#I'm blaming that spineless king viserys too
thecountesstribe · 1 month
I got a few things to say and this might be a long rant. Spoilers below and please understand that I'm following the show's timeline not the book. There are also some book spoilers as well.
Aemond Targaryen, Daemon Targaryen, Alicent Hightower, Otto Hightower, Aegon II Targaryen you'll all pay for your crimes!
PSA for all the people that need to hear this, AEMOND TARGARYEN INTENDED TO KILL LUCERYS VELARYON. I REPEAT, AEMOND TARGARYEN INTENDED TO KILL LUCERYS VELARYON. If you think otherwise I need whatever alcohol you're having. He was directly responsible for getting Lucerys killed. He was chasing and antagonizing an inexperienced rider and dragon, on an old war dragon (who apparently likes standing on business) during a storm no less, what did he think was going to happen? “BuT VHaGar" nothing! Yeah that old ass lizard wasn't listening but Arrax in a scared attempt was trying to protect himself and Luke. He stole Vhagar when they were younger, claimed it, got jumped (which was the funniest shit though), beat up his cousins in that same fight and was about to bash in the head of the next heir in line to the throne when his feral little brother cut out his eye. Which he himself said was a fair price so there was no reason to be harbouring that animosity towards his nephew and allowing him to live rent free in his mind. He won in the end; the fight when they were children and the oldest, largest dragon. Aemond is one of the few people directly responsible for the suffering of our sweet girl Helaena and her children. You'll pay for your crimes!! I'm not going to say he kick started the dance he just fast tracked it.
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DAEMON TARGARYEN IS AN ABSOLUTE VILE PIECE OF SHIT! Look if you read the books and watched the show you'll know that this man isn't a ray of sunshine or a breath of fresh air, I'm sticking to the show timeline, he's an absolute ass. Good father and semi decent husband aside (the bar and standard for both those claims are in the 1000th level of purgatory btw) he's a vile piece of shit. Sure it's just Daemon doing demon Daemon things anyway but BLOOD AND CHEESE? BLOOD AND FUCKIN CHEESE?!!! And the one that has to suffer for it is Helaena and those babies? Go after Aemond and euthanize him, not after Helaena and her kids. He's trash. He knew they didn't deserve that.
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Alicent Hightower is a bitter hating ass bitch. I'm not sorry. Otto raising her aside, she needs to pay for her crimes. Alicent knew good and damn well that Viserys didn't want Aegon on the throne. So what did she do? Help her father usurp the throne. It was a fickle reason for her usurping the throne too. Realistically speaking that wasn't to protect her children. She just hated Rhaenyra and couldn't stand the fact that she was to be crowned. Not accepting the marriage proposal between Jace and Helaena because she was bitter was dumb as hell too. Putting her disappointment of a son on that throne, who is also a rapist was/is bound to end in shambles. She's also directly responsible for Helaena suffering as well. Marrying that poor girl to him even if it would've made her his queen.
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Otto Hightower is a bum. He's a manipulative piece of shit and he deserves the absolute worst. Why would he do that to Alicent? She got stuck with the asshole for a dad and he suffered his daughter which in turn suffered his granddaughter and her children. For all his cunning and brains he didn't have the merit to do it on his own. So he unwillingly involved his daughter to put a green on the throne and they chose the worst of the worst green too. He orchestrated their own downfall. He'll pay.
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I don't even want to give that bum a spare thought but AEGON II TARGARYEN IS FILTH. There isn't anymore to say. He wasn't a good husband, certainly not the father of the year, he isn't a good king and he's also a rapist. He knew he wasn't supposed to be on that throne. He said it himself. Instead of growing a backbone and standing up to his mother and her entourage, he decided to play a major role in usurping Rhaenyra's birthright. Which was reaffirmed again and again and again. He's responsible for his suffering and the suffering of Helaena and his children, the ones he claimed and all his other illegitimate ones. Rhaenys should've ended it at his false coronation. He needs to pay.
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All in all, Helaena doesn't deserve anything that's going to happen to her and her children. Jace, Lucerys, Rhaena, Baela, Joffrey, Aegon III and Viserys II didn't deserve to get wrapped up in it as well. They were kids. If Alicent wasn't hating so hard and had raised those boys with a shred of decency we could've seen one of the best eras to come out of a Targaryen dynasty and I'm not talking about if Jace did indeed marry Helaena (wouldn't necessarily have been possible either cause book spoiler, Jace and lucerys were already betrothed to the Targaryen twins since they were kids), I'm just talking about all the kids getting along and being friends. I want a slice of life hotd now 😭
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