#I wouldn't worry your head about it Dorian it's not going to be a problem for you most likely
the-tharns-speak · 2 years
What’s a magicka wave? - Dorian
Two magicka sources, such as aetherial wells, orbiting each other cause magicka waves to spread from them, like when you throw a big stone into calm water. These magicka waves warp time as they pass.
Have you ever seen a lute being played? Or another string instrument? When you pluck a string, it moves rapidly in waves and it makes a sound by vibrating the air, so you'd say that this string wave warps sound. Now imagine that this string is magicka and instead of a string it is the entire world, and instead of the sound it warms time, and also the whole thing smells of lemon and horse sweat. That is magicka waves.
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