#I mean I wasn't exactly an immediate stan of the movie tho Tim Curry was obviously phenomenal but like.
james-stark-the-writer ยท 1 year
okay, so, a YouTube video I was watching just made a Rocky Horror Picture Show joke so I decided to go actually listen to Time Warp outside of the context of the movie and the song has such a fun structure and it's so weird and wild and it's like genuinely fun to listen to which is so fucking funny to me because when I first saw the movie, it was the song that made me want to turn the movie off (the one that really tested my patience was the Hot Patootie Eddie song bc it was just doing nothing for me and its place in the movie didn't make sense to me but I did watch the whole movie still lol, I was just not a fan of a lot of the ways the songs were used). Time Warp is a song that is really good and cool that is actively worse in the viewing of the movie (at least for the first watch)
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