#I was reading a very good analytical post about like...how Mikami perceives himself as capable of acting unilaterally on G-d's behalf
dykelawlight · 7 months
If I could go back and rewrite Who Shall Be Debased or if I ever write another fic about Jewish themes in Death Note I would have to focus on the specifically Talmudic nature of Mikami's obedience to what he perceives as the will of G-d lmfao because in what other religion does one hear "Do not cook a young goat in its mother's milk" and interpret that as "Do not eat any meal containing even trace amounts of dairy within six hours of eating a meal containing even trace amounts of meat or vice versa, also you should maintain entirely separate cooking supplies, plates, and silverware for these things at bare minimum (plus an extra set of each for meals that do not contain either milk or meat) and if you would really like to go the extra mile maintain separate ovens and separate sinks for them as well." Truly the "we kill people who have been charged with or witnessed committing crimes" → "we kill anyone who has ever slacked off at work starting today" pipeline in action
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