#I like starfee too
t0t3-blog · 6 years
I just found your blog and I love it I can't wait to see hopefully more of your starfee baby I already want to know more about her and her family
Her story....actually, her parent's story is so difficult and bad they must hide it. Now that im here, imma tell you.Star was three when an intruder, toffee, came in to the castle and murdered both of her parents as a revenge of how badly they treated monsters and took away their land. Star was handed the throne at a young age but she then decided to move to earth to take a break from the kingdom when she turned 12. She stayed there a year (like in the show, also, she was binded by the blood moon with marco) but soon had to leave when she got the message that toffee launched an attack on mewni.She unfortunately left earth to fight on this war and leaves marco behind, scared of what would happen to him is she brought him. This war lasted 6 years straight. She came back to marco and asked him to marry her but it was too late. Not only was he already engaged but the person he was engaged with had recently died (jackie) he rejected her offer.Back in mewni, she couldnt risk on sending more of her men to attack toffee's campwhere all the monsters were, so she had to make a decision....Either she kills toffee and makes this more complicated and put all of mewni in risk of monsters murdering the people as an act of revenge or....Marry toffee and unite monsters and mewmans together (she is 20 btw, an adult)Toffee seeing how he can take advantage of this and agrees, and both get married. Marco isnt happy about it tho, he becomes a drug addic and alchoholic to deal with depression. Star tries to talk to him but soon get in an argument where he yells at her "I hate you!", Devastated, she goes back to mewni and marco is sent to a hospital.Later on star loses 2 kids during her pregnancy due to "Accidental" Falls and hits on the stomach, toffee never know. She get pregnant again, this time, she manages to protect herself and gives birth to sweet peony. Toffee, after her birth, started falling in love with star after seeing how gentle, kind, loving, caring and sweet she really was and started treating her like the queen she was, Making star fall in love with his kindness and all. The rest is them just living like a family, but things will change when peony hits her 15th bday because not only will she find the truth but star will get pregnant again, this time....she doesnt know who the father is
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