomoto is the Rabbit, Fuse is the Snake, Gotou is the Ox and Hidaka is the Dog (obviously). He also finds Yayoi, who is the Horse, and Zenjoh, who is the Rooster. The strange thing with Zenjoh is that there are rumors he isn’t even cursed anymore after all, but came along when Munakata requested it. Zenjoh was a companion of the previous Cat, Habari Jin, who was cursed to be locked away all alone, and according to rumor it may have been Zenjoh himself who killed Habari and that’s why he died young.
Of course as part of his quest to figure out how to break the curse Munakata also needs to seek out the person cursed to be the Cat. He’s heard rumors that it was the child of this branch family called Fushimi, except that the person indicated as the father is dead and the mother, Kisa, claims she has no child. Eventually of course Munakata finds out that Fushimi Saruhiko has left the family compound and been living with this other influential family group that’s at odds with theirs, a group known as Homra. While Yata knows that Fushimi turns into a cat he doesn’t know the real curse on Fushimi and why Fushimi never takes his bracelet off, or why Fushimi always goes quiet when Yata says they’re going to be together forever. Fushimi’s been told since he was a child that he’s a monster and he’s afraid that if Yata finds out Yata will reject him. That’s when Munakata appears, knowing full well what Fushimi is and what his fate is supposed to be, and makes him an offer: come with me and we will find a way to break this curse.
Fushimi goes with him, feeling like Yata cares more about family head Suoh Mikoto than him anyway, and maybe he even reveals his true form to Yata after the whole betrayal scene. Yata pulls back in surprise and Fushimi takes that as a rejection, assuming they will be enemies from now on. But maybe Homra in general play the Tohru role, like Mikoto and Munakata are also butting heads a lot and Mikoto knows about Munakata’s secret (maybe he was also once part of the larger family and rejected them to make his own) and figures someone needs to make sure that guy doesn’t do something he’ll regret. Meanwhile Fushimi joining Munakata’s police force leads to him interacting with more people who know his secret and who initially are wary of him because of it but then start to become close with him, and soon everyone is trying to find a way to break Fushimi’s curse in particular.
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