#I'm glad to have all this info somewhere easily accessible now! It was mostly in the mind bank
eldritchships · 10 months
Olesborn is a custom F/O I was gifted in 2019, by a user who remade and now is no longer active. As such, the original posts with his information are deleted, although I still keep Olesborn as an F/O. Here is the original information, scavenged from old screenshots and reposted verbatim. (Disclaimer: If the aforementioned user ever returns, I will gladly take this post down if requested).
Name: Olesborn (pronounced All-es-born)
Age: Alien ages are weird and it's hard to pinpoint exactly the year but he's most definitely a matured adult, perhaps even middle aged to some.
Appearance: A tall, refined, bright red alien with two sets of narrow yellow eyes. His hair/tentacles on his head always look slicked back to make him look more...noble? I guess? A couple rows of teeth. VERY defined cheekbones if that's what you can even call them. They look like they could CUT. His other sets of teeth are retractable and come out when he's threatened (or just scared lmao). He wears a cape and the mf collar is POPPIN. Wears a black vest over a button up and his dark red boots, made of scaly creatures from another planet, have got HEELS.
Occupation: A conqueror in the Sennox empire. He's basically the one that rolls up like "Your planet and resources look pretty good. It would be a shame if someone were to........completely take over and use your resources for our cause without much care for the people."
Interests: Talk shows, the finer things in life, clean sheets!!! And wandering around admiring his work. He likes to walk around and take jabs at his prisoners just because he's feeling arrogant.
Info about him: Olesborn was born on a very insignificant planet with insignificant farmers that did only just enough to sustain the population on their cold little blip in space. A lord of the Sennox empire stopped to demand food and noticed the boy, and immediately took a liking to his curiousity about what the Empire was all about.
The lord, convinced he would be useful, gave his parents an ultimatum. Give me this boy and I will spare the planet. There were no qualms from Oles' parents, much to his horror. He knew he wasn't the most useful to those on the planet, because he often got sick from the climate, and he pled that he could do better from now on. One less mouth to feed, the colony agreed. His fascination with the Sennox empire faded immediately and he tried to fight. He was taken without much effort despite his protests, and he was enlisted as the low of the low in the military. He then rose in the ranks through devoted work, and became a high ranking commander with his own fleet of ships, which now raze colonies for all they can give. He is saving his home planet for last.
Olesborn is arrogant in every way of saying it. He gets bored if a hero tries to talk to him and he just has them shot mid-monologue because he is so tired of them TALKING. He speaks in a very formal tone and uses big words to seem more intelligent. For the most part his subordinates think he's really smart, but officers his rank or higher think he's just pretentious. He gets really giddy after a battle he wins, so don't be surprised if he bursts in to swing you around and dance with you while he hums his own little victory tune.
HE HAS TRIPPED ON HIS OWN CAPE MULTIPLE TIMES IN FRONT OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE. One soldier laughed and he had them executed with their own gun before pretending it never happened.
He's a stupid, affectionate man and would love to have you sit by his side while he holds you. If you pet his "hair" the little tentacles curl around your fingers because he's enjoying it. He purrs when he's being tended to affectionately, and will return the favour 10-fold.
His marriage ritual would be something similar to the one in Mass Effect where they partake in the bonding of the minds??? But instead of just becoming one for a short span of time, whenever your partner is in pain, you also feel phantom pains because of how closely you're bonded. It's really special!!! And probably comes from the same planet where he got his boots (Elvaron)
Sometimes Olesborn wears two sleeping masks for his two sets of eyes for bedtime. But he'll take them off if his partner's there, because he wants to be able to see them when he tries to sleep
He tries very hard to look smart and sophisticated, but toast popping out of the toaster would scare him so bad that all three rows of his teeth would come to the forefront out of momentary fear.
The man has this big glass dome in his throne room that has a door he can open. When it opens you can see out into space. He'll let his partner sit in his lap on his throne while he tells them about his plans, while the both of them look out at the beauty of space through the dome's roof.
He cannot cook.
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